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Hoity Toity [Tier 3 - Ready]


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World of Equestria.


Hoity Toity, just Hoity to very dear friends. Very dear – not even his own mother has that privilege all of the time and she is as precious to him as fashion is!




Older Stallion.


Earth Pony.

Eye colour

Bright blue.


Slate grey. Hoity’s coat is impeccable, just like every other aspect of his being. He has a shampoo and conditioning routine that he follows with extreme attention to detail every morning – sometimes in the evening as well if he’s going anywhere of great importance (which he usually is).


Pale grey streaked with white. Though most image-conscious ponies of Hoity Toity’s age would choose to dye their hair in order to disguise their age, the fabulous fashion stallion uses it as a key point in his business strategy: presence. With bolts of white shooting through his mane and tail, extra notes of experience, wisdom, and dignified grace are loaned to his image. This adds to his authority in the fashion world as a critic and purchaser/seller in charge of one of the most renowned boutiques in all of Equestria. With age comes respect, and Hoity Toity owns his maturity to take full advantage of that.

As with his coat, his mane and tail have their own washing routine for optimal health, softness, and shine. He ensures that his hair is lovely enough to be a treat for any stylist he visits.


Though he is no Adonis, Hoity Toity keeps himself in good shape. As he must! All of his clothing, after all, is bespoke, and if his size were to change just a single digit he would have to be re-measured by personal tailors and respected designers alike. That would be unforgivable! He takes great care not to gain or lose too many pounds, and he looks dashing and irresistible every moment of every day because of that.



Canterlot, of course.


Trendsetter. Fashion-maker, fashion-breaker. Hoity Toity owns one of Equestria’s top boutiques (named Bouclé Boutique), supplying the most impressive haute couture from the most elite designers every season as well as featuring the best of the up-and-coming designers. He has spent years of his life cultivating his career and he now stands as one of the top figures in Equestria’s fashion world. A word from Hoity Toity could make anypony an instant success or failure. In mere seconds he could trample a career – that is the power he wields. But the greatest source of his power is that he does not exercise it without reason! One would have to create a true atrocity, a real crime against fashion for him to deem them unworthy of the field. If there is ever a glimmer of potential, he will fan the fires and help it grow in order to see the fashion world carried forward by the greatest talents.

Cutie Mark

A folding fan.

Hoity Toity was born into wealth and privilege, something he was reminded of every moment in his childhood. Though it would surprise those who know him for his reputation as a fashion tycoon, he was not always a pompous peacock. He was, shockingly, a sturdy little colt who loved to get his hooves dirty with hard work!

Now, it seems totally erroneous to ever suggest that the Hoity Toity would ever have dirty hooves, but that is the truth! Back when he was a blank flank, Hoity was undergoing his rebellious phase. He had an incredible desire for individuality, you see, and his mother was (and remains) a top Equestrian fashion editor. He simply wanted to find himself on his own, without any help from anypony. His mother adamantly disapproved of his constant labouring and sweating (especially the sweating), but she admired her little peacock and let him do as he pleased so long as he kept himself as clean as possible after all his hard work.

As for the little scamp himself, he kept working away at every physical task he could conceive of. He didn’t pay much attention to anything except his constant struggle to rebel, and it just so happens that he wound up making a stylish name for himself without ever trying! Despite his efforts to be recognized as his own pony and not as his mother’s son, he could not escape the fact that he was the child of a famous fashionista. When a filly or colt in his class would approach him about fashion outright he would always turn them down, but they began to realize that if he was concentrating on his attempts at building or farming or what have you, he would always give a hasty and honest answer in order to quickly brush away his distractions. And so, if a filly tried on a new silk scarf and asked Hoity Toity his opinion while he was distracted, he would reply with a scathing criticism or high praise and the next day it would either be trashed or three more fillies would be wearing that same scarf. It continued like that for months until the infamous day of parent-teacher meetings.

When his mother came to meet with his teacher to see how her son was doing, she was shocked to see the rest of the class and their parents so impeccably well-dressed. They were all in the latest and greatest designs from Canterlot, even the ones who just months ago were wearing…readywear.

She asked around to discover the source of their fashion advisors, complimenting every stylish pony she saw with her son looking bored out of his bits at her side. And then, finally, a filly came forward and admitted that they had passed on all of their fashion advice to their parents, but the origin of their good style sense came from none other than Hoity Toity himself! When the young unicorn said this, Hoity looked around and saw fabulous ponies. Fabulous ponies all around him. And he liked it, nay, loved it! He was terribly impressed with himself and the slack-jawed look on his mother’s face filled him to the brim with pride. It didn’t help her unflattering expression when she realized that a folding fan had appeared on her son’s flank.

When Hoity Toity turned his head to get a good look at his absolutely marvelous cutie mark he realized two things: his was a life of luxury. Sweating and toiling brought him no satisfaction whatsoever and he would much rather sit back out of the heat, fanning himself while he orchestrated the hard work of others. And secondly, he had the ability to seriously influence others in regards to all things fashion and he had a great deal of time to perfect and expand this ability. He would be the fan that fed the flames of fashion. He would be…the Hoity Toity.


When Hoity Toity got his cutie mark his rebellion ended. He knew within a matter of seconds that he was going to be a big deal and he understood that his mother could help him get there. Without missing a beat, he turned to his unicorn mother and gave her the most devilish smile a colt had to offer.

