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Children of the Night(open)

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Luna kept watch over the young ones as the sun began to slowly rise. She frowned, "Curse that retched sun!" she thought. She looked towards the children, she remembered when she was small.

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"BY THE ORDER OF CELESTIA , HALT !!!" Blue streak had enough information that he knew he had to stop her. He pulled out a odd gauntlet that had electricity flowing through it . "And don't think I forgot about you , bronze shine ! Luna I hope you know that you're harboring a criminal and fugitive ! And now you must stop and go back to canterlot !"

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Blue streak caught the weapon and punched him in the skull at bone shattering speeds . The gauntlet did its job and dosed him with an almost lethal shock . He then proceeded to break both his wings and dislocated the mid-joint marine style . He then cast a spell that would trap him in a semi dome un breakable cage .

"I am authorized to use full force princess , so I suggest halting this entire operation ... NOW!"

He looked up at some flying gaurds .

"Good , back up is coming..."

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( a little less power playing in the future pleas. ) bronzeshine sat there on the ground, stubbornly refusing to lose cautiousness. his hoof was burning the same one that he had covered with a bandage. it the cloth away and reveals a symbol on his hoof. Dishonored_hand_symbol_vector_by_marekmaurizio-d5hss5w.png time stopped passing as bronzeshine entered his mind. "no.... not now. " a ghostly apparition appeared before him. a Pegasus clad in blue robes. in his minds eye bronzeshine stood up. " what is it now dad? " the stallion pulls back his hood and says. " you are a star wielder. you can call upon the sin of your for fathers to give you aid. " bronzeshine imeadetly refused him. " no! I am my own person now, if I use this gift then I will become a thief again. " his father speaks up. " and what's the alternative? spending the rest of your life in prison, having this new colony fall apart and Luna removed from the throne. " bronzeshine looks guilty. " fine then. " he recites a poem carried through his family. " from the sins of my fathers to the sins of my heart. I call upon your aid to give me a boost. until the end of time I will answer the call, because I am a starweivers and star weavers don't fall. " his vision shifts to a white nothingness. bluestreak appears before him without any gear. because him and blue were taken to a different world, bronzeshine had a dark look in his eye and held his sword as a black engraving similar to the one on his hand covers the blade. " hello, blue. "

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((But corvo IS basically so powerful he can stop time !!! :( ))

For some reason , blue streaks armor disappeared ! "Hey ! How did yo~ wait a minute you follow the outsider ! HAH ! You're just a puppet used by the outsider , and guess what !once you die your soul is going to be tormented for eternity ! HAH and your powers are cheap rewards for a cult . How about this you fight me without using your powers and when ever you want to go back to the real world , I'll make your death quick , sound good ..."

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(...Hand? Lol)

As time stopped Silver and seeker didn't. They had broken the rules of time itself and it didn't help that Silver could perform time spells when she had assistance. Silver was still looking around for her back but did notice the black and white area around them. Seeker was too distracted with her self given task to find wood that she didn't seem to notice. Silver looked at the stallion in armor and wondered a few things about him. Why did he seem magical? Why was he hunting bronzeshine? What in the name of Twilight did he even want? She was so confused.

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" outsider? your smarter than you look. my family since the beginning of time were like the royal family. both magical and physical. somewhere down the line we started stealing things from other nobles and we were cast out. but we stubbornly held on to our magic. this outsider you speak of. yeah we all turn into that after we die, its a sort of purgatory between life and death. in olden times we used bone charms and runes to hold our magic, now its just branded onto us when we are born. my father is the currently the outsider, but his power is failing. so in a way I am the next outsider. and if your wondering were you are right now. your in my diminution, a place were my family all spend there afterlife. here I retain a godlike control of the landscape, and I cannot die. so just try killing me." said bronzeshine as he stood on the only cloud in the sky, which was just ten feet from blue.

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" well technically. I am a manifestation. my true form is that of a great leviathan at the bottom of the sea. I have never been in control of that form as that happens later in my life cycle. " said bronzeshine feeling like a god in training.

