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The Lunar Republic[See OOC to join]


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"Not me, you, I need you to transfer the magic trapped inside Traxs right eye and Transfer it into Souls wound. Then do the same with Drop shot to Trax, please, you can do it I believe in you." Octavia explained.

((So alright 20 years time laps will work. Soul can become The Battlemaster or Trainer of new recruits. Star can become the new Captain since shes young. Killjoy can be named The High General of the Nightwatch. How about that? Trax and Octavia are gonna retire and start a family in canterlot, they'll both help with the training and still be in the Story just like everyone else now, but the plot will be more focused on The New Generation. This is gold.))

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(Magic's like 11. I can't express my feelings about the time lasp thing, but there bad. But hey, looks like I am overvoted.)

Magic's potion he had drank earlier, the taste potion, was a failed one. He didn't kno, but he passed out on the ground.

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Twilight's horn lot up as she focused all of her magic on the ponies. She slowly drew the magic out from Trax's eye and wove it into Soul's body. She proceeded to do the same with Drop Shot and Trax. After a few minutes it was finished. Trax and Soul's bodies simmered in magical light.

((We should also consider opening a new thread once we're fully wrapped up here.))

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Magic eventualy woke up, only to be captured by soldiers. "Ughhhhh.." He moaned, trying to pull a potion out of his bag. Then he relisied, his bag had been stripped and he was in chains. He screamed in terror.

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Star had a thought. "Magic....." she said and ran out the door but popped back in a second later "i'll be back in a minute." she said running outside and hearing the scream "now is that a crazy scream or a help me scream.... probably help me scream." she decided and ran towards the sound

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((I can do that for us but i feel that too many people will present problems especially with those who are chaotic in nature,))

Trax gasped for breath and began to breath steadily. Octavia pressed closer to him. Outside the City was being calmed by the Empires forces, only small scattered republican troops who did not surrender still raged on.

(( I got it, Name Twilight Queen of the republic and the Nightwatch with them, Kinda like a Phoenix from the ashes.))

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((We could make it a private RP so nobody else will join us. Also, I'm not sure about Twi leading the Republic. The republic is essentially dead. Besides, I was thinking about some future plans with her and Soul.))

Soul slowly opened his eyes and looked at Twilight. His sword was laying beside him rather than impaling him. His wound was no more. He reached a hoof out and touched a shocked Twilight's face. He smiled at the purple alicorn. "Luna said hello..." he quietly said to Twilight, who instantly burst into tears and embraced Soul.

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"I-I was fighting them, a-and I passed out, and the-they-." Those were the only words Magic can sputter out.

(I think we should have a new leader of the night watch and/or republic and just continue the rp. Maybe Luna can be ressurected)

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