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The Cutiemark Crusaders of Fillydelphia! (Closed)

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((k, meanwhile, il ask twist a question..))

While archena was waiting for a response from her busy friends, she though that now would be a good time to see if twist was alright

"Hey twist, why did you sprint away from me and angel during recess?" she asked

((two things here, 1.yes she did see the blush though she didnt really keep bothering about that. 2. she is good at calling lies))

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Twister had almost forgotten about the incident from earlier. He was blushing again, as he tried to play it off. "Oh, hehe, yeah, sorry about that. I really had to go to the bathroom." Well, it wasn't really a lie, right? It just, wasn't exactly the truth.

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"YES OF COURSE THERE IS GONNA BE A CLUB!!" Fire shouted stood up on her chair. The whole class looked at her and there were faint cricket chirps in the class. "Uhh heheh" Fire said as she sat down. "Sure you can sit with us! Anyone want cookies?" Fire said bringing out some from her saddle bag

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Archena thought hard, she was mostly but she needed to meet up with her cousin peppermint swirl to get some more food she was promised

"I am, but not straight up, i need to meet my cousin first, she wants to know how i went here to see if i need to move again, though after that i am, and if you all wanted you could tag along" she said

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Ashlyn smiled.

"Yay! So, when's the meeting? I think my sister can do without me for the rest of the week. Besides, I can always help her on the weekends."

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Archena((i keep typing sky then relizing that im using archena here :P)) Opened her bag and pulled out her diary. She thought she might record today's events while fire decides when they should meet

"Like i said, after i see my cousen im happy to come"

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Ashlyn nodded in understanding. She tapped her horn and pointed it towards a few clouds, then zapped it with a red bolt of lightning.

"There. Sis won't have to do so much work now."

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((is it just me, or is Archena not getting bullyed so much now,YAY))

Archena kept writing in her dairy when she heard something going on. She put her dairy down and ran over to where the commotion was. Once there she saw that colt from before, the one bullying angel. He looked like he was...beating up a filly? she took a few steps forward and saw three more colts watching laughing, she recognized them as well.

"Hey, why dont you pick on somepony who can actually fight BACK?" She yelled out to the group. The gang up's turned around and faced archena as the filly ran. Archena ran at them and stopped behind the school building. They surrounded her and attacked her at once. Archena knew she wasnt meant to show off but she had no choice, this was self defense. Archena punched one of the colts who went flying into the building. After there friend was hit, they all went agro and charged full force. Archena managed to kick another in the face though he just fell down and came back for more. After about four minutes of fighting the colts managed to get the advantage and quickly managed to bash archena up and tied her up.

"Hahaha, dajafu, right archena. Your back the way you were when i left you to starve in that ally, ha, this time i am going to leave you here until your FOUND for how you smashed our fun and teammate" They said as they left archena tied behind the school.

"HELP" archena called out.

((Thats basically what happened the first time except she wasnt that tough and there was only one colt.....Yea, i felt i had to make a way for archena's worst bully who had spread the rumors to make a intro...if this was a bit insane im sorry, its just that that colt has been on the back of my mind, same with this idea, since they were introduced and i felt like now was a decent time to bring it out))

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Fire heard a shout for help and it sounded like Archena. She quickly ran to where the sound was from and saw her tied up and surrounded with bullies. "Oh no. Hey back off!! Get away from her!" Fire yelled at the bullies

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Ashlyn stood her ground, her horn glowing menacingly.

"Don't make me, because if I have to, I will." electric crackled around its orange aura.

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