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The New Generation


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A hooded pony stood in the Castle of the Two Sisters in the Everfree, starling down at the grave of Princess Luna. An evil smile came across his face as his horn lit up. Suddenly the stones and dirt that made up the grave were moved and Luna's tiara emerged. The graverobber dusted off old crown and placed it in his satchet. "Soulscream spared me years go...." he said to himself. "But it was a fate worse than death. The Republic is dead, all I've worked for is gone, I have nothing to live for.....until now." Slipknot removed his hood, his grey fur and blood red mane felt the cool night air. "I wonder how long until Killjoy finds out..." the unicorn said, grinning evily. His horn lit up and he teleported away to join his new allies.

((Slipknot is back! And he's with the children of the night. Dun Dun Dun....))

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((Slipknot Bucked up...))

Killjoy was sitting in her room looking over Luna's things and sighed "maybe it's time to go there for the first time in 20 years...." she said to herself as she got up and started walking out.

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((Saw it coming, and stealing the crown actually goes with it too.))

"Alright we are here, this tower is where all you will be staying." Octavia explained before opening the tower door, she lead them into a room that looked like a small house. The was a kitchen to one side, a couch and chairs for the living room and beds on the far side. "Welcome to your new home."

Trax lead the group on a walkway that ended at the door to the tower on the opposite side.

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After a long day, Soul was sitting on the balcony of his chambers, Twilight resting her head on his shoulder. "How was the exam?" she asked quietly. "We found some ponies, along with Gleaming Blade and Thunderstrum. We begin training tomorrow." Twilight smiled from hearing this, she loved Blade like another son, and he was like an older brother to Whirlwind. "What about you, hun?" Soul asked. Twilight waved a hoof. "Oh, same stuff, different day. We really need to do something about Whirlwind always running around in the throne room." Soul laughed. "Maybe we could let him stay with his aunt for a while? You always tell me how good a foalsitter Cadence was. Or maybe the girls in Ponyville could take care of him." Twilight also laughed. "Pinkie Pie would have a field day. I can't even begin to imagine." The couple nuzzled each other and continued to watch Luna's moon.

Slipknot was now far away from the castle, his loot safely in his bags. He sensed something strange, then smiled. "She's coming....oh, I can't wait to see how loud she screams." he said to himself, continuing towards the secret lair of the Children.

((Great minds think alike, Trax. :P))

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((oh dude she is going to do more than meltdown...))

Killjoy walked in and saw the site dug up and the crown missing. Killjoy felt nothing but complete Rage first growling then going into a spine chilling scream that echoes through the forest and could be heard from Canterlot. out her rage, she pounded the ground that made a crater into the stone floor. "I will find you!!" she yelled out into the sky making sure whoever did could hear her.

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Slipknot's ears perked up from hearing Killjoy's scream of rage, and he grinned satisfied. "About time..." he said, charging up his horn again and teleporting further away.

((I was thinking about Slipknot using the crown as fake evidence that the Nightwatch killed Luna to make the Children of the Night want to fight them. What were you thinking, Trax?))

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Soul and Twilight heard a faint scream ring out coming from the Everfree. "What was that?" Twilight said. "I don't know." Soul replied. There was a furious knocking at the door. Soul got up and walked to the front door, opening it to find Star. "Star? What are you doing here? What's going on?"

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((We're in Canterlot, the Everfree is miles away, it's already physically impossible to heard a scream from that far away, much less identify it.))

Soul turned back into his bedchamber and quickly put his armor on and grabbed his battleaxe, which he had been using instead of his sword for the past ten years. "What's happening, Soul?" Soul didn't answer. We he was armed he turned back to her. "Something's wrong with Killjoy. I'll be back." he said, kissing her on the cheek quickly before exiting the room. "Let's go, Star."

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Traxs ears went up at the sound, "****, you head to the tower and get comfortable." Trax flew with a hard burst of speed into the tower, he came back out carrying Octavia. He flew past a window where Soul was, "Soul its killjoy, I know where shes at come on!" Trax didnt wait for an answer as he sped out again towards the everfree.

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Gleaming Blade was confused, he looked to Thunder and Black. "What the buck is going on?"

"We heard it too. Let's go." Soul said, spreading his wings.

Slipknot reached the lair of the Children. It was a dark, dimly lit cave. He stood in the middle of the cave and looked around, nopony in sight. "I'm back, children." he said in a sadistic, motherly tone and smiled evilly.

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