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You cant do anything! your just a BLANK FLANK!(jump in)


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Again the lack of words didn't help Violet at all in feeling at ease. It simply felt akward to her that she'd show it by rubbing her foreleg with her other one as she lost this smile of her. She didn't even bother to say 'okay' that she simply looked away. She could try and choose another seat... but thought this wouldn't help as well so she decided to remain where she was and tried to find something else to do once again. While looking around she would see Love Stroke once more, who seemed rather chatty at first. Upon observing a little more she would notice that she had gotten her cutie mark too! But engaging a conversation on that would probably make Snowy feel bad or something, which she didn't want. Oh well... so much for all of this so far. Everything felt so awkward for the unicorn that she didn't feel like smiling anymore. She'd look away from Love Stroke and instead decided to lay her head on her desk as well with nothing else to do, actually in hope that everything would start soon.

They were only 5 in the class so far... she hoped she hadn't made a fool of herself by speaking to a new foal without getting too many answers and she felt like if she were to speak to somepony else that she would just be looking for attention and didn't want to look that way, hence why she had decided to remain silent for now.

(I believe that picture is Snowy?)

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OOC - thats a really nice drawing... Honest! :) oh and by the way, Love Strokes cutie mark are two paintbrushes making a heart.)

Love Stroke got out her notebook, she was getting a little bored so she started to draw. She was only able to draw the bases for her drawing for she noticed that Violet was a little down. She closed her notebook and looked at Violet, "Hey, you alright?" She asked softly.

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(Gotta agree, this is pretty good!)

She wasn't paying much attention anymore, almost being lost within herself thinking about things, hoping the day would go faster now. She wanted to put her mind at something, but was unable to... and time just didn't want to go fast at all. Time was taking its time... Yet without truly expecting anything, she'd be spoken to by her desk neighbour. Her head would raise and instantly turn toward the speaker who seemed concerned. Violet didn't want to admit it, though... at least not at the moment. She didn't want to talk about what was bothering her at the moment so...

Violet: Mhm! I'm fine!

She'd say pulling a genuine smile. Just being spoken to like that was enough to make her cheer already and there was too few ponies around to talk discreetly as well. It was better off that way.

Violet: I just want the class to start, though. I'm excited to see what we're gonna learn!

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"Hmmm..." She said jokingly.. She then gave Violet a one eye stare. "Okay then!" She smiled and looked at Snowy for an unknown reason. She heard Violet say something about class, which made her avert her gaze back at her. "I wonder who our teacher would be!" She leaned in and whispered, "I just hope he or she isn't the grumpy type..."

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At the mention of wondering who would be standing at the front of the class for the year, VIolet couldn't help but grin at this point. Something was actually happening! Just as her classmate did, she would also lean in to hear her well. She'd giggle at the thought, thinking it was silly. They wouldn't hire grumpy teachers, would they? Although she had one special teacher before... yet overall thought she was nice and never regreted having her! This year it could be totally something else.

Violet: I don't think they'd let a grumpy pony teach!

She'd jokingly whisper back accompanied by a snicker as she would laugh at her own comment, but truly... she was rather more happy to be chatting with somepony more than finding her own joke funny.

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(I think you meant Love Stroke and not Golden :P)

At the question asked, Violet would back away taking a normal position on her chair as she'd look at Love Stroke.

Violet: I've always studied at this school, actually.

She'd begin with. Perhaps she wasn't seen much, but she had a recess juste like the others even in her special class. Yet so far she couldn't recognise any pony here who was with her before. They were all new and anyway... when it was playtime back then, she was passing most of her time by herself or sometimes with the others of her class.

Violet: It's because I was in a special class to catch up because I've never been to school before.

She'd then explain, but the next bit would make her smile fade.

Violet: I live with my uncle in Ponyville because... well... my parents sent me here and I was found by a pegasus who's now taking care of me. When I was with my mom and dad... I was never sent to school because there wasn't any where I lived. So... it's my uncle who sent me here.

This said, she'd then give her a smile before adding one more detail to all of this, trying to keep it cheerful as well.

Violet: He's not my real uncle... but we agreed that I could call him that! And his wife is my aunt as well!

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( LOL got a little confused... :-| )

Love did the same and shifted herself on a normal position. "I see.... sorry if I kind of.... made you feel bad.." She rubbing the back of her neck with her hoof. She wondered about this pony she called 'uncle', I wonder if he's nice to her.. "Hey!" she started "Is your uncle and aunt nice to you?"

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Violet: Oh no don't worry, it's fine!

She'd immediately reply to her in a way to reassure her. Her story was... well, rather personal and didn't want to go much into it, yet talking about her uncle and aunt... well it wasn't bothering her in the slightless. At that she'd take her chair and turn it around to be able to completely face her classmate. It was also getting uncomfortable in her neck as well and it seemed like they'd have some more to talk about before the class would start.

