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The Seeds of Rebellion(Private)


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Kane thought for a moment. He didn't know how to handle this situation. Zecora was no criminal, that was for sure. It also seemed like Azure wasn't all that bad either, seeing how he protected her in the market. However, he still broke into Canterlot, attacked Thunderstrum and burned documents.

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((Who grabbed who first Metal? Azure was only completing his mission. Lol))

"Names Korra by the way." Korra said, "Ugh whatever he did im sure we can talk something out. He does occasionally work for the Seps, but only to keep them from harming me and Zecor....... Uh ehehe you didnt hear that. His name isnt Azure ....... ****." She looked down at her hooves in shame.

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(( azure still broke into Canterlot and burned top secret documents. Thunderstrum was enforcing law....thunder was doing his job.))

Radz thought for a moment "well if he works with the ponies we are at war with...then Azura is a spy and must be taken in or suffer Thunderstrum's punishment of letting him go." she said wincing at the thoughts of what punishment Thunder might come up with.

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((Alright mister Rulez lol))

"Hey he only works for them so they'll stay away from us. The 5th time they came here asking for poisons and Bits, Azure stood up for us and got beaten because of it. He made a deal with them, that whenever they needed a sneaky thing done, they'd call on him. Have a heart will ya, I still dont know why he prays to the moon everynight." Korra defend Azure with her evidence, she tilted her down when she mumbled on about Azure praying to the Moon. "Princess Luna is so lucky to have Azure do that. Heck he even meditates at her grave for hours on end. I bet the Night Sentinels dont do that "

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Radz looked at Korra..I should really hit you right you now... she thought knowing that Thunder was at both Killjoy's and Luna's grave every night, almost crying every time. "we do...that's what makes us Sentinels...and you have no right to accuse us of being less loyal to our nightly Princess." Radz scorned at Korra

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Korra waved her hoof, "Your right, Im sorry, I shouldnt accuse you like that. But please, dont take Azure away from us, please." she apologized knowing that her begging wasnt going to help, but she could at least try to make them see hes a good pony.

((Fyi tomorrow afternoon sometime after 3 probably I'll be back on))

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"we have to...we have direct orders from the Grandmaster himself to find Azure and take him in, I know you like him and maybe he is a nice pony but orders are orders." Radz explained.

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"Excuse us a moment before we do that." Kane said, pulling Radz to the side so Korra would not hear. "Look, we can make this alright. They said themselves that they only help the Seperatist out of fear, and the Element of Honestly being my aunt has taught me to tell when a pony is lying or not. This is no lie. We have to take Azure back, yes, but i'm sure that he'll get something fair given the circumstances, plus Black and Vi seeing him alive will work in his favor. Then we could offer Zecora and Korra protection from the Seperatist so the three of them wouldn't have to help them anymore. Azure is not a bad pony, that I can tell you, I knew him growing up. We can remedy this whole situation."

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"look I'm just here to get the pony, if you think this plan works...fine be my guest. Lets just get Azure and get home." Radz said with an impatient tone.

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Zecora wassorting through her herbs and berries when she noticed the three of them walk in, she raised an eyebrow then went back to sorting. "Hey Zecora, I made the beds and fixed the....post. Heyyyy guys... long time.... no see?" He fumbled for the words to say. "May we help you sir Kane, evening Miss. Radz, im sure the guards will be punished." Zecora asked not looking away from her sorting, Azure looked at her puzzled. "If you knew they were there why didnt you tell me... Ow." Zecora threw a cup over her should hitting him in the head again. Azure rubbed it and looked back at Radz and Kane, not knowing what to say. He could ask why they were here but he was afraid to ask why, fearing what the answer would be.

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"First of all, I'm glad to see you're alive, Azure. It's been a while." Kane said, faintly smiling for a moment before returning to seriousness. "Look, we know it was you who burned those files in Canterlot, but we understand what's going on. If you come quietly with us, we can sort this thing out and I'm sure they'll go easy on you if they knew your motive. Then we can keep you all safe from the Seperatist so you won't have to help them anymore."

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Radz nodded to Zecora's question "The guards will be punished." radz then looked at Azure "you should listen to Kane, resisting will only make matters worse...so just come with us and let Black and Viola know you are alive and well." she said with her eyes locked on Azure not knowing what his reaction will be.

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Azure sighed, "Im sorry but I have to decli.... oof. Zecora!" Zecora cut him off throwing a wooden spoon at him, she glared at him. Azure exhaled through his nostrils, "Fine, but if I leave, you two have to stay at the treebrary then, the seps have never gone there and Twiliight always invited you over anyways. It wont be permanent, I promise. " He told her, Zecora nodded and started to pack her things, Korra trotted up stairs. Azure looked to Kane and Radz, "I wont try to justify why i burned the files, i want to be civil about this. And... it'll be good to see Vi .... and Black... after all this time. I wish things were different, and I wish we could have met on better circumstances."

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((I'm gonna go for the up tight serious soldier type of thing but is socially pleasant when not on a mission.))

"my thoughts on you are set in stone, all I care about is getting the job done and getting it done ASAP. You may be a good pony like everyone says but you still committed crimes against Canterlot and Celestia...Thunderstrum will not be pleased and knowing the tension between Thunder and Black, I don't think Black's say so will make the grandmaster go easy on your punishment." Radz explained her British accent really coming out as she spoke in a stern tone. "But lucky for you Thunder isn't like his predecessor who would most like just kill you on the spot so the least you would probably get would be 20 lashes, after that you would be set free since you were a Sentinel that went MIA and under the circumstances....with that said I don't think you find a better deal anywhere else."

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"I dont fear any punishments, I've pretty expeirenced death." Azure told her while strapping his ebony greatsword on. Zecora and Korra came to stand by him with their saddle bags packed. "Lead the way."

Setting: Caves below Canterlot.

Black and Maple walk around talking, "..... Has the garden been cleared of shadow wolves?" Black asked, Maple nodded, "Yes and i have already begun its preparations, the Separatists will finally have a place to call home." She answered back. "Good, then start moving them there, the plan is almost complete. Once we are out of canterlot and ponyville, this useless war will be over."

"And what about you my leage, if you were to be discovered?"

"I am prepared to die, they may not understand my reasons but as long as all of you are safe back home, I do not care for the consequences. I do not fear death." Maple sighed deeply, "We cannot repay you for your services Black frost, may the Moon light your path." She said watching Black walk off, "And to you as well." He called over his shoulder before teleporting off.

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