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The Fire Within


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(I'll try if no one else is going to step up.)

Celestia came in then. Why did it have to be now? His sword was in his hand as soon as the zebra had knocked her arrow. He let some fire magic through, making it appear in a blazing ring around him. He wasn't going to let her harm these ponies, not if he could help it. Miro was trying to get them to run. He ignored this, as did Dust and the zebra. He never abandoned his allies.

"Pyro, I see you have changed sides on me. Pity, you were my favorite guard. And you Miro, were you planning on leaving me?" Celestia said after reaching the group.

Pyro's only response was a growl and the ring of fire becoming slightly taller. The others were conversing about something, but at this point, the only thing he was paying attention to was Celestia. Dust lunged at her, but Celestia deflected the blade with her magic. Pyro attacked next, creating spouts of flame that all headed towards Celestia. Those too were blocked by a magical barrier around Celestia.

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Pyro went from across the room to right next to Celestia in an instant using teleportation. As Dust aimed for her eye, Pyro swung as hard as he could towards the side of her neck. The two swords connected with the barrier at the same time, distorting it from the strain. Ultimately, though, the blades were repelled, leaving Celestia with a shallow cut on her neck and a bruised eye. The blades were launched back by the field snapping back into place. Pyro used the momentum created to swing his sword with even more power, connecting with the field on the other side of her neck a second after he had been repelled the first time. This one did better, creating a deeper cut. It was also repelled before it could do too much damage though.

Obviously angered by the two swordstallions attacking her, Celestia blew them away from her with a magical shockwave, which knocked Pyro into the far wall. He recovered quickly, but not quickly enough to avoid Celestia's next attack, which slammed him into the wall again, this time powerful enough to leave a dent in the wall from Pyro's body. It hurt badly, but he couldn't give up. He teleported behind Celestia and tried once again to hit her with his sword. This attempt left a cut on her flank, but nothing serious. Pyro's anger was proving to be an asset, as it not only dulled the pain, but increased the power of his attacks as well.

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He grunted as he was thrown away. His front left leg hit the open door of a cell and bent around it with a sickening crack. Screaming in pain, but still refusing to back down, he raised the sword with his remaining arm and pounced on Celestia, bringing the blade down on her spine.

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Dust was behind her as well now. His attack at her spine left behind a cut, but nothing more. Celestia turned, a wall of flames following her turn. Pyro disapated the wall using his own fire magic before it reached either him or Dust. Celestia's barrier appeared to be weakening with every attack that hit it. Pyro swung his sword again, it's arc traveling towards one of her wings. The barrier collapsed much farther before repelling the blade, leaving a gash halfway across her wing. Then Celestia's first physical attack caught him across the face, which sent him sprawling into the cell with the two guards. His sunglasses were inside the cell, on the far side of it. His red eyes were blazing with anger. Celestia needed to die, and she was going to by his hooves. Pyro charged again, bringing his sword into a powerful slash, fire engulfing the blade halfway towards Celestia. The attack left a burned area across her chest, with a cut in the middle of it. The barrier offered near to no protection anymore, and Celestia was considering escaping while she still survived. Her next attack was a back kick at Dust, and a shockwave attack at Pyro. Pyro staggered backwards, as his anger had taken over his magic and had created a shield around him.

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Pyro almost couldn't hear the zebra past his anger. She was right, they needed to leave. Dust and him were wearing her down, but how long could they last with the wounds she was giving them? He didn't want to leave, but they needed to. Celestia dodged Dust's stab and punched towards Pyro. He brought up his sword to block, and her shoe collided with his sword with a clang. Pyro stepped backwards from the force before, in a series of teleports, he grabbed his sunglasses and the others in the group. As soon as they were all together, he teleported as far as he could, which was, with this many others, the edge of the castle grounds. In another teleport, he had them in the city. He released them then, breathing heavily from the exertion of teleporting so much and the pain from the fight as it slowly grew.

Celestia was furious. Not only had one of her own guards turned against her, he had released all her captives and slaves that were down in the dungeon, and then he had the nerve to attack her and leave with her personal slave. She walked back to the throne room, ignoring both the pain and the looks the other guards were giving her. When she sat on the throne, she called over the captain of the guard. "Find them. Pyro has betrayed me and has taken my slave with him, find them." She commanded. The guard bowed before leaving to get to work. Pyro was going to die for this, she would make sure of it. That entire group was going to die, but his death was going to be much more excruciating.

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He ignored the girl and instead took the peace to stab his sword into the ground and lean on it to hold his arm, which was in the worst pain he had experienced in over a decade. The bone was obviously snapped in two, and he blenched in pain when he touched it. After a moment, he recollected himself and spoke up. "I didn't die though." He said with a forced smile.

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