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Wanting to do an Open Roleplay.


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I'm happy to brainstorm ideas. I have plenty to work with, and since I'm not bound by character applications, I have... Several OCs, to put it simply.

Now, I have several characters that I'm willing to start with; Canna Belle, Sky Blue, Hazel Capulus, Agnes (Aggy), Glitter, Bluebird, Angelii Mortis Biforis Fidelis Extorris (Angie), Sera, AR7 Sky Blue, and more. I feel like doing either an ongoing RP, or just a story-driven one. It might take me a little bit to get some steam and write replies like I used to, but I assure you that I'll write at least paragraph long replies, where applicable.

This is mainly to get used to several things for me; RPing in a forum, Rping on this forum specifically (As I've seen that it seems slightly different on this site), and trying not to take the spotlight too much (sadly I've gotten into that habit, since most, if not all current RP partners of mine seem to turn to me for story).

Anyway, I'm open to anything; Based on anything you have, I'll cater to it, and see which characters of mine fit the situation. I hope to get some takers.

Either way, thank you for your time.

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Pardon? I mean, thank you for the welcome, but is that what you meant to post? No offence, of course. IT just seems out of place.

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Not overly; I know bits from Final Fantasy seven, I played about a quarter of twelve, and most of thirteen.

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Fairly enough to me. You see, I'm planning on doing a RP with OCs in a Final Fantasy like world and I wonder if you may be interested. There may have references from many Final Fantasy games but also other elements like some landscapes for example would be made up. If you ask me, most of the references would most likely come from between Final Fantasy VI and VIII.

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Hmm, I was planning on doing something more Equestria-based, but I can try. Like I said, I don't know much about the Final Fantasy universe, so I likely wouldn't get most of the references.

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Heheh, I could include my androids at some point.

So, which of the characters above would you like me to use?

Canna Belle, Sky Blue, Hazel Capulus, Agnes (Aggy, a drider), Glitter, Bluebird (an android), Angelii Mortis Biforis Fidelis Extorris (Angie), Sera (A nephilim), AR7 Sky Blue (An alternate reality version of Sky), or someone else?

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Nonono, you won't control one of mine, I was asking if you have a preference for which character you want me to roleplay as.

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Very good, I'll use Sky. Do you want the normal version of Sky, or the WoE version? Only asking because Normal Sky uses vocal magic, and is generally a bit more... Intense.

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Of course, of course. If I was going for OP, I'd use AR7 Sky. Normal Sky has her limits, and can't do anything too serious without eating a lot, or being ready for a minor coma.

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Just curious, would you be interested in doing an Equestria-focused Crossover RP with some Sonic touches?

Basically 99.99999% MLP, with the 0.00001% being the presence of one or two Sonic characters?

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