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A Plan of Black Ice, The Elements of the Ancients(private)


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((Oh yea should probably mention ita gonna be a really sad in some parts and before the end, like some really F'd up stuff.))

Storm frowned as he thought about the ancient dragons coming out of hiding, "We'll do our best to defend canterlot."

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Radz looked at her "I'm already awake for some time now..." she said looking out the window again. "I'm guessing I'll need a teacher to control my element...my body slightly burns like...something has branded me a while ago." she wanted to check but her armor covered her body so if anything was there, she wouldn't able to see until she got to canterlot.

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"For starters, I cannot argue with the Grandmasters word, but your element is the same as mine. Light magic, often referred to as Holy magic, is a very complicated magic when first learning how to use it. You can thank Black Frost for making the machine ti where you wont require a year of meditation to control the element within you. It might make training you easier for me." Carla expalined as she walked around Radz examining her.

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"make it three times easier, I'm a master in the magical arts so teaching me won't be a problem for you. Twilight was my mentor before you so I'm confident I can get this element control thing down pretty easily, though I am aware that it will take time. I will be as good as a student like I was with Twilight." Radz said reassuringly now standing at attention around her mentor.

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Carla instantly knew she had a military background and took advantage of the high discipline, "Fine, in two days I want you to learn ten different Light magic attacks and defenses. Am I clear?" She finished in commanding tone. Rogue couldnt help but smile a bit as he watched his mate teach her newest unlikely student.

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Kane walked into a room and saw an aging crystal pony staring out a window. He walked up to him and put a hoof on his shoulder. "Do you think she will remember me?" he asked wearily. "Of course, you're her father, don't be ridiculous." Blade turned to the young prince. "Do you think they've changed her?" Kane smiled at the pony he considered his older brother all these years. "Did being the Guardian change you?" Blade also smiled and looked back out the window. "Her mother is going to kill her." He said laughing as Kane did the same.

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Radz raised an eyebrow "I need to first be taught these new spells by you before I put them into practice. Just telling me to learn spells I never heard of is counter productive. Though if you have a tome that I could study on Light Spells, would speed up the process tenfold." she replied.

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"does it have the technique or something that can give me an idea? Just the names won't get me anywhere, unless your testing what I can do naturally." Radz said looking at the names.

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Radz found it hard to believe that she could summon up spells without even knowing the basics about them. She didn't question anymore though, Carla was her mentor after all, she knows more about light magic so what she says must be true.

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Snow went to the front of the carriage and watched the city with wide eyed wonderment come into view. It had been so long since she had been to Canterlot that it felt like she was visiting a new city for the first time. As he stood on the carriage, her beautiful mane flowed in the breeze and her face seemed to reflect the sunlight.

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Storm smiled as he watched her, even though they were young, he still had thoughts about they're future.

Azure, Knight, and Bolt waved to the carriage as they neared the gates, "The timber wolves arent staying right?" Azure asked questionally, Bolt laughed while Knight chuckled in his deep voice.

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"It's still a beautiful as I remember." Snow said in awe.

A secretary came to Kane, Autumn, Blade and Sweetie Belle in the nearby throne room. "Your highness, they are here." Kane nodded as Blade and Sweetie instantly made their way to where the carriage was landing, with Kane and Autumn following close behind.

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