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The Seeds of Rebellion(Private)


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Guards on the castle wall looked over to see the massive frozen army walk out from the trees, shear terror gripped their hearts as they saw the Black armored pony walk at the head. The Cold Knight stopped and rose himself up on an a glacier of ice. The Atronachs continued onward to the wall, the guards shot arrows and threw spears, but they bounced off or shattered on contact. The Atronachs reached the wall and began to pound on it, the wall held stiff but it would not last forever.

Azure stopped abruptly feeling the vibrations, "Do you feel that?"

Vi was about to get up when her ice pendant cracked and then shattered, her gasp filled the room. The pieces droped to the floor and disentegrated. "Black, you didnt, you coudnlt have. Not now!" She screamed as she fell to the floor crying.

Another tear fell from the The Cold Knights helmet, "Im sorry my love, but this is for the best." His attention focused back on the castle wall.

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Blade and Kane both felt the vibrations and rushed to the nearest window and saw the army of frost giants attacking the walls. Blade squinted his eyes and saw Black among them. He didn't recognize it as Black, but something about the armor he wore gave him a weird idea. "So.....it's like that huh?"

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Thunderstrum bolted out the window and saw the Ice army and Black among them and gritted his teeth and "you do this again...YOU DO THIS AGAIN!" Thunder's Scream echoed through the air as he gave his battle cry before launching himself towards Black and landed in front of him. "you were waiting...this whole time weren't you...waiting until Celestia fell ill to make your move." he said with a cold tone as he put his helmet on."you are not getting into this City." He pulled out Killjoy's sword and the end hit the ground with a heavy thud.

Radz was on the wall at the ready "stay focused on Thunder" she thought to herself "if the time comes, He will need my help."

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Kane quickly strapped his armor and was about to head outside when some magic suddenly grabbed him. "Kane! We have to get to safety!" Twilight said frantically to him. Kane broke free and turned to her. "Mom, get the civilians to the shelter. We can't move Celestia in her state so have her chambers heavily guarded. HEAVILY. I have to get out there." Twilight was about to protest, but Kane had turned and flew down the hall. "Go!" He shouted again. Twilight reluctantly left to take her son's advice.

Blade entered the room he was staying in and found Sweetie Belle. "Blade, what's going on? Who's attack-"

"Go with Twilight and the others. There's no time. Hurry!" he said, grabbing her and kissing her. "I love you." Sweetie quickly nuzzled him. "I love you too." She then quickly joined the others heading for shelter.

On his throne, Prince Soulscream sat deep in thought. He had heard the sounds of battle outside and knew that something big was about to happen. He reached beside his throne and grabbed his battleaxe, still holding up after it's years of use. "It's been thirty years since an enemy force attacked the walls of Canterlot....." he said to himself, removing his crown to reveal nearly all of his mane being gone from age. Many more scars adorned his body, and he wore a regal suit of plate armor that he honestly didnt mind damaging in battle, to the dismay of other nobles. "....now I must once again defend my home." With that, Soul stood up and exited the throne room.

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The Cold Knight cocked his head to the side, "You are part of this Thunder, Black Frost is no more, killed by the very friend he served like a slave. This is only a distraction so that the Separatist army and followers can escape. I have no intention of destroying Canterlot, and the Atronachs will only freeze their targets stiff, no bloodshed." Suddenly Thunder was lifted off the ice shelf and held in the air by storm of ice shards. "Black Frost is dead, and The Cold Knight has risen in his place." His voice was low and cold. In front of Thunder appeared the apparition of Blacks old self, "Please tell Vi and everypony else im dead, I know you and I aren't on good terms right now but please. May we meet again in this life, or the next with Killjoy. Farewell my dear friend." He tone was sincere and friendly, the apparition dispersed into snow. The Cold Knight then cast an ice storm at Thunder sending him high over the wall and near the palace door, landing into a pile snow.

Azure listened more and felt the vibrations around him, "Seriously is it just me or can you feel those vibrations?"

The Cold Knight cast another ice storm at the gate, it was instantly frozen and then smashed as the Frost Atronachs stumbled in. The Guards charged forward to attack, some were frozen solid into place when they were hit by Atronachs.

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Thunderstrum got up and glared at the Atronachs. He stood firm in front of the Atronach horde "you...will not get any further!" he yelled as he launched himself into the Atronachs and 5 of them shattered as Thunder's sword broke through.

Radz lit her horn and an red burning aura surrounded thunder as he smashed through the Atronachs.

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Blade and Kane soon appeared and began to attack the atronachs. Blade swung one of his swords at the center of an atronach where it's waist was, shattering it's core and destroying it. He nodded at Kane who was watching him trying to figure out how to kill them. Kane, now knowing how to deal them, swung his own greatsword at an atronach, destroying it.

Soul slowly walked the halls of Canterlot. The exit to the outside was slowly approaching. He could see the battle outside. He gripped his battleaxe tightly.

