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[Cloudsdale] Music of Empty Halls


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Zephyr caught wind of Starlight's nervous moment. She had always displayed unwavering confidence, and while he didn't know her that well, it still felt weird to him at first thought.

"There's no need to be nervous."

Zephyr smiled somewhat nervously at Starlight.

"Just... sing for them like you did in here. Everypony is going to love you and your singing! I've no doubt in my mind that you'll... knock'em, um... off their hooves."

The other thought was racing through Zephyr's head nonstop and making it hard to focus. Zephyr didn't even know her that well... The feeling it made in his stomach was agitating and annoying. He wanted to make it go away, but every time Starlight spoke, it came back.

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Madden's ears were flooded by the amazed and shocked response he expected to receive from both Starlight and Zephyr. Madden closed his eyes, smiled, and turned to his side as they expressed their humbleness. He then understood Starlight's concern for the details. He saw her sit down at his table in all of her seriousness. "Listen, now..." Madden tried to explain the details before Zephyr butted in with his supportive comments.

When they were both done talking excitedly, Madden knew that they had no idea what they were doing and decided to try to keep it as simple as he could so that they could understand. "Look, ponies, everything will be fine. We can sort all of the details at the event. Just make sure you're not late." Madden reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out 3 bit coins and slapped in onto the table he was sitting at. He then picked himself off the ground and hovered just above the others. "It'll be fine, Starlight. I'll see you at the South Auditorium at five." Madden was about take off, but then stopped himself. "Oh, and for the record, I hate jazz." Madden flew off into a random direction.

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Star blinked and nodded her head happily for it seemed like a more proper place to talk about it there instead of here. "Alright... I'll be there. Thank you again for this chance." She dipped her head multiple times as she listened to what he had to say. Her heart was almost literally bursting with the excitement of being able to perform at such an event. "I shall keep that in mind for you then..." She watched him fly off before turning and looking at Zephyr.

"Zephyr!! We did it! Oh my gosh!! I've got an actual gig!" Her eyes were sparkling with her mirth as she pawed at the floor and her wings kept shifting and moving in excitement. "Thank you thank you!" She gave him a hug before trotting off back to their table to finish enjoying their own drinks and plan out a song choice.

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Her first real gig and Zephyr was there to witness it. He knew where the south auditorium was too. As Madden left, he looked at Starlight, who was glowing with excitement from the news. He was happy for her and watched her as she displayed her excitement.

Without any warning she gave him a hug. He had never been embraced like this. To any on-lookers, it was just a normal hug, but to Zephyr, it was something more and special. Everything paused for him, he didn't hug back, he wasn't even sure what to do, he just lifted his wings and froze. It seemed to last much longer than it did. Unfortunately not long enough, when he finally thought to embrace her back and brought his hoof up to do so, she was not there and was walking back to their original table. His hoof just stayed in the air for a moment before realizing what was going on. Zephyr wanted another hug, it removed the annoying feeling in his stomach and gave him a nice feeling that made his fur stand up.

When he finally brought himself back to reality, he trotted over to the table with Starlight.

"What song do you think you're going to sing? I wonder if it'll be a song you've never sung before."

Zephyr took a sip of his drink and just thought of something he had heard about.

"Oh, um! I'll pay for your food. It's no big deal."

He was happy he remembered reading about how stallions should pay for a mare's meal when they were eating out together. He couldn't remember what book it was though. Maybe it wasn't a book and just something he had overheard...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Starlight Melody turned her head to the side, tapping a hoof on the table lightly as she went through her mental list of songs. "Well... I'm actually not sure just yet. Either way... it shouldn't be too difficult." That mental file was still sorting through all the songs she had already practiced and gotten down. However none of them were 'amazing' enough to perform at the South Auditorium.

"Huh?! Oh wait-!" The young mare blushed as Zephyr had offered to pay for the meal. "You don't have to. I can take care of it myself..." It wasn't that the thought wasn't appreciated by her, but it just felt a little odd to have some ponyelse paying for what she had ordered. However she had this feeling he would insist upon it and smiled softly. She'd pay him back by treating him to a nice snack later instead and not worry about him paying anymore.

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Zephyr began to wonder why she wouldn't want him to pay for her order. Sure she could take care of it herself or she wouldn't have ordered. His mind raced with both good and insecure thoughts, though mostly the latter. He shuffled his right forehoof slowly on the table.

"Well I was just thinking it would be a nice..."

He was interrupted when their orders were brought to them. The waitress placed their plates on the table with a kind smile and said "Enjoy your meals!"

Zephyr smiled and thanked the waitress and turned his look back to Starlight. "So what I was saying is... um..."

'Oh horseapples!' Zephyr thought. His nervousness finally caught up to him when he realized he couldn't remember what he was going to say. He slumped his head down with disappointment, averting his eyes from hers.

"I lost my train of thought."

Zephyr didn't want to look so foalish and tried to think up a way to change the subject. He sprung his head back up quickly, looking at Starlight, and spoke faster.

"Uh, so what's the plan after this? Should we both go to the south auditorium together or do you have other things you need to do first? Um... hmm, I can escort you there... err, but you probably don't need one. I mean... I'll do whatever you think is best."

'I must sound silly to her. Who needs an escort in Cloudsdale? It's so easy to get around. That was a silly thing to say. Why am I still freaking out?' Zephyr was somewhat hoping Starlight had other agendas so he could get away from her for a bit to compose himself. With all the excitement that was going on and his jittery stomach, he was a little frustrated, mostly with himself.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Starlight watched him get so fidgety and nervous and fought to keep back the bout of laughter that threatened to escape out of her control. "I'm sorry... I'm sure it will come back to you when something sparks your memory." She assured him with a soft response before sampling a bit of the meal she had ordered before taking a proper bite. The young mare could tell the young stallion wasn't used to a social situation like this and she herself was fairly new to this experience.

"The plan? Hmm... I'm not sure actually." Her head looked to the side as she tapped a hoof to her chin in thought for a moment. There wasn't much that had to be done before the small event she was to perform happened. As far as she knew there would be some practicing she would need to do and maybe looking into a nice outfit. Then again she knew very little about the event and didn't know how to prepare herself for it.

"Well... we should just head to the auditorium like he asked us to. Once there it should be easy to figure out where to go and what to do. How does that sound?" She asked him with a glittering sparkle in her eyes. After all, she was just a humble pony with a big dream and one that didn't have much to do at this time of the day.

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Zephyr knew what he wanted to say to Starlight. A date, just a nice dinner and a walk. What a question to ask when he had only just met her. He played out possible outcomes to the question in his head, each one ending up worse than the last. The thought itself was mystifying. Him, with a nice pony like her. If she knew his secrets, would she want nothing to do with him? He ate his sandwich in silence at first, using it to curb the frustration whirling around in his mind.

His eyes would periodically glance up at her, and during one such moment, she was looking at him. Wow those eyes could melt any heart, he thought. He couldn't believe the silly and cheesy thoughts in his mind. It was probably that silly book he was trying to read. Some romance novel he couldn't pronounce the name of and had no idea what the book was about before trying to read it. Not that he understood half of it, too many big words he didn't know the meaning of. He figured he better answer her question, so he finished swallowing the bite he had...

"I think that's a great idea Starlight. As soon as we're done eating, we'll fly over there." No way he could ask her to dinner. He thought it best to let that thought subside for now. There was just so much else going on, she'd probably think it was too sudden anyway. Zephyr had thought it himself. He was just excited to see where things would go.

[[ Continued in A Birthday Invitation ]]

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