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Harry Potter? Glee? Darren Criss?

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Yes, those three are relevant. Though I will make seperate threads later, if need be. XD

If you like all three, cool. If not, come and go as you please, or when the conversation bored or doesn't bore you. XD


Topic One: POTTERMORE, HPDHP2, A Very Potter Musical/Sequel

Topic Two: Glee Season 3, or Glee General, Glee Live, Chris Colefer, The Land of Stories

Topic Three: Darren Criss, his music, Blaine Anderson, performances


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I watched part of the first season of Glee. Then my friend's DVR died and we lost the episodes we still had to watch. Or maybe the season ended... Anyway, just kinda stopped, because I don't have cable. But, I have seen AVMP and AVPS. I enjoy both, but the first was better. I DID know that Darren Criss was going to be on Glee though. I like the Harry Potter movies, but I haven't read the books. When HP was at it's hype, I wasn't allowed to read them so I never really got into it. But I think Luna Lovegood is my favorite character.

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I love Harry Potter- read the books when I was really young and got scared to death of them. Still nice books though. I'm patiently waiting for DHP2, and I have to say this thing about a musical sounds stupid. I've never watched Glee. Or listened to... Who?

And I don't understand how these are linked xD

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I love Harry Potter. I'm waiting for the last movie to come out, and then so I can buy it on DVD. I dunno much about Pottermore, though, but I've heard about it. Seems to me a lot like a Potter-themed Roleplay and Fanfic site, which seems pretty neat to me! Never seen Glee, not really interested in it, though.

I have no idea who Darren Criss is, though. :D

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