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Cloud Crossers Is Looking for Two Teammates!

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I would like to begin some role plays centered around my pony Flourish's cloud writing business, Cloud Crossers. A very important aspect of this pony's life is not only to run her business but to have great friendships with the other two members of her team. I imagine them being a really tight group and doing many things together besides working at Cloud Crossers. Originally I was going to design these other ponies myself but then I thought it would be so much more fun to have other people play the other ponies! :D

Flourish and the other two ponies live in a barracks style dwelling on the edge of the fields of the Saddleveil Plains near Baltimare. Full info on the residence and other useful info can be found here.

I thought once the team of three is formed we could plan some really fun RP's surrounding Cloud Crossers.

If you are game for this and already have a character that has been approved and would fit well then you can respond here or in the PM to me. If you would like to create a new character for this then please PM me to let me know you're working on a character for have approved for WoE.

The only necessary feature of those on the team is that they be either pegasi or griffons since wings are essential to the business. ;)

I'm really looking forward to this so I hope to get at least a few responses. :D


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