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Canterlot High: Freshman year


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Richard walked through the main hallway, his hands in the pockets of his black hoodie and hair combed to the side with the hood over it so that hopefully no one would recognize him.

When he got to homeroom (Which we all share), the teacher, Mr.Fancypants, immediately recognized him.

"Mr. Grayson. Is it really appropriate to wear a hood in school?"

Richard sighed and took the hood off as several kids shouted "That's Bruce Wayne's adopted son!"

He then rolled his eyes.

Then a smartmouth decided to open his trap.

"Hey, pretty boy, how much lunch money you got?"

Of course, Richard was a smart mouth too.

"Enough to pay the rent for the car you live in."

Fancypants shot a look at both boys and directed Richard to his seat

(EDIT: Can the mods move this to Free For All)

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Hurrying anywhere in heels was usually a mean feat for any other girl. Not for SG. She swiftly navigated the hallways with ease in her spiky stilettos and actually manged to make it to her homeroom in time,

A mean feat for her, considering she had a tendency to be late. Especially on her designated heel days.

She paused outside the door to quickly switch her shoes out with some more 'school appropriate' ones and stuffed the heels into her bag. She sauntered into the classroom, bringing with her, her signature fruity smell, and smiled at her teacher - she couldn't remember his name but it didn't matter much.

She delicately shimmied around the desks and dumped her back at her seat, before carefully arranging her skirt as she sat down. She bent down to retrieve a nail file; until something caught her eye. Maybe he had been here for a while, or maybe he had just moved here, but SG was sure she'd never seen him before.

She pulled out a notebook and ripped a piece of paper out, scrunching it up. She waited til the teacher - what on earth was his name? - had turned around and flung the paper at the boy in the black hoodie, hoping to get his attention.

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SG raised her own eyebrows as she peered at him, tapping one foot on the floor. She surveyed the boy with narrowed eyes.

"Relax! I just wanted to know your name, that's all," she said, sweeping her hair from her eyes with a wave of her fingers. "Forget it then, grumpy," she added with an airy laugh and returned to her manicure.

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Marco sat quietly watching Mr. Fancypants lecture, simultaneously listening to the students beside him chat. Reaching down to pick up the piece of paper, he turned and looked at the two. He heard the other students whispering about Waynes adopted son, and wanted to meet him.

On the crumpled up piece of paper, he wrote a small note saying to meet him after class, and slid the paper onto Richards desk.

(Sorry for not putting more of a description for my character.)

Edited by Marconominov
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Pitch sighed as he sat in class. He looked down once more at his apparel. Today, he was wearing a black skirt, sort of the same colour as his skin, matched with a heart set on a portion of the bottom, as well as a slightly-darker-than-his-skin pair of boots. Definitely one of his better agreements. Besides, he was promised enough money for that game he wanted to buy. He wondered why he still received these requests at this point, considering how often he does it. Honestly, it honestly felt... fitting on him, odd as it may sound. Besides, he DID have the general appearance of a female, so anyone who didn't know him likely wouldn't find anything odd about it.

He watched as Richard came into the room. As much as he had no animosity toward the boy, he had to admit the boy's smugness did leave a slight negative impression. But, as always, he gave a kind wave as the boy entered, with a kind smile on his face. He paid no attention to the usual whispers and words on the billionaire's son, as he resumed focusing on the usual classwork. His boots lightly tapped on the ground in slight boredom as he resumed his work.

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"Grayson huh? Doesn't ring a bell," Sugar said airily, not bothering to acknowledge him again and certainly not bothering to keep her voice down. Out of the corner of her eye she could see another boy passing this Greyson fellow a note made from her paper-missile. She found herself wondering what it said. She peered at this other boy with interest.

Thinking on it, she didn't recognize any of her classmates and made a mental note to at least try and make some more friends. Or at least make an effort to remember their names at least.

So, lo and behold she put down her nail file and actually began to listen to what - Ah! She remembered now; Fancypants! - had to say while hoping to catch some student's names. She felt the urge to yawn and stifled it, knowing this was going to be a long day.

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Marco continued to watch Fancypants, who droned on In the same old boring fashion as always. Marco had found a clean black t-shirt he could wear. He had his favorite pair of black cargo shorts on, complemented by his favorite pair of boots. He usuually kept his long auburn hair in a tight ponytail, but he wore it loose for classes.

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a pair of earphones and hid them in his long hair. Looking around to see if anyone noticed, he continue to blankly stare towards the front of the room.

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Brass gathered his tools and put them in his bag. "blast this is the third time this week. time to make a replacement." he muttered to himself putting his glove on his copper hand then rolled down his sleeve to cover the rest of his fake arm. He left the stall and went into the empty hall. he was late... again. He started heading to his locker where he had a couple doctor notes to excuse his tardiness. when he had the note he made his way to his class. he opened the door and handed his note to the teacher then sat in the back close to some one he never meet before he must be new. "You must be new." he whispered to him "Im brass bolts and you are." he said reaching his right hand out then retracting it then held out his left hand. "whats your name?"

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Richard read the note. He didn't have to become Nightwing till Sundown so he looked at Marco

"Lunch, Don't expect any autographs. Bruce is a busy man so I can't exactly take you to meet him."

Richard looked at Brass, happy to finally see a civilized person in the room.

"Richard, Richard Grayson.", he shook the hand out in front of him.

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Sugar sat quietly trying to observe the classroom environment and learn as much as she could. Admittedly she was more interested with the students rather than the class, but learning was learning, right?

She thought she caught the name Brass ... Something - and that sounded vaguely familiar to her. Sort of. She groaned in frustration inwardly. How come it had never occurred to her to make friends before this?

Maybe she should introduce herself at lunch and skip her beauty session in the bathrooms ...

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"Richard, nice to meet you. If you need a watch or something fixed you can come talk to me I fix all sort of things..." Brass said to Richard as his right arm locked up on him again. "Blast, look do me a favor and sit back here and cover me I need to hide something really quickly."

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Pitch watched as others came in, and resumed with talking and such whilst Sir Fancypants spoke his words ever so elegantly in front of the class.

... Pitch actually kinda likes literature, as you can see.

Anyway, being in their earshot, he leaned forward, and said, "Hey... do you think you guys could be quiet while the teacher is talking...? It's real disrespectful to talk while he is..."

He'd point out Marco, but he knew he couldn't expect something like an ipod to stop being used by a student, and he had learned not to be a snitch and tattle. His missed education was his problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time Spinner was directed to the room called...homeroom. He was from Italy and didn't know that much about american schools. He certainly had no such thing as a home room. He wore a grey, short-sleeved, button up shirt with a small pocket watch sewn onto his collar. He wore blue jeans and had round black glasses. He stood around looking at the class room, really confused by the room.

The girl who had directed him here had long blonde hair and wore a purple dress, she had a coin design on her dress and was certainly beautiful. She looked up at the teacher with shining purple eyes. "Mr. Fancypants, this is the foreign exchange student, Time Spinner." Said Coin Snatcher.

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