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Azure ran outside after releasing himself from the binds, he was stopped by several Atronachs as they lumbered by. The first slammed its spiky arm down but Azure rolled back to dodge then he sprinted forward running on its arm. He jumped up high above the Atronach twisting, he unsheathed the ebony greatsword and landed striking the sword into the Atronachs head. Azure drove the sword down the back of it destroying the Atronach, He looked at the others who were charging at him, "Lets dance!"

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Soul had arrived on the scene and watched the Nightwatch and Guards battle the attacking atronachs. He closed his eyes for a moment and relished in the sound of battle. He also had a sinking feeling that for the first time in his life, ponies were dying to protect him. He snapped out of his trance and swung his axe into a nearby atronach, the feeling of a kill invigorating him.

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An Atronach came up from behind Thunder as he was slicing through one and struck him in the back sending him flying and landing near Soul. He grunted before struggling up. Thunderstrum looked at Soul. "It's Black...he officially turned against us." he said in a sorrowful tone.

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Soul nodded. "Then we shall break him." he said coldly as his brought his axe down on the head of a dying atronach.

Blade and Kane had fought their way over. "Father, what are you doing here?" Soul looked at his son. "Don't concern yourself with me, Kane. Just do what you were born to do." With that, Soul cut down another atronach while Kane and Blade each engaged their own.

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"We can't get to Black, if we leave...the Atronacks might get through, best we can do is hold them off here." Thunderstrum said punching one in the chest, shattering its core.

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Azure fought his way through the tangle of battling Nightwatch, Sentinels and castle Guard as they fought off the Atronachs. He finally reached the main wall and looked out to see The Cold Knight, "Black? BLACK STOP THIS NOW!" He yelled out desperately. The Cold Knight turned his head to him, in an instant He stood behind Azure and grabbed him as they teleported away. They spawned in front of Thunder and the others, Azure freed himself and landed next to Kane. The Cold Knight stood before them, taller than all of them, "Obviously I have not made myself clear, I am not Black frost, I am The Cold Knight. If you want to know what happened to Black, ask him." He pointed to Thunder with his giant halberd. Then with a swirl of the halberd he was gone, bursting into shards of black ice. The Atronachs around them fell and turned into snow as they hit the ground. The attack was over. Azure looked at Thunder in confusion, "So what happened to Black?"

((Black is dead btw for now, The Black Ice has created another personality which is The Cold Knight. Love and friendship is warmth and since Black never got enough of it the black ice never stopped growing inside of him and when Black couldnt take it anymore he pretty much let Thunders words get to him, killing his soul. This last battle was all Black could guarantee the safety of the canterlot ponies and guards and everypony. So after this The Cold Knight wont hesitate kill. And I repeat, this isnt Black anymore, The Cold Knight is his own character now. The Separatists are still going to make trouble for them too.))

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Thunderstrum lowered his head "It's my fault..." he whispered "I held a grudge for all these years and made sure Black's life was miserable and now I broke him." he said quietly.

((I'm guessing there is going to be a thunder vs. Black (cold knight) round 2?))

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"Enough talk!" Soul shouted, raising his axe at Black. "I don't care who you are or who's alive or dead, you made an attack on Canterlot." He slowly began to approach him. "Father, wait!" Kane said, but it fell on deaf ears. "By my right as a Prince of Canterlot, and co-ruler of Equestria, I hereby sentence you to death." Soul growled, preparing to strike Black down.

((Will Soul live or die? I haven't decided yet :P))

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((The Cold Knight is already gone Metal, And Hell Yea Killjoy, theres gonna be a whole quest on finding a crown That Symbolizes the true ruler. Basically a whole race to get it first between the Nightwatch Sentinels and the Separatists. I was thinking another team up, first another time laps of about a year then I'll start off the rumors about the Jagged Crown. Whatya think?))

Azure sunk his head in sadness.

Vi sat on her knees next to Celestias bed, tears running down her face and chin. "Be strong my friend, think of the little one." Celestias soothing voice came from her bed. Vi sniffled and sat back up in her chair, she rubbed her belly again, "I need to know what happened, he cant be dead, he promised me we'd be together forever."

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((Oh my god, I had a brilliant idea! We're Skyrim fans right? Black = Ulfric Stormcloak, Soul = the King of Skyrim who Ulfric kills, Twilight = Queen Elisif who becomes queen when the Stormcloaks are defeated. BAM. And thus civil war in Equestria.))

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((Well I basically just had Trax just kinda exit to his own life. So do what you think is good bro. lol notice how only Blade and Celestia know that Sweetie and Vi are pregnant.))

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((LOLz so right, lol i can have The Cold Knight comeback for "Unfinished buisness" just when everything seems safe Soul can up on a balcony with Azure, Thunder, Blade, Kane, and Radz and then The Cold Knight comes back like "Sorry forgot something, boom shout to death.))

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((and I guess after the that, the Dragonborn comes *cough* thunderstrum *cough* to avenge his friend's death in a epic clash, stories will be told through out Equestria, songs will be sung of the glorious day!))

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((LOL The Cold Knight wont be killed for awile, and honsetly i think that both the victor and the loser should both die in the fight. Dramatic scene too. Kinda like old friends united again.))

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