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OC Magic mystery cure [closed]

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((Well, in a regular day Blue would do one of two things: go to his lab in Cloudsdale to work, or collect ingredients from the Everfree Forest. Bear in mind that not everything in the Everfree is an ingredient. Also, sorry for taking so long. I've been working the night shift the last few days :ftired: ))

Blue woke up, energized and ready to start the day! He had a good breakfast of Hay-os cereal, and then it was off to work. Blue was a little nervous about going to work on the thunder clouds today. He hadn't had much luck with them lately. He would go to move them, and it was as if the clouds would charge his mane with electricity, which just gave him one big, constant shock. But alas, that was what his cutie mark told him. He was destined to work with thunder clouds. Feeling a little down, Blue flew off to work.

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Cirrus woke up, feeling more tired than usual. She rolled out of bed and stretched her wings, preparing for a morning flight. Opening her bedroom window, she took off flying above the streets of Ponyville. She closed her eyes, deciding what trick she should do. I'll go for a double loop de loop, she thought. Flipping her mane, she began the first loop when something broke her concentration. She flew off course, crashing into the wall of a house. She sighed and brushed herself off. "Crashed again..." She muttered and took off again

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Fire got up and had a sudden feeling of going to do chemistry, with clouds. "That's a bit odd, but that's what i have to do" Fire said as she walked out of her and reached for a cloud. She tried to bring one down but she either couldn't reach it or her hooves would pass right through it

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Dreamy finished up her todo list when suddenly! *CRASH* She jump out of her socks when she heard the noise "What the hay was that!?" She dashed her way upstairs and found a hole. Looking out through the hole, she saw Cirrus flying away "Hey! You Come back her! You can't just punch a hole through my wall and fly away!"

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Cirrus turned, hearing something behind her. She turned her head "Huh? What the- AGH" she said, running into a tree. She slowly got to her hooves, seeing the pony who lived in the house she crashed into. The pony obviously looked ticked off. "Oh... sorry bout that" she said, pulling a twig out of her mane

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(Due to real life stuff, its going to be harder to get online, but I'll try to get on when I can)) Cirrus looked up, noticing she crashed into Dreamy's house. "Oh... hey Dreamy... I was just doing what I do every morning," she said, glancing back at her cutie mark. "My tricks might not be as good now, but maybe one day I'll get into the Wonderbolts!"

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((XD I don't know why but I burst out laughing at that... "Your butt! It's wrong!"))

Cirrus pushed Dreamy off of her butt and stared at her in confusion. "What do you mean? I've always had this cutie mark. Of course, I've never been very good at what I do..." She sighed. "Well I guess I better get back to practicing"

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DreamySunday scratched at her head and though 'How does that happen? How do you just change cutie mark?' While she was deep in thought, Dreamy heard her name being yelled from her front door. "Oh what now!?" Dreamy Trotted toward Her front door and noticed Symphonic Fire 'Well that's a pleasant surprise' She thought. "Hey Symph! I'm over her-" Suddenly, she noticed Noticed something she really didn't want to notice. "Oh Gosh no Symph not you too! What happened to your butt? Your mark it's all wrong!"

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Stormchaser finishe job and took a small bit of cloud so he can practice his job. stormchaser practice making things while flying around looking for his friends. He found them outside dreamy house he landed them after a while he groan and threw the cloud out of angry it landed but didn't flow back up. It Look like a badly shape star

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"Hey Fire," Cirrus said, seeing the pony walk up. She turned to look at Dreamy again "Well I guess I better get back to practicing..." she said, turning and taking off, hitting her head on a branch. She shook her head and kept flying

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