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Okay, finally got it up. My apologies everyone! I'll try to be more timely in the future.

Now, as you may have guessed this is where everyone (save for Tinker) gets their appropriate Dream Weapons; just rp out your attaining of the weapon from the Goblet in whatever way you want.

And I figured it would be amusing to have the Hymn already know of Tinker's many visits to Freedom, and that he'd already received his weapon (The Toy Box) once before. Just seemed to make sense to me!

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Guys I'm afraid I have to be the bearer of news, both good and bad.

First of all, I'm going to be moving into my first apartment in about a month, and alreayd have the lease down on it. However, that's also where the bad news comes in..

I've been getting extremely busy at work lately, and with the eventual plans to get myself moved into my new home I'll be even busier. I've not had enough time to devote to thinking of where this thread will go and even just to type up what I already have planned. What I'm saying is I will have to put the thread on hiatus as I take a break from the forums to get everything in order, between work and moving into my new place, as well as possibly having my girlfriend come for a visit once I've moved in.

I'm really sorry guys; the thread didn't really get very far but honestly, I was having too much trouble putting ideas to words in the first place. After the break I'm going to come back, put the thread back up, and start with something a bit more firm. Again, I'm very sorry, but life is kinda throwing too many fast balls my way at the moment.

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Name: Strawberry Star

Race: Earth Pony

Apearance: A normal sized pony, is a dark shade of red, hair is wavy and long and a really dark red with thin streaks of grey in it. The tail is the same as the hair. The eyes are a green color with a tint of grey. The ears have a piercing only on one ear. ( the left ear ) the peircing is a strawberry.

Age: Young Adult

Dream World: A area in the clouds where Strawberry has wings to float around with ( she always wished she could be a flying pony) in the center of the cloud, there is a little cabin that Strawberry rests in at the end of her adventures. At night in her dream world, there is monster everywhere and you could see them fairly well since the cloud barely has any thing on it but a couple of cloud trees and paths that lead to places she has built. The cloud is sorounded buy the sky, of course, and paths made of stone that lead to other areas such as mines, treasure keepings, villages, and other things.

Fears: Losing her cutie mark. She know it cannot happen but in her dream world it makes her believe its possible. She is scrared of losing it becuase she worked so over 5 years for it and got made fun of.

Have they been lucid ( Aware ) before? No, she just found out about Freedom.

Weapon: A bow and arrow. She sometimes uses it for hunting to sell meet in the real world. But when she uses it in Freedom, it can set things on fire as soon as an arrow touches the target.

Peronality: Always stand up for herself and others, is nice but rarely rude to others if she doesn't really like them. She has a love for animals. She is also very talkitive but lets others speak.

History: She was very poor as a child. As she was about nine, she won the talent show prize for a 6,000 bits prize and put her family on track. Since she did not have her cutie mark for a long time, she was bullied for it daily. But she gathered up the courage to stand up for herself.

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Name: Strawberry Star

Race: Earth Pony

Apearance: A normal sized pony, is a dark shade of red, hair is wavy and long and a really dark red with thin streaks of grey in it. The tail is the same as the hair. The eyes are a green color with a tint of grey. The ears have a piercing only on one ear. ( the left ear ) the peircing is a strawberry.

Age: Young Adult

Dream World: A area in the clouds where Strawberry has wings to float around with ( she always wished she could be a flying pony) in the center of the cloud, there is a little cabin that Strawberry rests in at the end of her adventures. At night in her dream world, there is monster everywhere and you could see them fairly well since the cloud barely has any thing on it but a couple of cloud trees and paths that lead to places she has built. The cloud is sorounded buy the sky, of course, and paths made of stone that lead to other areas such as mines, treasure keepings, villages, and other things.

Fears: Losing her cutie mark. She know it cannot happen but in her dream world it makes her believe its possible. She is scrared of losing it becuase she worked so over 5 years for it and got made fun of.

Have they been lucid ( Aware ) before? No, she just found out about Freedom.

Weapon: A bow and arrow. She sometimes uses it for hunting to sell meet in the real world. But when she uses it in Freedom, it can set things on fire as soon as an arrow touches the target.

Peronality: Always stand up for herself and others, is nice but rarely rude to others if she doesn't really like them. She has a love for animals. She is also very talkitive but lets others speak.

History: She was very poor as a child. As she was about nine, she won the talent show prize for a 6,000 bits prize and put her family on track. Since she did not have her cutie mark for a long time, she was bullied for it daily. But she gathered up the courage to stand up for herself.

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Apologies Sophia, but this thread is on hiatus for a while until my real life craziness is resolved.

I'll be attempting this again at another time, but for now consider this RP on hold.

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