“I will be bigger than you ever were,” he said to her, reaching out his hoof. She had never been more proud of her son than in that moment, when his ambitions and talents were bursting to life before her very eyes. She said in response, tears prickling in her eyes, “I will help you.” And she did! She drilled him day and night after school about fashion – current trends, past trends, which direction things were headed in. But not just that, oh no! She and the family’s tailors taught him everything about making clothes as well. He had no interest in designing or sewing himself, but he knew that in order to have a clue about clothing he had to know every minor and monotonous detail about how to make it.

His life became a blur of regular elite-status colt school days and the intense learning his mother provided him. Hoity attended every fashion show his mother went to, speaking openly when older ponies sought his opinion. They thought it was darling for an editor to have her son in tow, but he proved to them that he was there of his own volition and that he wasn’t just being cute. He was being fabulous. Even at a young age he was making quite the splash, all thanks to his mother. His gratitude for her actions is still overwhelming every day and he swore to memorialize her name: Bonheur Bouclé.

When he was out of school, Hoity Toity began doing editorial work alongside his mother but quickly realized that wasn’t enough for him. So she gave him a very generous loan to start his boutique, which he named Boucé Boutique for her. He alone selected the couture to be featured in his shop and it quickly became a hot spot: everypony wanted to shop there and every designer wanted to see their hard work on the mannequins.

He continued with his successes for many years until this day, and has evolved from being a top name in fashion to being one of the precious few who can call themselves the authority in the world of couture. He has become much more of a peacock with age, however, and the elite of Equestrian fashion have begun spreading…rumours. Terrible rumours. The wealthy, you see, have a status quo. Part of this status quo is to maintain a certain level of charitable action. Auctions, dinner parties – they do real good in Equestria, but the important part of this is to make sure people see them doing good. And the pampered Hoity Toity has not been seen doing enough good of late. Ponies are starting to talk…they’ve started calling him, oh it’s too hard to say! They are accusing the Hoity Toity of being…uncharitable!

So it is Hoity Toity’s current goal to take more generous action in Equestria. He would never shirk his duties as a fashionista, of course, but his plans are to find a way to generate the profits of his work for a good cause. And, as expected of such a handsome and charitable stallion as Hoity Toity, he has many plans up his expensive bespoke sleeve. Simply donating some of his fortune could never be enough for one such as himself: fashion would have to play its part!

Character Summary

Passionate and fierce are the two best words to describe Hoity Toity. He loves fashion more than he loves himself (and that’s a lot!), and he does everything to maintain his position in the fashion world. It is everything to him, and he has the backbone and the brains to stay at the top of the heap.

Many have accused the stallion of being cold, relentless, and uncaring, but that is the easy answer for a personality like Hoity’s. He is very clear in his opinions and he will not lie or sugar-coat to spare anypony’s feelings, that is true. This does not make him a monster, however. Anypony who enters the fashion world has tough as nails; if he says one mare’s tailoring is atrocious then she will go back to her sewing machine and practice until her hooves chip. If he accuses another mare of poor silhouette shaping that is unflattering to her models then she will return to her dress form and find the solution. If a stallion is criticized for clashing colours and overuse of loud patterns then he will research colour theory and train his eye to know how to match patterned fabric. Hoity Toity would never simply trample on the aspirations of a designer: his aim is not to be cruel but to train them with tough love, and they always come back with marvelous couture. And if they are too hurt by his criticisms to continue? Then they are not strong enough for the intense world of fashion, and it would be better for them to stay away from it lest they find hearts truly and utterly broken. The last thing Hoity would ever want would be to see somepony irreparably heartbroken by his beloved world of fashion! So he scares away those of a gentler and more fragile nature. The only time Hoity would ever feel inclined to scare somepony strong-hearted and strong-willed away from the fashion world would be if they dared to pile everything but the kitchen sink onto a model!

With that said, f it is ever spelled out to Hoity Toity that he has been genuinely cruel or hurtful, he will always clear his schedule to make time for a proper apology. He will meet with the one whose feelings were stepped on and take them to lunch, putting as much effort as possible into finding out the most helpful thing he can do for them. If he truly believes they’re not cut out for the fashion world he will confirm this with them as gracefully as possible or even help them find less direct work in the fashion world (such as secretarial work at a fashion magazine). Either way, he never puts in half the effort when it comes to making sure he corrects his mistakes, as it is never his intention to break hurts or hurt feelings. Besides, if he didn’t take the appropriate action it would make him look bad as well!

On the opposite end of the spectrum, those in the fashion world who have had the honour of earning Hoity’s respect know the gentler side of the slate-grey stallion. Those special fashion fiends (as well as his hoof-full of close friends) know him to be quite the mother hen. He always needs to be involved in their lives and kept on the up-and-up, eager to offer up a cup of homemade cocoa to help with heartbreak or general worries. Hoity Toity will always be the first to help out a friend in the best way possible – through makeovers, shopping sprees, or just cozying up at his place to have a gossip session over a warm meal.

That said, he still has his...quirks. Especially towards his assistants, Hoity can be quite demanding and rude. He has certain expectations that must be met, whether it be a pillow for his rump or a red carpet stretched out over the dirt to protect his perfectly groomed hooves. His assistants, however, are usually interested in becoming involved in the fashion world as columnists, critics, or designers. Following his orders is part of the preparation for dealing with harried fashionistas struggling to meet their deadlines, which is more terrifying than facing an angry dragon! Hoity Toity can be genuinely and terribly abrasive with his demands, but it's the perfect first step into his world of couture, which is why ponies still rush at the opportunity to work by his side. Well, for opportunity and the bragging rights of course!

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