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The Lunar Republic[See OOC to join]


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Trax growled, "Keep them out of this." he said angrly. The Overlord laughed, "I dont think your in the right position to give orders. And besides, I cant kill them when theyre asleep, Wake up sleepy heads." he taunted as he shook the two mares awake.

"Huh whaa.. Trax!'' Octavia screamed out.

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"Soul!" Twilight cried out as she awoke. She frantically tried to cast spells but found that she had somehow been rendered unable to do so. Soul was even angrier now. "I'm not going to say it again, let them go now!" Soul said, almost shouting and pointing his blade at him.

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Killjoy "Rash...rash?" she started laughing maniacally "you want me to be rash after you killed the only pony I held close to my heart and you ask me to be rash?" she asked with an insane tone as she grips her shield tightly getting ready to beat Chrysalis to death with it.

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The Overlord smiled, "Alright, here you go." he turned around and cast a spell on them both, their eyes turned a dark purple and the binds were set loose. "Heh now you have a choice, kill the one you love or die by their hand." He started laughing with evil as Octavia and Twilight stepped forward. Trax stepped forward to Octavia, "Tavi wake up its me." he said lovingly. Octavia smiled then kicked him in the face, Trax could dodge and deflect her attacks.

"They will only be released once they deal a killing blow by the way." The Overlord called out.

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Killjoy was now near Chrysalis looking at her scared face, the fear on her face gave great pleasure to killjoy "you do know I will enjoy this right?" she asked coldly

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Killjoy grinned as she took her shield and slowly walked up to Chrysalis raising her shield and strike it down hard into her face then shoving the end into her leg.

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Chrysalis screamed in pain giving Killjoy great pleasure and enjoying her revenge, she might take a while. Killjoy grabbed her broken wing and started pulling upwards slowly ripping it off, Killjoy heard the cracking and tearing sound she was waiting for and laughed at Chrysalis's screams "you weren't using this anyway" she said giggling and then shoved the wing into Chrysalis's mouth slowly chocking her with until she her muffled screams ceased and her body went limp. Killjoy got up and just stared at Chysalis's corpse greatly please with her work and fulfilled her need for vengeance.

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Soul knew Twilight couldn't be reasoned with. He had to think of a plan. "Only broken by a killing blow....." He thought. Then it hit him, a sly smile coming over his face. "Come get me, Twilight!" Soul taunted as he took flight. Twilight shot beams of magic strong enough to kill at Soul. Soul kept dodging and taunting Twilight as she fired wildly around the room trying to hit him. Soul then looked to the Overlord. "Please let this work." He whispered before flying right in the Overlord's face. When Twilight fired at him, he quickly moved, causing the beam to hit the Overlord.

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A bubble of magic deflected the blast to Soul, "That wont work Soul, you see its the killing blow to you that will stop it." he laughed again. Trax slid back from Octavia, he thought to himself, if they were to win they had to die. Trax shook his head of the thought, no, they couldn't could they? He loved Octavia more than anything. Octavia leaped at him again and they fought hoof to hoof.

((Hey Soul, Im goin to have drop shot sacrifice himself for Trax here soon so try and make up your own way with twilight lol good luck.))

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((Ok, that's probably for the best anyway since Soul needs to kill Slipknot anyway.))

Soul looked at Twilight, still driven insane by the Overlord's magic. He had to think of something else. He continued to dodge the deadly magical power coming from the crazed Twilight.

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Killjoy was still looking down at Chrysalis's corpse as all the thoughts of relief, sadness, and satisfaction of Revenge. She looked down at her hooves covered in both Firestorm's and Chrysalis's blood as her mind thought of "What now?" her lust for revenge left her not time to think of what she will have to do after this battle "Luna is dead,What will happen to the Nightwatch? I will have no where to go...." her mind now filled with concerns for the future.

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((So it dawned on me, why not retire our current characters, and make new ones to began their lives as part of the Nightwatch. Killjoy, Soul, Trax, Magic, and Star of course shes still young so she could be the new Captain after Killjoys retirement. I was thinking a time laps of about 18 or 20 years. All new characters in their late teens. I have two new OC's that i can enter in, come on why not? A new storyline, a new enemy, and all new wierdness. Whatya think?))

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((or have Killjoy be the all time head of the Nightwatch since Luna is dead because lets face it, Killjoy can't retire...the civil life will make her go insane, I have a few more Oc's to use so I don't mind that))

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((Killjoy should totally become an alicorn princess and replace Luna........ :P))

((I'm JK, but for real I guess we could make a sequal to this. I have some OCs I could use. But what's important is that we wrap up this RP first.))

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((Trax is 28 in human years, how old is everpony else?))

The OverLord sat perched on his Throne as Trax and Soul fought against their mind-controlled loves. As Trax defended himself against the one pony he loved most he thought desperately to solve this. But the end result was always reclusive, as slid back from blocking against Octavias powerful round-house kick, he knew inside his heart what he had to do. He flipped out a dagger and pointed it at her, The Overlord watched hoping he would kill her, but as he flipped the knife and struck it into his chest close to his heart, The Overlord became enraged.Octavia was released, she flinched at the sight as Trax fell over. The world went slow as the Overlord got up, Octavia rushed to Trax, crying out desperately. Almost like a whisper in the wind Traxs voice entered into Souls mind, "If you truly love somepony, you'd sacrifice everything for their happiness. Even your own life."

((Go with it dude i have a plan for this.))

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Soul heard Trax's voice in his head as he watched him die. He shut his eyes and let his words resonate in his head. Finally he turned back to Twilight and they glared at each other. As Twilight charged up another spell, Soul turned his sword on himself and ran it through his own chest, falling to the ground. The spell wore off and Twilight saw Soul and screamed in horror, running to his side crying hysterically.

((I would say he's about 25))

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The Overlord stood stunned and enraged at this, "NO No... No this wasnt how it was supposed to be." He looked at Octavia, he picked up one of his claymores and slung it towards her. Octavia braced herself for it, above, a window shattered as Drop shot dropped in front of her. The claymore stuck into his back going through, he looked up to Octavia and smiled, "Old feelings die hard heh?" He fell over dead instantly but acted as a cover, Octavia had drawn Traxs bow with two arrows sending them at the Overlord, they struck his chest, running through his heart. He stumbled back and died falling into his own throne. Octavia turned back and remembered the Shadow wolf was still inside him and Drop shot, it finally snapped on her. "Quick, Twilight, bring Soul over here now! I have a plan." She called desperately.

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((Killjoy is like 28))

Killjoy slowly walked away finally getting enough of seeing Chrysalis's corpse and grabbed her sword out of Firestorm and sheathed it watching all the Republic soldiers being cornered and killed off. "we won..." she whispered. Killjoy looked at the Imperials and crystal soldiers taking prisoners, her mind still rushing with maddening thoughts. She heard the yelling and screaming coming from the tower and slowly walked towards that direction.

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