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Aru's story ((jump in i guess?))


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the second she touched it she stepped through it she was in an odd room of the temple with a pedestal in the middle the pedestal had the mask of the pony she'd met before being sent here except the red part was. there was a colt near the pedestal

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the colt didnt seem to notice her. the walls were covered with the same mirrors as before except Moon could not see herself in them only a strange colt mangled and hung by the neck the colt picked up the mask hesitantly"i-im sorry.............dear sister.........i-its the only way i can save you" he said putting the mask on cringing as it began to merge with his skin

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the cape themasked pony wore grew from his back and he scrempt in pain as blood flowed from the eyeholes dying the white half to red. the blood kept dripping like tears of scarlet the mirrors then cracked as what he truly feared to become he already had he was now the black jester "i-i c-can s-SaVe hER nOW W-WItH t-THis N-NEw P-PowER I-I wiLL BriNG hEr BAcK HA HAhahahahaHHAhaHAhahahahahahah" he said seeming to grow insane

((i dont care you kinda put yourself into a spot where nopony can do anything to him))

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he was simply standing over the dead body of a filly "ComE BaCK tO mE dEAr siSteR" he said as the body began to rise as the filly was revived even under the mask the filly recognised her brother "B-BROTHER!! w-what happened!? why am i here!?

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"b-brother......p-please tell me...no you didnt" the filly said her voice quivering in fear "y-YeS i uSEd FAthErs MAsK To BRInG YoU bAck" the colt said before the filly hit him "y-YOU IDIOT D-DO YOU KNOW WHAT YO-" the filly was inturupted "HoW dArE YoU ScOLD Me YoU wIll Be PUnishED" he said before pinning her down and ripping open her chest with his bare hooves

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he continued to devour his sister ripping her limb from limb as her screams of agony echoed through Moon's mind. as he ripped the filly limb for limb eating the skin then the meat under it after all that was left of her was her blood stained bones he began to lick the blood off of them "i StIlL hUnGEr" he says coming across a warehouse familiar to moon

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