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The New Generation


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Killjoy dropped the scroll "he will wish you did kill him when I find him...and he will see that letting him live was a kindness by the time I'm done!" she said gritting her teeth.

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"Then we have no leads." Soul said, turning away and looking at the sobbing Celestia. "Slipknot always was a crafty one." he said, visibly irritated.

"So...I brought you evidence that the Nightwatch need to be taken out. Time to honor you end of the deal." Slipknot said, his eyes landing on a black jewel simmering in purple and green magic locked up in a protective magic orb. "One step closer to my master plan" he thought, grinning evilly as he watch the jewel.

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Maple unlocked it with her own magic, as she did hooded figures lined up behind Slipknot carrying halberds shaped in a crescent moon. "You think I was going to let you have this? The only weapon that allows the holder great magical abilities of the darkness, you must be out of your **** mind." Her horn lit up as she electrocuted Slipknot to near death.

(( this can Slipknots rise as he escapes to follow the Children around waiting to get hold of the orb, he occasionally helps the Sentinels out so he can gain tht chance.))

Meanwhile in canterlot Black makes himself at home in the tower room. He wondered where the mares had gone, and it wasnt long before Viola opened a door from the stairwell yelling. "Hey roommates!" Black felt surprised as he could get a good look at her, She was beautiful.

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((Slipknot is very evil in this RP, so I doubt he's going to let him help the sentinels, since they will want to kill him anyway. But him getting the orb is important to the plot))

Slipknot fell to the ground, his body writhing under the electricity beating down on his body. Finally he gritted his teeth and his own horn lit up and the lightning was reflected back at maple. He shook off the pain and casted his own spell, causing large tendrils to emerge and bind Maple, one of them wrapping around her neck. "I don't care if you 'let' me take it or not." He said, his evil grin returning. "Because it's already mine." He looked at the jewel in it's protective seal. As he watched it, his eyes began to burn purple and green just like the magic surrounding it.

Gleaming Blade walked out of the shower, his crystal coat shimmering. "Oh, hey girls." He said, laying down on his bed.

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"I wouldn't even be here if not for Prince Shining Armor and Soulscream being brothers-in-law." Blade said, also smiling and pulling of one his crystal swords over and inspecting the blade. He grabbed a nearby cloth and began to clean it. "He gave me a chance to be more than just a boring old crystal guard, so Soul took me as an apprentice and I became the first crystal pony in the Nightwatch."

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Black stayed away from the group as they chatted, he liked being shrouded in mystery. Viola stepped forward to be with the group, "So you two are already trained? My father gave me a couple lessons but i dont if im very good."

Maple cast a pulse spell releasing the binds, the cloaked figures stepped forward readying their weapons. "What will you do with it Slipknot?"

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"Apparantly we need more training if this project is going to go over well." Blade said. "Not going to lie, Thunder, sometimes I've considered myself lucky that I wasn't Killjoy's apprentice."

"I'm going to bring him back." Slipknot said grinning. "The one who will deliver us all. The one even Luna and Celestia feared." His eyes glowed violently with purple and green flames. He looked away from it for a moment, and his eyes returned to normal.

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