Violet: My uncle and aunt are the best! They're always there for me and whenever something bad happens... I can always count on them! They'll cheer me up in any way they can!

She'd say, putting maybe too much enthusiasm into it as well.

Violet: See, my uncle's a thera.... um... A therapist! And...

Obviously she was just trying to find ways of explaining her uncle's job well as she brought a hoof to her mouth in a thoughtful way. She knew he was helping other ponies, but how exactly?

Violet: And... well he helps them feel better, I guess. I know they come into his office at home and I can sometime hear them talk, but I don't know exactly how he does. But whoever comes out of his office is often feeling better after! As for my aunt she's an...

At that she'd stop herself right away both in her talking and in her moves then would turn away facing her desk looking down at it. She couldn't say that... they wouldn't believe her and anyway... should they even believe it, it could maybe create trouble. She'd rather wait after for them to be alone to say that instead, given she'd be able to trust Love Stroke completely.

Violet: Aah... My aunt doesn't really work, actually, but she's like a second mother to me. She cares a lot.

She'd end up saying pausing some, then giggling slightly.

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Love Stroke saw her shift which she did as well. She rested her head on both her hooves as she listened attentively. "Her uncle is a therapist huh? thats pretty cool!" She thought to herself as ahe listened more about her family. "Her aunt sounds like shes very nice.." She said to herself mentally. "It sounds like your uncle and aunt are the best!...kinda not like mine.." She said on a descending tone. "You see, my parents actually has decent jobs... but they constantly fight." she said tapping her hooves together. "And it gets really frustrating.." she said as she sighed for a bit. "I kinda like staying in school rather than staying at the house.."

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Violet's stance would change when she heard about this. At first she was struck by those words and heard the new tone Love Stroke took. Her head immediately turned towards her, dropping all of the happiness she had as she felt sorry for the filly. It didn't seem right for two parents who loved each other to fight like that... and for a young filly to be feeling better at school, how sad. Gently resting her two hooves on her desk, Violet turned around slightly.

Violet: But... why would they fight? Don't they love each other?...

She'd simply ask.

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Love Stroke looked at Violet and looked down again. "I actually dont know..." she simply stated. "The day I got my cutie mark was the happiest day of my life... I drew a picture of both my parents and showed it to them while they were fighting....." She paused for a bit, "They cried and hugged me.... they promised not to fight anymore....but I guess there not good at keeping promises.." She glances at her cutie mark and sighed.

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The young Violet could imagine the scene in her head. It was obvious that her parents loved her, but for them to fight... She could only feel for her and would show it with a visage that would describe compassion. She'd turn around, facing the desk once again and would sight it down as she would pass images of the scene in her mind. One hoof would slide away from the desk and drop gently to her side while the other one remained where it was as she listened to the words of Love Stroke. She wished she could do something for her, but... it's not like she could solve a problem like that, especially with no knowledge.

She sighed slightly through her nostrils. Her head would turn to the side a little and her eyes shifted to the filly's cutie mark. She could notice the shape it had as well as what it was. Two paintbrushes shaping a heart. She did wonder what it meant exactly. Well she could addition two plus two. Love Stroke spoke of a drawing she made for her parents and the paintbrushes were tools of art. It's only the shape of the heart that she couldn't tell. She turned a tad bit more to look more carefully at it. To be honest she didn't know what to say to her situation, but maybe they could at least exchange on something else.

Violet: ... What's the meaning of your cutie mark?

She'd simply ask, throwing a gentle smile at Love Stroke at the same time.

Violet: It had to be special, right?

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Love Stroke smiled weakly and answered, "Well, I never actually got to find out... so my bestfriend on my school before told me.." She started. "He said that the heart was to symbol love.... and that the paintbrushes was to symbolize painting... which is funny because the favorite thing I love to paint or draw are couples.." She said and giggled a bit. She leaned to the side and saw Violet's cutie mark. It seems like its a knife blade over a purple flower. She didn't have much talent with cutie marks, so she asked, "How about you Violet.." she started "What does your cutie mark mean?" she asked softly.

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Oh. She didn't anticipate this one. Her special talent was rather... not something most ponies would think. As she was given a turn to explain her cutie mark, once again she would sight her desk, eyes wide opened in search of words to describe it... but just by looking around her, there were the others who could hear her... and more began to enter the class as well. She knew the reaction her uncle had before and the discussion she had with him as well about it. It wasn't that he wouldn't allow her to tell her story, but more that she should be aware of the reactions of the others, especially when they were around her age.

Violet: Um...

She'd let out, bringing her other hoof back to the desk and rubbing it against the other.

Violet: Can... Can I tell you later?

She'd ask before leaning in closer to her to whisper.

Violet: It's a bit special I think...

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