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The Way it Works - Episode 1 - Connected

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Okay here is mine character.

Name: Elssir

Age: Young adult

Gender: male

Species: pegasus

Role: (don't know)

Appearence: Eyes colour: one eye is honey gold. Second eye have a scar and is grey and blind.

Body colour: grey

Tail/hair/other: he has a long wavy black hair and tail. His teeth are little sharper than normally.

Physique: not very strong but very dexterious. He can walk very silently. He wears an old cowboy hat.

Cutie mark: a black demons head with horns.

Backstory: when he was a kid without the cutie mark his family was murdered by monsters. Only he survived it. He promised his revenge. He took his father rapier (his father was the moon guardian) and found that monsters. He did his revenge but lost his eye. But after that he got his cutie mark. He become a demon hunter.

Than he lived in the Everfree forest for some time. He got skills in the smithery and nature. He knows are creatures from the forest. He also made a special rapidshooting crossbow for him.

One night he was on the hunt of the monster and he met Fluttershy. She was scare of him because he was creepy but after some time they become friends.

From that time he lives under the trees in small cottage. Near to Fluttershy but in the forest.

But he doesn't talk with others very much. He doesn't care about others. He just protect them before the monsters.

When he meets somepony he's shy and nervous. His scar is too creepy and ponies are afraid of him. It's the reason why he's so grumpy.

Weapons: old rapier and his crossbow with 75 of bolts.

Other: his rapier and hat are memories to his father. He's loyal to his friends and he's kind. If you give him a chance to show it.

(Sorry. It's not very good. I'll work on that when I will have more of time)

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