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Gauging interest: Moomin / MLP crossover

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The Moomin books are a series (8 chapter books, 3 or more children's picture books, a long-running comic strip) by Tove Jansson, a Swedish-speaking Finn. They were also adapted into a stop-motion animation by Poland (which is AWESOME, and has been recu as a full-length movie) and an Anime, which is a little softer than the books' tones. They're about this close-knit group of characters (the Moomins themselves are a type of troll, but adorable like little chubby white hippos) who live in this idyllic valley and go on adventures ranging from completely silly to "OMG the ocean's just boiled away and we're all gonna die". It's essentially existentialism for children, but with characters who are extremely multi-dimensional, with attitudes on friendship that are not dissimilar to Friendship is Magic. It is very very famous in Scandinavian countries, as well as Japan.

The Wikipedia entry isn't as dead on to give you a feel for the characters as the TVtropes entry: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheMoomins


They are (At least the ones who would potentially be caught up in an adventure that would land them in Equestria):

Moomin (Moomintroll): The hero who is kind of a gentle adventurer, but sometimes a mite bit clueless. He's basically a 12 year old with extremely permissive parents. He would be so happy in Ponyville that he might explode.

Snufkin: Moomin's best friend. A dude of indeterminate age whose philosophy is to be free and not let belongings tie you down. He's nomadic and sleeps in a tent. He makes more sense than the rest of them. He would love Equestria, but has wandering feet and would want to move on.

Snorkmaiden: Moomin's "girlfriend". She's sweet, but very vain and will throw herself at men (in an innocent way). She is much like Rarity in many ways. Show her jewels, rich, handsome men, and she forgets just for a second her friends, but always comes back to them once the madness has passed.

Sniff: a get-rich quick schemer who is some kind of animal. A bit of a worrywart and a coward when push comes to shove.

Little My: This tiny little redheaded girl, if you think Apple Bloom can be manipulative and bossy, little My takes the cake. She will roll her eyes at the ponies' ideas of friendship quite a bit. It's not that she doesn't have morals, it's just that she's too pragmatic to follow the rules of polite society because they don't make much sense to her.

The Groke: This ice cold monster who freezes everything she touches, and frequently chases campfires and puts them out. She is supposed to be the personification of the worst parts of winter, and is only chasing the campfires because she is cold and lonely herself but can;t help frezzing everything. Everyone is scared of her.

There are many many more characters, but these I feel are the ones that have the most potential for this.

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