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A Plan of Black Ice, The Elements of the Ancients(private)


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"Of course my king, and to answer that truthfully Dark, I'm aftaid I dont know. We dont know enough about them to predict anything yet." Azure greeted the king and then turned back to Dark to answer with sad truth.

((Alright, the names for the moves are just for added effects and dramatic scenes, truthfully, and I'll do this too, you dont have to have then say anything for the spell.))

After they had trained for a couple hours a messenger came to them with a request to inspect strange activity on the far border. Carla, Rogue, and Radz were dispatched to check it out, while the others got the time off to see the city. Storm had asked Snow on a date to explore Canterlot with him, as he waited in front of her room in a blacks leather jacket. Bolt, Arial, Knight and Aroura had already left to see the sights and cool off from the day before. Flint and Trax headed to the war room to check in on the plans.

Carla and Rogue flew over the clouds, Carla held Radz with her dragon like feet under her under belly. "So supposibly theres been strange activity near a town right off the equestrian border. It could nothing but the messenger seemed too worried for it to be anything else." Rogue said as he glided downwards with Carla following behind him.

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Radz sighed "Is it going to be like this every time we get a call?" she said not really liking the fact that she has to be carried everywhere "I guess I could try a transportation spell. Do you know of any?" she asked Carla.

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Carla nodded, they soon began their decent into a vally where a couple if trees were scattered about and the ground was scrapped away. Rogue lead them down and Carla dropped Radz off before landing herself, "Its defiantly a dragon, I can smell it, and it smells close too." Carla said after taking a couple sniffs of the air. Rogue looked around, he sensed a disturbance in the shadows around him, "I think we're dealing with a Shadow Dragon, we need to be on guard, it could pop out anywhere." He warned cautiously.

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Snow soon emerged from her room, wearing a simple dress and had her beautiful mane fall loose. She was able to look pretty, and yet casual, since they were just exploring the city. "Hello, handsome." she said seductively.

Kane nodded and sighed. "I guess this is really out of our hooves and resting on the Order then. Anything we can do to improve defenses in case a dragon attacks the city?"

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Flint and Trax walked in as he said it, "There are very few things in this world that can successfully defend against them, your biggest bet would be heavy fire like catapults and balista's. Also Unicorns with battle magic will help." He said coming up to the table. Azure nodded, "The Sentinels have skilled mages in our ranks, we can provide magical fire power." He said confidently. "And the Royal Army has an Artillery Battalion who are skilled with heavy fire." Trax put in.

Before Carla could answer her the shadows in front of them swirled around like a portal and from it rose a jet black dragon with torn wings and a long scar over its snout. It roard loudly in their faces and spread out its wings as a mean of intimidation. Rogue stood still and looked up at the Dragon without a trace of fear, Carla threw on a look of determination and readied her magic. "Why dont you ask them?" Rogue joked in a simple tone.

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Trax and Azure nodded their gratitude for being recognized by their king, Flint bowed his head in respect, "The Order was made for just this occasion my Lord, we will fight with our last breath."

Storm grinned, "Well hello there my little Snowflake, ready to see the city?" He asked her leaning against the door and winking.

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"Dont mind if I do dear." Storm said as he lead the way down the steps and out to the courtyard.

The Shadow Dragon lifted an arm with razor sharp claws and slashed at them, Rogue jumped up as Carla back flipped using her wings to fly back further, she sucked in then blew out a beam of light that hit the Dragon in the shoulder causeing him to curl back in pain.

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Radz stood back "Should I try my new spell on it...see if it works on dragons. I only learned the first 10 spells you told me to learn and I don't they will help me with this fight." Radz said avoiding the dragon's attacks.

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Snow was surprised at how new Canterlot felt. They weren't gone very long, and yet it felt like they were visiting a whole new city. "I almost forgot how beautiful the city was." She said, holding onto Storm's hoof.

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Storm looked around couriously as he read all the signs and store names, "Makes me feel old cause I don't recognize modt of these names." He said jokingly.

"No time to test just do." Carla said before dodging a tail slam reinforced by a shadowy energy.

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Carla and Rogue nodded to her, "We'll keep him busy as long as you need." They both rushed the Dragon, dodging its attacks and fighting back with their spells.

Storm raised an eye brow, "Are they now? Should i be worried?" He asked grinning with sarcasm.

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Radz started to sweat and feel weaker. The light swirling around has grown large. She figured it was enough as she started to condense the light, the large amount of light was now formed into a small orb which turned bright red. Finally the orb broke shooting the large red beam driving the dragon into the ground.

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Storm nuzzled her nose, "Your a sneaking one arnt you?" He teased gently.

The blast forced the Dragon into the ground sending it back and creating a large intrenchment in the ground. Carla smiled at the sight of victory at hand.

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Carla peered through the smoke but saw nothing, "You might have obliterated it darling."

Storm smiled and nuzzled her, suddenly he saw himself standing inside the large room where the wedding would be but it was already set up and everthing was torn and battered and burning around him. The entire back wall was gone and overlooked canterlot as it burned and sounded with terrifying screams, Dragons flew in the skies and wrecked havoc on the city. Storm starred in fear, suddenly a dragon popped up infront of him and blew a firey breath. He awoke to see Snow starring at him, "Im sure we'll make the wedding easily, dont you worry." He said before kissing her on the forehead.

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