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A Plan of Black Ice, The Elements of the Ancients(private)


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Aurora had already brought Ivy back to the castle, she had been tending to Ivy's burns using the healing water. The warry group landed in the square, Storm set Snow down beside him, Carla tried to stand up on shaking legs.

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Guards immediately came to meet the Order, bringing medical supplies to those who needed it. Snow got to her feet, wiping her tears away and trying to compose herself. Soon Kane came onto the courtyard. "What happened? Are you all ok?" he asked with concern.

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Carla tried to stand up straight but Flint stepped in for her, "We going to need to make a war plan, we are dealing with a far greater danger than we original thought." As he spoke Rogue and the other two landed and switched back to their normal pony self along with the others. Bolt had a jagged scar over his right eye, Knights left ear was torn and bleeding with a scar over his right cheek. Rogue seemed unscaved but blood running from behind his hair covering the right side of his face told a different story. Carla ran to him in tears and they embraced eachother. Bolt held Arial as her emotions got the best of her. Knight looked around, "Wheres ..." He stopped as Aurora came down the stairs with her head down, she walked up to Knight. Knight lifted her chin up to see her crying, "I tried...." Knight squinted as a tear ran from his eye, he said nothing as he took hold of Aurora. Ivy's burns had been too severe and not even the healing abilities of magical water could save her. Storm sat down in disbelief, his very world was crumbling around him it seemed, "Jagg, Ivy, their gone...." He said weakly. Flint gritted his teeth and looked down in saddness, Carla burst out in tears as she held Rogue tighter, she cried out in agony while Rogue held her close.

Back at the battle sight, the two dragons lay limp and lifeless, their eyes were black and crisp like their souls were stripped from them.

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Snow couldn't help but cry harder knowing that Ivy was now dead too. Kane fell silent for a moment, his chest literally hurting from the pain. The guilt of knowing that two ponies died for his kingdom was overwhleming him. "I'm....I'm so sorry....they will be honored as heroes."

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Later that night some of the Elements went bed early, only Storm and Rogue along with Bolt and Knight stayed awake. The sat around the large living room which was at the bottom of their tower where they were staying. "We now know what we're up against, these dragons are smart and cunning, and took a hell of a beatting before going down." Bolt exclaimed as he walked back n forth near the fire place. Rogue sat in a luxurious chair, his hair was still down over his right eye that had been patched up due to him losing it, "Not to mention the fact that Rogue had to secrifice his right eye just to kill that Fire Dragon, and Knight almost died killing the one who killed Jagg." Bolt added furiously. "Dont hold back on yourself my friend, if you hadnt gone all out on them both before hand who knowd what the outcome would have been." Knight said encouragingly, reminding Bolt he had a part in their victory. Storm starred at the fire, watching it burn and crackle, "But those two werent the ones who burnt down the first Separatist command post, the scales were different, which means there are more of them." He pointed out seriously, the room went quiet as they all realized the journey ahead of them.

"My lord, it isnt your falt, they died doing their job. The Order doesnt blame you and neither should you." Azure told Kane reassuringly. Trax nodded in agreement after bejng told the story, his eyes still closed as he mourned for Jagg and Ivy.

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Snow had fallen asleep on one of the sofas in the room. She was exhausted from the fight and the emotional toll overwhelmed her.

Kane stared out a window into the night. "I am not worth dying for. Every day I hear of ponies dying for this kingdom....for me, and it never gets any easier. I ask myself every day...did I earn their sacrifice?" He sighed.

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Storm glanced at Snow sleeping beside him, he began to think about what he'd do if She were to... He quickly pushed the thought away, he couldnt bare to think about that kind of scenario. "I thinks its time we start training harder, more intensly than we ever have, and I know exactly who can help us too." Knight began tapping his hooves together thinking hard. "The Grand Master? True he did teach us alot but only melee techniques, we need to train in the arcane arts of Dragon Slaying." Bolt pointed out, Rogue stood up and went to the middle of the room, "But he can teach us concentration and control, as well as willpower and courage. The Grand Master taught us a little back then but he knows more than just the basics we were told of. We'll confront him tomorrow, for now lets get some rest, we all need it." He said glancing at Storm and Snow, Bolt and Knight exchanged a quick glance and nod and headed off. Storm got comfortable beside Snow as Rogue headed for his and Carlas room.

Azure and Trax exhcanged a glance, "Kane, you have reason to think this way, but these ponies do what they believe in. And they believe in you, so why dont you start believing in yourself." Trax said encouragingly laying a hoof on his shoulder as he came up beside him.

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Kane was silent for a moment. "I still think about it every day, you know..." He said, remembering the day that his father was killed, the day he became the ruler of Equestria. Trax and Azure were the only people he ever told about his vision, when the spirit of Soul told him his death was planned so that Kane could be a stronger leader. "I'd die for anypony in this kingdom. Every time somepony dies, it's because they think I'm worth dying for. It's not easy to deal with. An now two members of the Order are dead, because they think I'm worth dying for. They could have stayed in their stronghold and never get their hooves dirty with our problems, but they chose to die instead." He turned back from the window. "I will make sure they didn't die in vein."

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Trax nodded to him, "You may not see it, but you grow wiser eache passing day, to be even better than your father. Just how he wanted it to be." Azure yawned to the side trying to hide it, "Well My king, its about time you get some rest, we could all use some sleep after today." He suggested hintingly.

