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Descent of Harmony 1v1

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Sapphire looks over the Sky on her Airship the Shadow Heart, "So we have finally arrived in Equestria again then."She hops down from the observation deck to run over to the front of the ship, "well at least the view is nice up here." her necklace reacts to the air around her, "So they were right then... The Elements are gone i guess they finally left Equestria." She giggles and looks over to the mountains below her, "So Phoenixes are allover Equestria now? well this is going to be fun then."

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( http://jollythinker....llies-452568652 Those are my girls, only I make them older in this RP. Violet Charm is the unicorn, older she has a long ponytail instead of pigtails. Glady Leaf in the middle, she didn't really change in appearance other than having a longer mane and Seria Rosa is the fairy to the right. She has a much longer mane now and is the oldest of the group. Her mane is also loose now.)

Apparently on the last news the elements of harmony had left Equestria. The six elements composed of the ones of Magic, Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Laughter and Kindness had disappeared from the land... What had happened exactly? They were needed in case Equestria was attacked... without them it would be difficult to bring good protection. The princess of friendship had her place here and yet... yet she wasn't. Somepony would have to go and look for them. Perhaps that Celestia was already on the case at the moment, now setting up a team just for that...

Buuuut it wasn't the case at all for three ponies in Ponyville. Violet Charm, Glady Leaf and Seria Rosa didn't know enough about the elements of harmony. Actually to them this was a very normal day just like any other day. As usual they had planned on seeing each other to do something. Only problem here was that none of them really had any idea of what to do. They were there, the three of them up on a hill. Violet simply sitting there looking at the town and around while Glady lazily laid in the grass on her back as her eyes would be looking at the clouds. Their fairy friend Seria wasn't all that better either. She wasn't bringing up any ideas and laid on her side in the grass as well. Then all at the same time, they would sigh.

''It's one of those days...''

Glady said right after, closing her eyes.

''Yeah... we should have thought of something before coming.''

The unicorn Violet added to this. Silence would come back. The fairy had only lifted her head off the ground to look at the two others when they spoke and she didn't have anything to add, really. She was just as bored and simply agreed with them. Eventually Glady would open her eyes again to gaze at the sky again. Only this time, after she blinked a few times, she would open her eyes some more as she had seemed to have spotted something up there. She raised her head a little as if to get a better look at it. It looked big and... floaty? It wasn't a bird for sure nor a dragon or any other living creature that could fly.

''What's that?''

She'd ask. Immediately the two others would look at her before looking up too. The three of them could see the thing floating up.

''I don't know.''

The unicorn answered.

''It looks like an airship to me.''

Seria had pretty good eyes for it was exactly that. At that the earth pony looked at Seria and Violet one at a time with a smirk on the face. Both of them also wondered what she had in mind to be smiling like that as if she had...

''I got a stupid idea.''

Yeah. She had a stupid idea.

''Let's board it!''

Violet lowered her upper eyelids and raised an eyebrow at this and wondered if she was serious about this.

''Glady... We can't even fly... except for Seria.''

Violet told her. This only made Glady chuckle.

''I'll take it down then! Give me a big rock to throw and it'll crash!''

''Crash down in the town where it'll hurt countless of ponies...''

Seria had retorted right away to what her friend had said there. It was clear that Glady wanted to do something now with all the dumb suggestions she was taking out. She'd just end up sighing and would rest down once more, giving up for now. Yet Violet gave a smile and giggled at seeing her friend like that. At the same time an idea came to her.

''How about we follow it, then? We can see where it's going!''

It had gotten the two other's attention there. Seria had gotten up right away while Glady shrugged. She wasn't against it, nor really for it, but hey... would give them a reason to do something. They would both agree in the end. Everypony there finally got up and began to follow that airship to wherever it'd be going.

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Sapphire continues to move in her air ship until it lands far north in the field north of Ponyville, "Land down here Men." She jumps down off the ship and looks around and finds a group of Ponies running near her airship, she pulls out her sword and carrys it beside her, "Who comes near me?" She looks around the area finding no one she just sit's down and waits for the group of ponies to arrive.;

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The three girls didn't let go of that airship for as long as it was in the air. Violet was in the lead simply because she was faster than the two others. Eventually the ship would go lower and then landed north of Ponyville. The trio hadn't stopped yet. They had to reach for it now. They weren't very subtle either... Truly, they just wanted to see the ship and who was in it. If whoever was in it wanted to invade or do anything bad, then truly they didn't do a very good job by being so visible in the sky. The girls pretty much figured that it was of no threat and thus gave them a reason to not be hiding too.

Eventually they would reach for the landed ship. Still a little far from it they were coming closer.

''Somepony came out!''

Seria had noticed that a pony had gotten off of the flying ship there. Well, they'd go talk to him or her, simple as that. As they got closer to the pony in question, they would stop galloping and stand there, Violet being at the front just like back then. Obviously after all that running they were starting to be pretty tired. It could easily be noticed just by how they were catching their breath right now, all of them. Yet as they had approached, they had heard the mare ask who was coming near her.

''We... We just wondered... what was... that ship!...''

Violet managed to say, breathing between words. Yet already they were recovering as their breathing was getting back to normal slowly.

''We saw it in the sky back there.''

The unicorn would continue. The fairy was next to step a little forward.

''We don't see those very often in this place.''

Seria would say.

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Sapphire looks over to the group of Ponies, "Hello i am Sapphire Radiance the Captain of this Ship would you like to see on board it?" She walks back on to the ship "Come Aboard if you are all not too Scared too." She it's back in her Captain's chair and watches the Ponies deciding what to do, "So what is all of your Choices?" Sapphire giggles looking down on them.

