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First Week of School


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'Not so I horrible at magic but one of my friends taught me a levitation spell so passing out treats would be easy. I said a little shocked and embarrassed at Fires comment. 'How bout we get going I think you'll like them.' Peach said as she stood up and started to hobble to the door but looked back to see nopony was up yet. ' What's wrong if you don't want to meet my friends just tell me.

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Lemon greedily scarfed down his pieces of pastry once they were passed out.

Streak coolly nibbled on his, inwardly savoring the sweet flavor. He had been a bit surprised that he had so willingly been greeted by the group, but didn't outwardly show it.

Peach mentioned her friend, and Lemon groaned loudly.

"Aw, no, not Stardust! She always tries to bedazzle my boots or stuff me in a frilly hat or something." he complained.

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' Thanks Fire, Why can't you be more optimistic Lemon but you can go to somebody else while anypony that wants to meet my friends can follow.' Said Peach huffly as she walked back to the other fillys and colts. 'Also your all invited to my party this weekend!' Peach said passing out invites.

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'Did you even listen will you were eating I told you it's my birthday.' Peach said hotly. 'Oh well let's get going how bout we start with a pony that's a strawberry farmer named Strawberry Splash!' Peach said with a little squeal and started to hop away not waiting to see if the other ponies were following. (( Sorry it took so long 3 tests tomorrow and had to study along with sports and homework from 3 honor classes so it took awhile but you didn't have to wait for me. :). ))

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((Who is Rise? You're playing as Hatchet, remember? :/ ))

Lemon fluttered along above the group.

"Oh, good, we're not going to see Stardust after all! Splash is fine.... She has a cool pet." he remarked with a shrug.

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'Don't worry Lemon of course we'll see Star but first we'll see Starberry then Ink okay.' Peach said with a mischievous grin as she turned to look at Lemon but heard Fire talk and turned around sharply but fell over in mid turn.'You've never been to a birthday party! Well we'll just have change that.' Peach said trying to stand but fell again and couldn't get back up.'Somepony help me!' Peace shouted as she saw that everypony was walking away.

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Lemon chuckled as Peach helplessly flailed her functional legs around in a failing attempt to stand up.

"You look like a turtle!" he laughed.

Streak, following silently behind, couldn't help but let out a bellowing laugh of his own at Lemon's remark.

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"Not exactly sure why Plum Gum set this assignment up... They're always telling us we have to wait, be patient, blah blah blah, what makes her think it'll all happen within this week?" Lemon muttered ponderingly, soaring ahead in a burst of excitement nonetheless. "But I bet my boots I'll get it first!"

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'Thanks.' Peach said sadly accepting the hoof of her friend.'Well my talent is baking I think.'Peach said softly but nopony seemed to of heard her and she started walking with her head down after Lemon's comment.

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