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The New Generation


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Gleaming laughed as well. "I can only imagine. Soulscream wasn't the most lenient instructor either. I heard stories about what they used to do, they must have been a sight to behold in their prime."

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"I heard the General took a Greatsword in the chest and survived, and her body is covered in scars from war." Thunderstrum said almost praising because of how much he looked up to killjoy "and apparently Soul was there when it happened and saw her battle scars."

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((stupid spelling check... fixing...))

"yes. i was pretty.... energetic. between taking care of Magic and bothering Soul i barely had time to sleep." she joked. "oh and Thunderstrum isn't it? i was there to. nasty shock when i saw the sword in her chest." she said

she crouched enough for her to roll over her back as she knocked a colt out "that's right, you don't know me. so you don't exactly know my skill." she said efortlessly dodging an attack and turning it against the filly who had delivered it. 'names Silver Blade by the way. you?"

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she grinned. "well it was Firestorm's blade so it was a large greatsword. i'd say the blade alone was as long those recruits' bodies." she said looking pointedly at the recruits. "the big show off Firestorm was.....and it went all the way through. i only looked at it once though. not exactly what i wanted to see at that moment." Star said "got a nasty hit in the face with that sword."

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Thunderstum could only imagine what it might have been like to see Killjoy in such anger, it was bad enough when she was irritated. "what did she do to them...?" Thunderstrum asked

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