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The Seeds of Rebellion(Private)


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((Killjoy died by Black and Thunder is now grand master, Black and Vi are about to have a babeh, Blade and Sweetie belle are too. Thunder and Scootaloo are married,

thunder never forgiven Black for killing Killjoy and everyone found out later that Thunder was killjoy's adopted child. I think I covered it all in brief. we actually never touched Magic..))

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"Imagine your grandmother dying. That's what it feels like." Kane said, turning away and looking out a window. "And now my parents will rule Equestria.....and eventually I'll have to too."

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((you can think of something, Just interact with somepony.))

Thunderstrum pulled out his picture of him and Killjoy, they both were smiling, a rare sight to see on Killjoy. Not a night went by without dreaming of that terrible day. ((prepare for Flashback))

Killjoy was sitting in her chair when Luna's room was hers, Thunder walked in (still sort of a colt, like in his teens) "M-Mother?" Killjoy turned around a smiled "yes...what it is Son?" she asked. Thunderstrum looked up at her "you aren't going to war anytime soon are you?" he asked in a sad tone. Killjoy tilt her head in a puzzled look "what made you ask that?" Thunderstrum looked down again " I don't want to lose you, you are the only family I have and the thought of you dieing is unbearable!" tears started to pour down Thunder's face. Killjoy got up from her chair and knelt down in front of him. "I told you I will never leave you...and never let you go." she said with a faint smile as she hugged Thunder tightly "I'm not going anywhere." Thunder hugged her back still sobbing from the thoughts of losing his mother. ((end of Flashback))

Thunder just stared at the picture for a while before putting it back in the drawer. He sigh as he put his face in his hooves. "why did it have to be her....?" he thought.

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"I guess you're right." Kane said, setting his head down on the windowsill.

Blade suddenly appeared in Thunder's room. "I'm still hurt too." He said, "but I know I couldn't never fathom what you went through"

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Thunder looked up to see Blade "She was there whenever I needed her, everyone thought her as cold and cruel....I knew the real her, she was kind and she felt great love for all of her friends. She loved me even though she knew I was the son of his evil brother. I would give everything away just to hear her voice one last time. I loved Killjoy so much and it seems now that I miss her more than ever." he said as his tone grew depressed as he looked out the window. "And now Celestia is ill...the world seems to crash down everywhere."

Radz just kept looking down "Gripe all you want...I don't care, I'm just doing my job."

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Blade put a hoof on Thunder's shoulder. "She died doing what she loved....defending Equestria. And now she's somewhere where she's free from the pain of mortality. She's with Luna now."

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Black sat on his knees infront of Killjoy and lunas graves. "Forgive me Killjoy, forgive me Luna, i tried to be positive. I listened and obeyed his every will, even though i knew it wouldnt change anything. I tried to live with the consequences, tried to live with being shunned constantly day by day. I wish i could go back to that day and stop myself, but i was forced to watch as I... I killed you, and when Thunder had his sword to my throat, I....I..... I wanted him to do it. To rid me of this suffering, i cant go on like this. And soon I'll be a father, but the little pony will grow up being hated, his life will be hard. And Thunder will make sure of it, he'll make sure that my child is reminded of what I did everyday. I cant watch that, and so ........ And so I've made up my mind." Black ice formed at his feet as he stood up crawling up his legs and formed the black armor, his full masked helmet covered his face. "From now on, Black frost was killed by Thunderstrum, and the The Cold Knight will rise." He looked back at the tombstones, a tear drop feel frozen from his helmet and onto the ground shattering. "Im sorry Grandmaster, Please watch over my family and friends. And make sure Thunder does not ruin his marriage with Scoots or destroy his life by overworking and killing his soul. Farewell Killjoy, I hope I will see you in the next life." The Cold Knight turned around, his cape made from black ice shards swished with his turn. He walked pacingly towards the castle, he would be the distraction when the Separatist forces leave to the garden. His black arua around his horn shot out random blast of ice which formed into black ice Atronachs, more and more formed and followed The Cold Knight.

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"I try my best to make that thought something to make me feel better...but it doesn't seem to give me comfort." Thunderstrum said with a sigh "My mind wants to forgive Black, but my heart overwhelms my better judgment. It's tearing me apart."

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"then why do I see Black shooting the spears into her body and not Sombra? what if it was Sweetie Belle...somepony you loved....you would be feeling the same." Thunder said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

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Magic made various tables and vases fall around the castle's halls. He regonized the familer voices as he passed Thunder's room. He broke the door to get in. "GUYS. HELP. IT IS HERE." He said as he layed on the ground holding his head and grunting in pain.

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