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Violet looked back at her friends behind her as they were asked if they wanted to climb aboard or not. Of course they would! Heck, that's what Glady had suggested at first! That stupid idea of hers wasn't so bad, then!

''We're coming!''

Glady would say stepping forward and happily trotting towards the ship.


Right away her fairy friend would stop her with word only. Seria looked at Sapphire.

''I would just like to know what you're doing here, first.''

She'd ask the captain.

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"Well i do live in Ponyville so i wanted to go to my house."

Sapphire looks at the Ponies and smiles, "So do you wanna come on my Airship now?"

She teleports to her house and grabs some things then Teleports back to them.

"Sorry about that had to grab some stuff ." She put's all of the items away in the Captain's quarters and sits down on the edge of the ship.

"So do you wanna get anythings form you're houses before we leave?" Sapphire looks down at them.

Crystal comes up from under the deck and hugs Sapphire, "Mommy!" She sits down beside Sapphire, "Who are all of you?"

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Apparently the mare lived in Ponyville. Well, Seria and the others didn't go about and try to get to know everypony, after all. Besides, residents moved in and out of here so there was always new ponies around the place. Judging by how the mare spoke and looked, the fairy felt that it was safe enough to board the ship with her. Yet before that they were asked if they needed to bring stuff along.

''Well... Depends where we go.''

Glady would tell her. Without knowing where to go, it was impossible to say what they would need. Would they be going on a trip just for fun or did Sapphire have any serious business to take care of. Right after what a newcomer arrived as well. This new young pony was actually the kid of Sapphire since she had called her 'mommy'. The three wondered who this was at first, but quickly gave a smile when it was obvious she was Sapphire's daughter. The young filly looked at them and asked who they were. That's right... None of them had made any introduction yet.

''Ah right... I'm Glady Leaf.''

The earth pony would say first.

''My name is Violet Charm!''

The unicorn said next, giggling a little before.

''And I'm Seria Rosa.''

The fairy would say lastly.

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"I am Crystal Breeze and this is my Mommy Sapphire Radiance Captain of the Shadow heart." Crystal giggles

Sapphire bows, "i have nothing to take care of on the trip we would be going on."

Crystal sits down beside Sapphire, "we are going to be traveling around Equestria."

Sapphire looks at them, "So would you like to come and join us on the trip?"

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(Sorry I didn't reply any sooner... got so much into drawing these last days)

Introductions were done. Now they were asked if they wanted to come along to go on a trip. Well, this could be fun! Only one thing, though... Both ponies would look at Violet. The unicorn eyed them one by one with an uncertain look.


She'd ask them.

''It would be cool to go on a trip, no?''

Glady asked right after.

''Well... Yeah, it would be fun.''

Violet replied to this. Seria turned completely towards her with a smile to try and reassure the unicorn there.

''It would be, but I believe it'd be wise to advise your parents about it. Knowing them they would go crazy if you disappeared so suddenly.''

At that, though, she'd look down a bit. Yes, her parents would worry like there's no tomorrow if anything was to happen to their daughter... but telling them that she'd go on a trip around Equestria would also make them worry. She knew that much. Glady could read it all over her, though. She decided to walk to her and put a hoof around her in a comforting and cheering way.

''Hey, we'll be with you! What's there to worry about? Lemme get my hammer and you your blades and we'll be safe! Besides this fairy over here can do a bunch of stuff with nature too.''

The earth pony called out and took a pause. All of that made it seem like they'd encounter danger at every corner... but that wasn't going to be the case, right?

''Besides... doesn't even mean we'd be in danger... it's a trip.''

Glady would then add. The unicorn raised her head and looked at her, smiling. Glad to see her smile, she could tell it was all fine. Now they'd need to head back to Ponyville so they could get their stuff. At that they would tell Sapphire that they'd be back! Only Seria actually remained there since she didn't need to tell any parent or get anything... Magic was going to do the trick for her.

Many minutes later they'd both come back together, Violet having a bag with knives as well as a katana sword on her back and Glady had her trusty huge hammer with her. She just hoped it wouldn't be too heavy for the ship!

''They were hard to convince... but it'll be fine!''

Violet would say. As for Glady she had no trouble at all convincing her adoptive parents. The earth pony turned to Sapphire and her daughter.

''We're ready to go!''

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They'd go on board with their things and would listen to what Sapphire told them. They'd do just as she said and the trio headed down under the deck to put their things in the bedrooms. Once this done they'd come back outside.

''So where are we going first?''

Glady asked out of curiosity.

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At last they'd be going. The girls had what they needed. They'd join each other on the deck now ready to go on some sort of adventure, if it could be called that. The Crystal Empire seemed like to be a fun good place to start with! They had never gone there before... well, except for Seria.

''Haven't you gone there once, Seria?''

Violet remembered that she had, hence why she asked the question. The fairy nodded with a smile before elaborating a little on it.

''Yes I did! Yet I wasn't able to stay for very long... and I had gotten there for business purpose too. This time we should be able to explore the place!''

She'd say. The three then laughed together a little just out of sheer happiness.Once they had calmed down, Seria decided then to go and see Sapphire, smiling at her.

''For how long did you have this ship, Miss Sapphire?''

She'd ask.

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Two years for owning a ship like this. Must have been something to take care of that thing. It seemed well managed, that's for sure. The two other girls would join back with Seria and they'd all follow the captain in the command deck. They'd all take a seat like she did and then were asked if they wanted anything to eat. Given that they had ran and walked a lot lately, their stomach could very well be filled a little now.

''Water would be good!''

Glady said with Seria and Violet both agreeing with her as they nodded.

''And perhaps something light to eat?''

That's what Violet would suggest. She didn't feel like eating anything heavy after all of that. They weren't that hungry, anyway. Just needed something to be filled!

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