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Kane nodded. "Yes...it has been a long day." He put a hoof on each of their shoulders. "Thank you both for everything. I would not be the ruler I am without you two." He then left the room and headed down the hall towards his chambers. He quietly pushed the door open to see Autumn asleep inside. He quietly removed his regalia and walked to the bed, climbing onto his and getting close to Autumn. "About time you showed up." she said quietly with a smile. Kane smiled and kissed her before wrapping his arms around her, falling asleep instantly.

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Trax and Azure nodded their gratitude to the King.

As morrning came the Order was already moving, after confronting Trax about more advanced training, they began right away with extranious training. Bolt sat in an open space concentrating the lightning around him as it pulsed violently. Knight practiced on a battle arena by using spell after spell to maximize speed and switching spells. Rogue and Carla sat across from eachother, shadowy energy gathered around Rogue as white energy swirled around Carla. Trax stood fast observing them. Aurora and Arial spared together using only certain spells to par with eachother constantly. Flint stood between two flames and began swallowing them slowly, then pointed his mouth upwards to the sky, "Fire Dragon ROARRRR!" He let out a breath of an enormous firey vortex that seperates the clouds above and went up miles. Storm sat concentrating as white flames swirled around him.

Azure watched them couriously, "I'd hate to meet any one of them in battle." He said to himself honestly.

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Radz stepped into the room "Um...mentor?" she said quietly looking around. "I did what you asked and, well...I kinda made my own spell, at least I think it's new."

((the laser is going to be Radz's special ability with the light element.))

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((My bad fogot to mention their outside))

Carla opened one eye and looked at her, "Well then lets go see what you've learned." She said standing up, the white energy evaporated into thin air. Rogue lifted his one eye to watch them go before he settled back into his training. "Concentrate more power, keep your mind clear." Trax advised, Rogue unleashed another pulse of black energy and his aruora grew larger.

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Radz lead Carla to where she has been practicing, the area was filled with scorch marks and craters. "It isn't the prettiest...anymore that is." Radz put her hooves together and faced the forest. "It's tricky, and exhausting...but I believe with enough training, I can withstand the pressure." she took a deep breathe and lit her horn. "I don't have a name for it yet, so maybe you can help me." she said as light exploded from her horn, in almost an instant the light condensed into a little orb and suddenly a large red beam shot out. The beam ripped through the trees and ground scorching all in it's path. Once the beam stopped, Radz fell on one knee and breathed heavily, she looked at carla "so...what do you think?" she asked sitting down to catch her breathe.

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Carla watched with proud smile, "The power released is a powerful condensed beam of light, honestly its quite impressive." She told her approvingly. "But do you know why we use words to strengthen our power, becuase it gives us more control over somthing we know by heart. Im afraid only you can name it dear, afterall you did create it." She added simply.

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"but why use words when your soul and mind is all the power you need. What you know by heart is something you should understand and trust in your own strength to control. I see the words as something one would use to focus. Though using the words will only give your enemy knowledge of your attack. I think focus and strengthening of the mind is all we need to strengthen our power. Killjoy taught me that. it's just like fighting with the sword. No one screams our their moves...magic should be the same." Radz said remembering back when Killjoy put her through rough mental training.

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Carla smiled and shook her head, "Killjoy taught you well, but the blade and magic are two different subjects. One requires more physical strength while the other is based on mental and emotion. Dragon Slayer magic feeds off the users emotion, the stronger the emotion the stronger the spell. And the enemy wont automatically know your moves step by step, its just title that when said gives the move its true power. The powerful the spell, it requires a name. This technique has been handed down since the beginning of time itself." She finished turning to the trees, "Watch, give me some of your Light energy."

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Radz still wasn't convinced "physical fighting requires more mental focus and control than you give credit for. I still find it useless to say the word when you can think it and focus on that name in your mind. I do not mean to question my mentor's teaching...but I just think all the power is in here." she said putting her hoof on her heart. "Maybe the power is also strengthened in what you believe also, and I believe that the heart is what gives you true power. I don't need demonstration Mentor...I wanna be the first to control my element with mental strength and focus." she said smiling. She wanted to be the best she could be, even if it meant doing something that might be impossible.

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Snow briefly stopped her training to watch Radz, and was impressed by her ability to create a new spell. "Wow....I guess being taught by Twilight paid off."

Dark approached Azure as he watched the Order training. "Greetings master. How do our esteemed guest look today?"

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"In most cases I wouldn't allow you to change our way of using this type of magic, but I think you should learn by experience, your coming with us on the next call." Carla told her before turning back to join Rogue.

"Shes a little to head strong and trys to mix her magical techniques, which isnt a good idea anyways because you wont get the full effect out of either type." Storm said as still kept his focus as the white flames swirled around him.

"They certainly have a lot of heart, the loss they felt yesterday has been their fuel to train harder to overcome their enemies." Azure stated.

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Snow lit her horn up as a cloud of ice came around her, lifting her up in the air slightly as she began to meditate. "If we can get her to focus her mind and use her powers the way we do, she could be a lethal force."

Dark nodded, looking back to the training members of the Order. "Have you spoken to the Prince lately? I heard he was hurt that some of the Order fell."

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"That'll be for her to decide, she was taught one way, now she learns she has to do some things differently than shes used to. She'll figure it out some how." Storm said as he focused his white flames into a single flare with him in the center.

"He was a little down in the dusts but He'll pull through, just needed to be reminded who raised him thats all." Azure said punching Dark in the shoulder lightly, "Come on, lets go see if we can make some tactics for dealing with dragons, which should be fun considering their one weakness is their own magic." He added enthusiastically.

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Dark looked at the map with Azure. "Where do you think they'll strike next?" Kane soon entered the room and saw the two ponies inside. "Greetings, friends. Mind if I join you?" he said, in a much more calm tone than the previous night.

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