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A Plan of Black Ice, The Elements of the Ancients(private)


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Radz looked at the machine "so...that thing is going to give me my true element?" she thought for a moment. "how does it work...?" she asked going over to look at the machine more closely.

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Trax shrugged, "Black never figured out how, but i say we give a push of help." He fake yawned and shoved her into the machine, it shut tight and began its work. Jagg saw they were fine and left to join the others.

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"When the rest of your comrades arrive, we will discuss our next move. Again, we welcome you into our kingdom with open arms." Kane said, nodding to them before leaving the room. Dark looked to Azure. "What happens now?"

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"We will start a war plan once the others are here, for now you can wait for your sister." Azure told him dismissing him from his orders.

Storm came back wearing his robes, they were black with a maroon trim. "Weird, they more comfortable than i remember." He regarded as he walked up to Flint.

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"what Fu-" she was about to say when the door closed on her. The inside was freezing due the Ice. She wondered if this was even going to work, or will it kill her in a slow painful way.

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Radz looked around a little bit before feeling a sharp pain enter his chest. She growled as the pain lingered. Bright light shined out of the machine. The pain got worse as Radz screams were muffled from inside. The light got brighter and brighter. Radz's eyes started to glow and her horn lit, moments later the door to the machine was blasted off and large beam of Light. the door smashed through the wall with a loud bang. Everything went quiet and Radz crawled out of the machine coughing. A white aura surrounded her body. Radz laid down holding her chest as she coughed more "what *cough* the hell happened?"

((I decided to make her element Light, since her original cutie mark is a radiation symbol. So she can control any type of light.))

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Snow joined Storm, wearing her own robes. She smiled when she saw Storm wearing them. "See? You don't look so bad."

Autumn had stepped out of her dress and Rarity had put it away to keep it safe until wedding day. Kane entered the room to see the three mares. "There's my princess." he said with a smile. Autumn ran to him and embraced him, and the two ponies shared a romantic kiss.

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Trax examined her, "Well theres no tattoos or markings, try using your magic." He suggested ad he stepped back.

Storm marveld at Snows beauty, "You look gorgeous Snow." He told her gently.

Tavi smiled at the couple and winked at Rarity about hiding the dress away in time so Kane wouldnt see it.

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Radz lit up her horn and suddenly a large beam of light shot out of her horn and the beam went through the ceiling of the room. Her eyes started to glow bright white again. "Make it stop make it stop!" she shouted as the beam continued to destroy the ceiling.

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Snow giggled and nuzzled him, kissing him on the cheek. "You're too sweet, Stormy." she said in a sweet tone.

Rarity winked back at Tavi after it was hidden. Kane nuzzled Autumn affectionately before seeing the other two mares in the room. "How is wedding planning going for two of my favorite aunts?"

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Tavi scoffed innocently, "Oh you know, the regular old things..." She started as she hinted to Rarity to help.

Storm smiled and nuzzled her affectionately, "Well we're all packed, better get goin back to our old home."

Before Trax could do anything the beam of light bent as it was being absorbed, in the doorway stood Carla as she began sucking in the light and consuming till it stopped.

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"Yes, darling. Everything is going well. You have nothing to worry about." Rarity said with a fake smile, hoping Kane could take a hint and not ruin seeing his wife to be in her wedding dress. Fortunately Kane was only here for a moment. "Well I'm glad everything is doing well. I have to see to the Order arriving." He kissed Autumn again. "I'll see you later, hun." She said affectionatly as Kane smiled and turned to leave. She sighed in relief as he left.

Snow nodded and began to follow the others who were preparing to leave soon.

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Radz started to breathe heavily and her nose bled from the stress. her vision went blurry. "That...wasn't what...I had in mind." she got out before she lost consciousness.

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Carla and Traxs eyes followed her to the floor as she feel over, "Evening Trax." Carla greeted looking up to him, Trax nodded, "Tis a pleasure to see you again my dear, mind helping me sort this one out will ya, I have to be back in Canterlot soon." Carla nodded her agreement and Trax took off, She then turned her attention on Radz. "It would seem I have another apprentice to train." She remarked as she levitated Radz off the floor and took her to the carriage where everypony was gathering onto. "Dont ask." Was all Carla had to say for her explanation if the passed out mare she loaded aboard the carriage. Storm scoffed, "See, not the only one dumb enough to touch wired machines." He retorted.

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Storm hopped in next to her and put a hoof around her neck and pulling her close, "It'll be good to see the ole homestead." He remarked with a smile. Ivy swatted on the reigns cause the timber wolves to charge forward as she called out, "Mush!" Flint, Aurora, Jagg and Arial sat in different places around the carriage, Rogue and Carla sat close together in a backseat. The doors flew open as they timber wolves drug the carriage over the side of the castle grounds and onto a residing mountain and down the slope.

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Snow leaned into Storm and rested her head on his shoulder, nuzzling him with a smile. "Yes it will....I hope my parents will be there." It had been a long time since she had seen her parents. Gleaming Blade was still the Guardian of the Crystal Heart and Sweetie Belle was still a singer, but it was hard to carry on their daily lives not knowing what their daughter was doing.

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Azure, Knight, and Bolt waited on wall above the gates, the two Unicorns received a number if stares from citizens and soldiers alike.

The carriage rolled fast as they entered into the everfree forest, Storm began to see some of his old training grounds where he and Azure trained together, and the places where he, Snow, and her brother Dark played.

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Radz slowly opened her eyes and looked around and noticed she was in a carriage. She stayed silent, she looked out the window and saw that they were in the Everfree. How long was I out? she thought to herself.

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Snow had fallen asleep, and as the carriage neared Canterlot, she woke with a yawn and rubbed her eyes. She looked up at Storm, whose arms she had fallen asleep in, and nuzzled his neck affectionately. "Stormyyyy" she playfully moaned.

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