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The War That Divided Equestria (sign up to join)

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Moonlight flew up with her daughter on her back as two other bat ponies swooped her away off to her kingdom. She grabbed aru seeing as she was weak and placed her on instead. "Two?! Fluttershy? Twilight?!" She said as she let her hood blow down revealing her perfect mane and white fangs. She looked up at them as she walked away in the shadows hoping to not be noticed,. For good measure she placed a chain around aru hoof and one around one of hers, giving off louder click than she thought off.

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Ragnar's father had not heard the voices calling out, as he was coughing a bit and the voices seemed to mess up together, however he had stopped coughing just in time to hear the clicking sound, turning his head and body he casts his eye's vision on Moonlight, Aru and Aru's daughter, and while it took him a moment to see he quickly saw their outlines and with almost no delay moved quickly towards the figures he saw, the only thing he slowed down by was him avoiding crushing his son and those who is son was with. The growl his father gave sounded like distant thunder that seemed to get louder and louder as he closed in on the three intruders.

Ragnar didn't even move, he had gotten used to his father's sudden movements and responses to almost everything.

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(Aru's daughter has already been taken away it's just her and Aru)

Moonlight gave a slight growl amd removed her cloak it getting in the way. "So your the mighty one I have been hearing, what a big ome you are," she said and made sure Aru was ok not wanting to hurt the weak mare. "Fluttershy? I thought you were dead, when I watches disord.." she trailed off at the memories but kept her stance in front of the dragon.

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((oh, didn't know that, sorry about that mistake then))

Rgnar's father had smoke coming out of his mouth, it seemed like he was about to breathe down some fire but stopped, noticing the weaker mare, Aru. He noticed her being an alicorn and was confused by their presence here, especially one in chains. Ragnar looked up and quickly recognized Aru, he called out to his father saying "Do not hurt the alicorn, father" Ragnar's father didn't turn his head to him but he had still heard, he planned not to hurt the alicorn, his father asked with annoyed tone "what are you doing in insect land" the disgust could be heard as he uttered the word insect, he started to circle the pair of ponies, the ground shaking as he did, his single eye never leaving the two out of his sight

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At least I wont be burned to smithereens. Moonlight thought and covered Aru on the cloak. "Just helping Aru it's private business, I do nit want her rotting here, " she said and flew up carefully and landed on the fathers snout. "My business so stay out of it but what I want to know is why your son and fluttershy are all chained up!" She said looking down on them, she sat down and liked the warmth of the smoke.

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Ragnar's father gave a grin and said almost teasingly "cause that is what happens when one of my bloods revives someone, is such magic so unimaginable for you" Ragnar didn't say anything, he didn't care too much about Aru, he was more curious then anything else and was more concentrating on Fluttershy anyway, his father saw that and then said towards the two ponies on his snout "though, if trying to help the Alicorn is one of your primary concerns, why do you have her chained like a prisoner being moved from one prison to another?"

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"Ahh and no I don't care too much about magic as I cannot wield it, I am a flyer, " She showed her wings and took off slightly hovering in front of the son's eyes. "I am simply doing what is needed now if you don't mind, fluttershy? Do you remember me? I use to visit ponyville with the princesses? I said hello to twilight and everyone? Fluttershy? " she asked and looked at her pleadingly.

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Moonlight sighed as Fluttershy never responded and placed some of the cloak around her face. She carefully flew past the dragons and everyone else hoping to not be seen. "How are you Aru? I promise you will be ok and your daughter, " she whispers and reached the halfway mark between the kkingdoms.

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