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Have you set your notifications? If not, you will not receive them by default.

To set notifications, open the "My Settings" menu (which is one of the options that can be found by clicking your name in the top right corner of the site). Once there, click where it says "Notification Options" to the left and you should come to a screen that looks like this:


Here you can set your notifications as you desire. To get notifications whenever someone posts in a thread you follow, make sure you check the first selectable box under "Notification List" as I have in the above image. You need to follow threads to get notifications from them using this setting though; to follow threads, click where it says "Follow this Topic" at the top right of any thread. You can, alternatively check where it says "Auto follow topics I reply to" to automatically follow every thread you post in.

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are you actually following your threads when you make 'em? Cuz... if you aren't, you're not gonna -get- notifications. For that matter, you're not following this thread, so you're not gonna get notifications from it.

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Usually when you post to a thread you automatically follow it, but not always. In addition to what Phil covered, another possibility is that you have your brower's settings set or have an extension that blocks javascript, which will severely curtail any notices you may receive.

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