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My Little 'Minecraft' (Open to all that know the game!)


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Creepalina rushed along at the urgent tone in the colt's voice, stuffing the meat he gave her into her mouth and hurriedly adjusting the helmet he placed on her head.

"So, uh, what'sSs thisSs plan?" she remarked as she followed Dashing.

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After Dashing got what he wanted, he dashed out of the cave, made 64 ladders, and made a rooftop for his house. Dashing then began carefully placing the obsidian in the correct order, until he finally finished. "Ain't it beautiful?" Dashing said, then noticed he was alone. Then Dashing looked through his inventory for Flint and Steel, but couldn't find any. Dashing then hopped downstairs, and made himself Flint and Steel, and hopping back up on the roof, preparing to probably be the first pony to step in the Nether in this world. Once Dashing lit the portal, a giant flash happend, and the portal was alive. "Wait, why did the portal make a giant flash!?" Dashing says, as he readies his sword. Then, a pony hops out of the portal, and looked injured. Dashing went to lift the pony up, but the pony looked straight at him, with his all white eyes. The first thing Dashing thinks is, "Herobrine!" Then, the pony vanished, only to leave a sign saying, "You don't know what you did..."

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((well here goes my sorry attempt to join))

Skyzipper woke up, as he tried to remember what had happend, he relived he had no memory of anything but his name. He heard shouting from nearby and wondered what was going on as he walked toward it. As he walked he noticed that the world he was in seemed to be made up of blocks

((that failed))

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(I will also try)

A little earth pony filly with a silver coat and pink mane woke up. Her cerulean eyes focused on the retro-styled world of blocks. Pure Mist stood up, looking at her hooves. They were infested with little pixels on her. She searched for her golden guardian, but he was nowhere to be seen. She had forgotten what even happened to get here. She slowly and unknowingly dragged her hoof on the ground. Suddenly, the block became saddlebag sized.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" She hyperventilated, wishing somepony could save her.

Faint voices echoed from a structure as she walked towards it.

(That was terrible)

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((Ill try as well))

A mare with a black coat ran through the deep cave. She finally stopped at the sound of groans and moans. She looked around, her panting didnt seem to stop. She took out her iron sword, and looked around. A zombie pony appeared behind her, with her quick reflexes, she quickly stabbed the zombie. Just then she heard a scream, and climbed out of the cave. "New comers?" she smiled and trotted towards the echos of the scream...

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As Red Snow kept walking she heard to Ponies voices. She hid behind a tree, just then she snapped a twig. She quickly froze, she looked around.... she watched the ponies and quickly climbed the tree and sat silent. She tried not to breathe too loud.

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"Sure, but you better catch up!" Dashing said, looking for any evidence of Herobrine. Dashing looked everywhere, until he stumbled upon a sign in front of a 2x2 hole that said, "Only a fool would enter..." Dashing then readied his iron sword, slowly advancing in the hole. But after a few steps, a chest was revealed in the right wall, and had a sign next to it saying, "You'll need this..." Dashing then opened the chest, only to find a diamond sword. Dashing quickly grabbed it, and tossed his iron sword to Cloud, saying, "You'll need a weapon to fight if you wanna live." Dashing then began walking down the hole again, slowly, and very focused to his surroundings.

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Red snow slowly followed behind them, sneaking very quietly. "They're going to look for herobrine? Thats stupid...." she whispered to herself and kept following trying to not make much noise.

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Suddenly, the cave began to shake, as mobs sprung from the ground. Then the 2x2 hole was now a 100x100 hole. "Go! I started this, and now I'm going to end it!" Dashing shouts, as he stands in position to attack.

((I kinda want my OC to fight Herobrine alone, because like I said in my post, he started, and he's gonna end it :) ))

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