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Mirror Reflection gazed down at the approaching guards and the scene going on with Bronzeshine. Usually in a situation like this she would have already thought up a scheme and would boldly rush towards the offender, but a rare moment of fear overcame her. The guards were just so big and powerful! They were only pegasi, but what if they could see her illusions, what if they took her away and locked her up forever?! She froze, trembling, and began to shuffle backwards, away from this fright, but ran right into Luna. She cowered next to the dark princess, her hooves over her eyes. "Make them go away, make them go away...." she babbled to nopony in particular.

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" ok enough fooling around. " bronzeshine closes his eyes in concentration and suddenly every pony nearby is drawn into the demention. time flows regularly the children and the princess are on a flat bed of rock floating in space and suddenly a mountain juts out of no were and hits the guards. not lethal but the headaches and cracked ribs they will wake up with are no laughing matter. bronzeshines eyes twitches with effort. " not sure how long I can entertain all of these guests. " the mountain shifts and protects the space between the colony from blue streak and bronzeshine . a train comes out of no were without tracks and is on a collision coerce with blue. a blood vessel in bronzeshines eye pops.

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" not yet... " suddenly blue streaks shadow comes out from under him. it stays completely flat but when it punches blue it hits with the same bone shattering force that blue hit bronzeshine with. the mountain in between them and the colony crumbles into gold dust as bronzeshine loses the ability to keep it there. " I could use some help guys... "

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Luna comforted Mirror. "Shh I will make it go away." She cooned. With that she flew above the two a little ways off the ground, then slamming into the ground between them causing a large tremor in the ground. Using her voice she used when threatened she looked at Blue. "You will leave here!" She said in her voice, that sounded corrupted in a way.

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the land that was hit with the tremor starts crumbling in a similar fashion to the mountain. bronzeshine screams in pain and the entire place shakes like an earthquake. " GAHHHHHH! don't do that. " said bronzeshine as he tried to strengthen the ground below all of the friendly pony's. he could send blue streak back but he kept him here as to beet him up so he couldn't hurt any of the pony's once they were back.

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Mirror's panic was eased a bit by Luna's soothing voice. The little unicorn uncovered her eyes and watched intently as Luna faced the pegasus guard. The guard couldn't disobey the orders of one of the princesses... Could he? Mirror shuddered at the thought. Anypony who tried to face Luna in a fight was pretty much doomed, she was sure. Mirror's thoughts kept swirling as she watched. Her bravery was slowly restoring itself, and she stood up to get a better look, stumbling slightly as a huge tremor shook the ground. I should help. was the thought that flashed through her mind. But how? she stared at the face-off below. Perhaps he'll be confused if I transform into Luna. He won't know who to face. But what if that guard hits me? I don't want him to break my horn and everything else! her thoughts raced. She nodded to herself and hopped along a wobbly path of floating stones, creeping her way down to the battlefield. Once Mirror reached it, she slunk up behind Luna and put up an illusion of her likeness around herself once more, and stepped out from behind her. She so enjoyed the baffled look on the guard's face, as she always did when pranking somepony.

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Luna looked over at Mirror with a worried look. She wasn't about to blow her cover but if he hit her..She turned back to Blue. "What now oh faithful guard?" She began to circle the guard, having Mirror follow her. "Which one which one?"

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"I don't know who wants to get shot ? " he said pulling out a odd contraption . He pulled a trigger and a thundering boom exploded in everyone ears .

"And besides whoever is the real alicorn can take the hit but , if , I don't know , foal gets hit ,all her internal organs will be painting the floor ..." Bronze shine's power was weakening and his armor was returned to his body . His helmet built around him again and lit up .he targeted all the ponies and took out a scroll, and kept it close just in case...

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ooc: Might want to tone down the violence factor a bit, guys, this is a site that younger people look at, and we're not on 18+. Just a little warning/suggestion. :)

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