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Blood Harvest for Immortality(closed)


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"Everything alright in here?" A pony sent by Colbalt said as he entered Blood's room. Blood was fast asleep with Rarity sitting near him. "All is well, darling. Thank you." She said smiling. The pony left the room, and suddenly Blood flickered strangely. It wasnt Blood, but a hologram of him Rarity created. The real Blood crawled out from under the bed, all ready to go. "Ready?" he asked Rarity as her horn lit up. "Take care, love." She said kissing him before teleporting him a few miles outside the hospital. Once he saw he was in the clear, he whistled loudly. Applejack emerged from the bushes, a large woodcutting axe on JR back. "Bout time ya showed up. Lets get these varmits. Nopony kidnaps mah sugarcube!" The two began to head for Vampireece.

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The group reached the wall undetected, Shadow then lead them to what looked like a sewer pipe but became visable as an access tunnel. "Mind the look, its disguised as a sewer pipe to fool unwanted guest, means we're not 'unwanted'." Shadow said with a grin. Cobalt rolled his eyes in smirk, "Yeah, that'd be the day wouldnt it."

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Blood and Applejack peered over the edge of a cliff down at Vampireece. "There it is.....closet thing to hell you could find in Equestria." Blood said. Applejack sighed and then stared at the city with determination. "Ah would brave any hell for mah love."

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Blood and Applejack managed to sneak to the wall of the city. Applejack pulled her lasso out, twirled it a few times and threw it up the wall, catching a large spike. She tugged it to make sure it was tight before climbing up, Blood following her.

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Once inside the tunnel it was a short walk to the other side as it opened up next to a pub. Shadow waited for the coast to be clear before leading them through the ally ways, dodging multiple guard post, the city life was like that of Canterlot.

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Blood and Applejack landed on the other side of the wall and quickly got to cover. "Now how are we supposed ta get through this here city without gettin' caught?" Applejack asked in a whisper. Blood thought for a moment, then noticed two bat pony guards pass by. Soon there was a brief struggle, followed by Blood and Applejack emerging in disguise, dropping the two bat ponies down a manhole and inconspicuously walking away.

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They arrived at the base of the center castle, directly 50 floors above was Echo's room. "This is where it gets interesting, flying is too risky, we'll have to climb by hoof." Shadow said as he began to scale the wall using stones that were pushed out like footholds and crevices.

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Blood and Applejack walked through the city with ease now that they were disguised as guards saw Shadow, Cobalt and Killjoy scaling the wall. "There they are. We have to make sure they don't get caught." Blood said looking around. Applejack noticed a cart of apples not far away and snuck over to it. She threw one up and kicked it with her hind leg, sending it flying into a brutish looking bat pony's head. "WHO THREW THAT?!?!" he shouted, noticing the first pony he saw, which was another brutish looking bat pony. The two threw punches and there was suddenly a brawl in the marketplace, causing much damage. Most of the bat pony guards in the city arrived at the scene, leaving nopony else to pay attention to the trio climbing the tower.

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"Reckon they might be busy for a while." Applejack said, as the two headed for the guard tower. The door was left wide open as the guards on the first floor were seeing to the brawl.

((How do you want to do the scene where Blood saves them?))

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((Sounds good.))

Blood and Applejack climbed some stairs before reaching another floor. They suddenly heard hoofsteps behind them. "Some pony's coming! Hide!" Blood said as they both jumped behind a stack of crates. Several guards walked passed them and up the stairs. When the coast was clear they came out and proceeded on.

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The door then suddenly burst open and a handful of heavily armored bat pony guards entered, their weapons drawn. "Kill the intruders!" One of them shouted.

Blood and Applejack heard the noise and quickened their pace up the stairs.

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Shadow held his swords crossed up catching the axe and guiding it away down to his side, Shadow then strafted his swords causing the guard to let go, then spun to bash the guards shield repeatedly. Cobalt held his shield up as a warhammer slamed upon him, the weight and power caused the ground to break beneath him but not falling through, Cobalt pushed up on his shield, throwing the warhammer off, then dashing foward slicing the guards flank. Cobalt side stepped another hit, and another then round house kicking the 2nd guard away.

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Killjoy blocked a heavy strike from a greatsword "fools, you are fighting in my domain" she said knocking the knight's sword to the side before slicing up his body.

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One of the guards snuck up behind Shadow and broke his wooden shield over his head, knocking him to the ground. He held his sword at Shadow's throat. "Weakling...." He grunted.

Blood and Applejack were only a few more flights of stairs from the top. Blood could hear a loud cracking noise like a shield being broken.

((Blood is going to save Shadow))

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