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The War That Divided Equestria (sign up to join)

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"welcome" she said when he enter he was that it was a weird little childs tree house or what remains of it anyway and what he could see of her is that she was wearing a long cloak that hids most of her what he could see was that she was a bright pink and had a pinnk mane and tail beside tht he couldn't see that much else "come in and sit if you want she said pointing to a chair and table that had a cake that had some type of writeing on it" ((i can't think of the spelling of the word i hope you get what i mean))

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Ragnar sat down in the chair, something looked familiar as he saw she was pink and also had a pink mane, though he had hard time trying to remember who she reminded him of, he then asked "who are you and what is that you wanted to talk about?"

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"for now you might call me P she said as she got up "as to why i call to you now there is a way to end the war but it is going to be hard if you really want to do it" she said as she walk over to the window and look out "This use to be a beautiful apple ocihd before the war apple trees as far as the eyes can see" said P after saying that her big fuffy mane turn compltely flat and she turn a darker shade of pink

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Ragnar nodded and said "well, if you have any idea how to end the war I am ready to listen" he noticed how her hair darkened and went flat, thinking that is far from being promising

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"ok the first thing you have to do is to garther all of the elements of harmory the second thing will be to get princess luna to return to her onigal form or you may know her as nightmare moon the get discord to reform again then the rest so fall into place getting all the elements back will be the hardess part of the journy but once you get them back the rest will be easily i could try to lead you in the right path but i will do it from the shadows" said P as she walked around the the tree house

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Ragnar nodded, taking in everything she was saying, and then it finally hit him who she reminded him of, he smiled and then said "thanks for telling me all that, but may I ask, are you one of the elements of harmony?" the tone of his voice indicated he felt confident that she was one of them, he then said "don't worry if you are one of them and don't want to reveal yourself yet, I won't tell if you are one of them"

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"thats good another thing that would help on you task to change nightmare moon back is to bring pricness celsta back to life i think luna really didn't want to do it something was making her do it and ponies wasn't giving her the love she derseve also i will revailed myself went the time is right and if you need me for any reason just get away from the group and call out for me because i am always watching you guys i am also making sure that this does not get any more worse then it is" said P after she said that her skin light back up to how it use to be and her mane got all fuffy again

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Ragnar nodded and said "I will see what I can do, but I recommend that you make yourself clear to my father, he might mistake you as one of the hunters if you follow us and get too close, and, well, lets just say my father does not know the meaning attack to maim, but thank you for the help and tips, I will try all I can to make this work"

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"when the time comes i will worry about that" said P as she walk and open the door "you should get back to everypony before they start to worry and good bye" she said as a gust of heary come into the house and in a blink of an eye she was gone and in her place was a cupcake box and a note on top of it

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Ragnar stood up from the seat he was in, picking up the note and the cupcake box, he got out of the treehouse and read the note while walking back to the camp, hiding it away after he was done reading and getting back to camp, he said as he got back to the camp "sorry for taking so long"

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((whoops, sorry, I misread))

Ragnar tried to quickly think of an explanation for the cupcakes and then realized he really didn't need to lie "some good stranger I met while checking around here said they know you guys and told me to give you guys these cupcakes" he said, the tone of his voice sounding genuine and honest while he gave also an honest smile while he sat back down with everyone else next to Fluttershy

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Ragnar nodded and said "well, here is a note that was with the box" handing Twilight the note while giving some of the cupcakes to others and sitting down again by Fluttershy

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Ragnar stood up from the seat he was in, picking up the note and the second cupcake, not having eaten the other one, he got out of the treehouse and read the note while walking back to the camp, hiding it away after he was done reading and getting back to camp, he said as he got back to the camp "sorry for taking so long"

((ragnar reread this post you made then the post you just made and see if you can see whats wrong with them))

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((uhm, I am having problem seeing what is wrong, unless you mean the part about that I said he took another cupcake, I just forgot to edit that post's mistake before posting the newest post))

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Ragnar thought for a bit and then said "well, I know some dragons around here, though the only one I know on a first name basis would be Sturla, who more or less doesn't know what personal space is, and also how to not sneak up on people, or not go up to sleeping strangers while being uncomfortably close if they wake up, which was how my first meeting with him started" as he said that he checked around and then said "he also is always eavesdropping, at least he is friendly unlike his father"

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Ragnar smiled back to her, for a moment he lost himself, for a moment all seemed peaceful, all seemed to be good, all seemed to be perfect as his eyes met hers while they smiled, when he finally snapped out of it he said "are you tired now? this has been a long day for you after all" he himself was confused by that feeling he felt moments ago, he hadn't felt something like that before

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