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The Lunar Republic[See OOC to join]


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Soul flew to the top of one of the ladders as it was going up and grabbed on. The ladder reached the top and Soul instantly jumped onto the wall, engaging the Republican soldiers waiting on the wall.

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Firestorm looked on helplessly as the mass of forces were breaking through, he knew well that the defense of this city would be hopeless.

The battering ram broke though the gate, Killjoy and Canterlot forces poured into the gate to meet the Republican army.

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"Olaf, make a hole to the wall." Trax yelled, A big unicorn turned and charged his horn. He then pointed at the wall and fired a giant blast of flames straight through dozens of republican troops and destroyed a section of the wall. "Now!" Drop shot yelled as the remaining assassins sprinted into the city and began to fight the soldiers inside. Trax ran into an ally way jumping off the walls and killing soldiers as he did. He entered onto the main street, looking up to the castle he made out the figure of The Overlord standing at door he had lost his cloak and hood and had his Armor on, four claymoors hung on his sides, he pulled them out with his magic and readied them as Imperial troops ran at him. The Overlord deflected their attacks and killed them as he just walked through them with ease. Drop shot had found Slipknot killing canterlot troops, "Hey Slpiknot, go again?" he lunged forward and clashed with him.

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Killjoy just walked in and cut down two soldiers and picked up a Canterlot soldier's shield, The potion Magic gave her was letting her wield her sword with one hoof. The sight of Republican blade set off the madness inside her once more filling her head of angry memories and the sweet feeling of revenge after every kill. she was once again in bliss while she hummed the same tune in the battle of Canterlot.

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Slipknot looked up at Drop Shot. "You coward, I knew you would betray us." He pointed his twin blades at Drop Shot. "I hope it was worth it, because I'm about to skin you like a freshly killed deer."

Soul hopped off the wall into the city and found Trax. "I was wondering when you'd show up." he joked while killing more soldiers.

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As Killjoy slashed through the soldiers like butter and the blood covering her armor and face, she couldn't help but start laughing. The insanity rushing through her was giving her the best enjoyment of what she was doing. Her humming got louder and her fighting style once again changed making her look like she was dancing somewhat.

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"Heh we tried, come on, Me and you against the Overlord. Up for it." Hes asked killing two behind him and firing three arrows into three republicans behind Soul as he ducked. "A this rate our reinforcements wont be enough to take the city."

Meanwhile up the street the Overlord Spotted Trax and Soul, "Finally." he said slicing through several ponies at once.

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Killjoy looked around "ohhhh Chrysie, where are you...?" he voice echoed through the city "You and I need a...talk." she said giggling sadistically as she beat a Republican soldier with her shield until he died.

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Magic still gave the soldiers a painful death, but shorter. "When am I gonna kill whoever killed LUNA?" He screamed. At the last moments of most of the soldiers life, the scream was so loud he almost made them deaf,

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((Killjoy isn't exactly insane, she just goes into a blood rage))

Killjoy kept looking around "where are you Chrysalis...? you can't hid forever." he giggle became a laugh that again echoes through the city

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"Lets dance." Drop shot said unsheathing his sword and charging.

Trax nodded "Lets go."

Chrysalis followed Killjoy keeping her distance, she would wait for her to be weakened by Firestorm first.

((Killjoy beat firestorm first then u can kill Chrysalis.))

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Firestorm was slashing through imperial and Chrystal soldiers until he found killjoy "Killjoy...Maybe this time you will actually die." he said in a serious tone.

Killjoy looked back at Firestorm "well isn't it my big Brother...I'm back." she started giggling again

Firestorm looked puzzled, he didn't know that Killjoy goes insane in battle but it was strange because when she saw him before she was fine.

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