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Vietnam War (pony rp) (closed can't do it)

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So this my Vietnam RP. The battle we do is Battle for Hue City. You will make a oc. You can send me a link or just tell me upfront. Your character must include his name, rank, appearance, weapon (american vietnam war era weapon), side arm (a pistol), uniform, age (28 or younger), troop ID number, and MOS (medic, submachine gunner, infantry man, support gunner. NO SNIPERS I repeat No snipers.) Follow the format below.

Name: Dusk Shade

Rank: Sgt.

Appearance: grey coat with red mane and tail, green eyes

Weapon: M16A2

Side arm: M1911

Uniform: M1 helmet with green camo cover, forest green flak jacket, Vietnam era marine uniform (top part only)

Age: 26

ID #: SA 1237 0125

MOS: Squad leader

I'm the only person here who can put squad leader here. Why? Cause I'm in charge. Alright here's a short list of the rules.

1. If you put a back story in your description don't make it to where it makes your character a escaped POW, CIA, Special forces, fought in 23 ****in wars, or any other **** like that.

1. No army guys. We are marines.

2. No god modding

3. Medics you are medics. Do your job

4. No OPing

5. No alicorns (I don't see them fitting in this)

6. Vietnam War era weapons only

7. Cursing is allowed and should be used

8. No space marine ****

9. Your not a marine from 2014

10. Use american weapons only. No NVA weapons allowed

11. Your uniform doesn't have pants. You're a pony not a human. Ponies that wear pants look stupid.

If you want to know some things about the Battle of Hue City send me a PM and I'll send you a link to a wikipedia detailing it exactly.

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That's enough. Stop it with these. This is not a website for wars or conflict. Canterlot is a community based around slice of life and character development roleplay. If you want to start up with nothing but bloodshed, war, racism and violence, you can look other places.

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That's enough. Stop it with these. This is not a website for wars or conflict. Canterlot is a community based around slice of life and character development roleplay. If you want to start up with nothing but bloodshed, war, racism and violence, you can look other places.

Dude sorry I made this before you posted on my WWII rp. By the way who the hell said anything about racism? Why can't I do my RP's and you people just leave me the hell alone. Who do you take me for a kid who would like to take a rifle and shoot up school. No that ain't me. I'm just a kid who gets good grades, appreciates the armed forces and will one day join them. I like these kinds of RP's and if I can't do them then I go back to MLP Forums.

P.S. Sorry if this comes off as hateful and offends you. I'm not trying to make it like that. I don't know how else to word it.

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I don't care who you are. I don't care about your history. You put up the vietnamese war as a basis for roleplay. The entire mindset of that war was an 'us VS them' dehumanizing of multiple nations, while crimes and atrocities of horrifying magnitude were committed by both sides.

That sort of thing is not really appropriate for this site. This is a multinational community, and as such we're not going to be terribly accepting of roleplays glorifying violence between nations.

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Bud, little tip. I would

1. Stop swearing

2. Stop argueing. The person your talking too is a Staff member. If he says that you cant do it like this, i would listen to him and either stop the RP or change it too fix the issues.

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I don't care who you are. I don't care about your history. You put up the vietnamese war as a basis for roleplay. The entire mindset of that war was an 'us VS them' dehumanizing of multiple nations, while crimes and atrocities of horrifying magnitude were committed by both sides.

That sort of thing is not really appropriate for this site. This is a multinational community, and as such we're not going to be terribly accepting of roleplays glorifying violence between nations.

Bud your making it sound like I'm making it to where I'm going to make it to where soldiers grab somes assualt rifles and shoot up some civilians. Well it ain't. Its just a rp envolving soldiers fighting the NVA in Hue City without killing innocents. And when did I say I was dehumanizing nations. Oh yeah no way. I'm making an RP about a war that did happen and that was tragic. So why don't you just leave me alone and stop trying to be a social justice warrior. I leave you to that.

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Bud, he is not trying to be a social justice fighter. If i was you i would just accept that all Halide is trying to do is his job, making sure that the rules of this site are followed. He may seem a bit blunt with it(No offense halide) but to be honest thats good, it means that all he is trying to do is help.

I seriously recommend that this stops now before it ends horribly for you.

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Fine I'll stop this. I hope your happy Halide or whatever. I was just trying to make a good war RP that wasn't doing anything wrong. This site needs more freedom. Why couldn't you just leave me alone? This wasn't gonna be like you think it was gonna be. But I'll close if that makes you happy.

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To be honest we shouldn't be talking about war since it is a very sensitive subject. Those who are victims of war would be really offended that you are starting something like this. I am not a staff member but this is something that people wish to be forgotten. Many people died in wars and it's a depressing subject, especially when the soldier's families have to suffer their loss

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If you like war or guns, you might want to simmer it down to an Ops squad or a hunting RP. This is a place for the magic of friendship so we aren't supposed to have war here anyways.

You didn't do anything bad but it's still not good to talk about war in this kind of forum

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To be honest we shouldn't be talking about war since it is a very sensitive subject. Those who are victims of war would be really offended that you are starting something like this. I am not a staff member but this is something that people wish to be forgotten. Many people died in wars and it's a depressing subject, especially when the soldier's families have to suffer their loss

Why do you people think I'm trying to make it to where I'm trying to diminish the image of the armed forces and trying to bring up a war that was terrible. And yeah wars depressing I know that. I just wanted to make a Vietnam War RP but since I came on here all I've been getting is flak from everybody. Not enjoying my stay here.

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Lok, this is a lovving community. We al help each other here. Before this gets really bad, to the point warning points get thrown out i really think we all should just close this. None of us want one of us hate this place, we wish them to have fun as is everyones right.

Please, i really dont want this to end up in a massive conflict that i wont be able to help in any way shape or form.

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Lok, this is a lovving community. We al help each other here. Before this gets really bad, to the point warning points get thrown out i really think we all should just close this. None of us want one of us hate this place, we wish them to have fun as is everyones right.

Please, i really dont want this to end up in a massive conflict that i wont be able to help in any way shape or form.

I'm closing it. I haven't gotten to it yet I'm about to do it.

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Wars and war RPs are acceptable. What we don't want are wars based on actual conflicts or involving real nations because they are by their very nature quite tragic. The best way to get your war RP is to ditch the concept of reality and the nationstates of our world and embrace fiction in all forms.

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