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Children of the Night(open)

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both of his wings were dislocated but had somehow popped themselves back into shape. he had some internal bleeding and a concussion. also burn marks patched all over his body from being electrocuted.

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Luna stood up. She would have to use all her concentration to do this. She closed her eyes tightly, channeling all her energy into her magic. Opening her eyes, they were a bright white. Her horn was glowing furiously as she began to heal Bronzeshine.

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" great! " said bronzeshine as he laid back down. he talks to the rat in charge. " thank you Charles. you services will no longer be required. " the rat nods and a black hole forms it the ground. all of the rats jump in it and is closes. " are you alright princess. you don't look so well. "

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*there sleeping ! This is my chance !*

Blue streak military crawled due to broken legs . Gasping for air he pulled out a needle with a cutting edge serum called morpheme . He stuck himself with the object and kept on crawling , that's when he snapped a twig ...

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bronzeshine stirred in his sleep. " Charles. could you check on that? " out of the brush two dozen rats of differing size come out. the terrifying swarm seeks the sound of the noise. these rats were likely to consume any hostile that they found. act fast!

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Mirror nodded. "No problem, I'll get right on it." she said, rushing off. When she returned with a crudely carved wooden bucket of pond water, she was surprised and confused to see Luna giving orders to a swarm of rats. The rats then proceeded to pick up Bronzeshine. "What's going on?" Mirror asked, staring inquiringly at the rats. However, before she could be answered, Luna healed Bronzeshine and the rats disappeared into a spontaneous black hole. Weird. Mirror was snapped from her confusion as a twig cracked, and she turned to notice the blue pegasus crawling towards them. Just about everypony had fallen asleep, and Mirror had to admit that she was pretty tired herself, but she and one of Bronzeshine's rats raised the alarm, waking whoever was sleeping closest to the edge of the group.

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bronzeshine awakens with a jump. " huh. " he looks around and sees the source of the alarm. his rats start attacking immediately biting and clawing the mercenary. bronzeshine himself runs up to blue wile yelling " yeaaaaaaaaaaah! " the he punts blues face like a football. enjoying himself all to much.

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bronzeshine just about closed the distance between them. "noooo. he got away." bronzeshine looks up. " blue! if you know what's good for you you'll stay in whatever dark hole you just went to! " then bronzeshine walks over to a tree sits down agents it and goes back to sleep in the daylight. his rats spreading around to look for any more intruders.

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Ooc: im sorry for not posting yesterday, I went on a trip to Great escape

Luna awoke, it was time to raise the moon. She flew up, her horn glowing. The moon rose with her and she flew through the sky bringing the stars out.

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( how dare you live your life! ( : )bronzeshine squints his eyes. " well time to get started. " his rats had found a stream and a batch of apple trees to the east. so he set off with a large sack and bucket to collect some for the group.

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a few minutes later. bronzeshine leaves a map with the river and food circled. a sack filled with apples, a bucket full of water and a note. the note says. " bluestreak is still a threat. I have left to go find him in canter lot, and I will try to convince him to stop this. if I do not return, then you know of my fate. "

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