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choose your own adventure((open))

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"I really doubt anyone would be watching is in the middle of a forest..." Moon said. "Unless it's some sort of animal" Ugh, the one day I leave my sword at home...he thinks

as moon says that there was rustling in some trees and cracking of sticks on the ground and then you can heard some hooves running away



Fire begin walking back to the park

you guys made your way back to the park with discord skating along the ground
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Moon follow her the best he could but she was too fast just when he thought he lost her he caught up when he got near her she was gazing at an old abandoned town. There was alot of building from where you are you can see that a couple roofs was caved in and other building has brokeing walls but still standing and other was not damaged at all. a few was completely destroyed

1.Investigate town

2. Leave

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Moon walked forward, entering the town

As you enter the town with pinkie and rainbow you saw a sign that says sunnytown after you took a few steps towards the center of town something weird came over you and you passed out after a couple minutes which felt like hours you awoke in the same place but something was off the old town you passed out in was different it was broken down at all and you saw a couple lights on in a couple buildings and you figure out that there is no way to go back so you just need to go forward

1. freak-out

2.stay calm and look around

3. panic and look around

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"Give it a go"

Discord walked up to each pony and try so of his chaotic magic on them first one the stone one he change it from stone to wood then back to stone he thought for a bit and try again and change it to mable but change it back then he when to the time pony he try but nothing really happen to it then on the last group he try but again he couldn't do anything

"well i try and faliure this is some powerful magic i mean i could probably do it but i couldn't guaranteed their safety" said discord

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As you look thought the window you can see a living room type area you can also see what you believe is a unicorn but something seems off about it

1.try to get a closer look

2.knock on door

3. investigation another house

4.investigation the town

((also here is where i am getting these ideas from beside my own head if the town name sunnytown was not enough for you to figure it out here is the link http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/573755 ))

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