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The Lunar Republic[See OOC to join]


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((Alright, I just thought we needed some filler until the battle actually started.))

Twilight's vision was slowly coming back to her. She woke up in some kind of dimly lit cell. She sat up and rubbed her head, looking around to find Octavia also unconscious in the cell. "Tavi...Tavi wake up!" she said frantically and she shook her.

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"I will take credit for that my dear." A dark voice sounded from outside the cell, the figure remained cloaked in the darkness. "Whos there?" Octavia asked standing up. "Oh dear Octavia thats not for you to ask, haha, and what about you my dear princess. Any questions you might want to ask." The voice sounded again.

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Twilight quivered in fear for a moment, then stood up tall and put on a courageous mask. "Do you know who I am? I am a princess if Equestria, and if you do not explain yourself this instant there will be consequences!"

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The walls and cell bars light up with purple flames, "You have no power here deary. My magical abilities have progressed to rival even Celestias. Besides, dont you want to know why your here?" The voice practically yelled and then settled when asking the question.

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"Hes using us as a diversion so he can get away if the battle goes for the worse for him." Octavia said with an angry look. "You see, Firestorm will be taking on Killjoy, Shining will be busy helping his troops, and Slipknot will challenge Drop shot. And the number of captains I've arranged to take care of any other feeble friends. Guess who that leaves to rescue you two?" his voice had an evil glint in it

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"Likewise." Octavia said stepping forward. "You see, they both posses a threat to my victory, so i will lure them into a trap. You two being the bait of course." he explained. "Once their backs are turned... well yyou know the rest. Thou Traxs Shadow wolf that lies within him may be a problem and Souls anger management problems will be annoying..... nah they'll die the same." He said subsidely. Octavia froze about the mention of the Shadow wolf within Trax, nopony else is supposed to know.

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