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When it Snows (Closed for now)


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They had been in the lost Crystal city for weeks before Snowfall was forced back to her so-called job. Job? Uggh. More like prison of the soul Pathfinder thought. But in that time they had done what they had to do and it was clear to pathfinder what needed to happen. It was burning a hole in her saddlebag- well, it would except she wasn't wearing a saddlebag. She was in a dress that was ill fitting for her more in function than form. It was all white with gold embroidery and a bit short at the hemline to go along with some golden shoes. Luckily the shoes had a cool story behind them but none of that for now. Point was that she and Snowy had been in that crystal city for weeks and Pathfinder had found what she was looking for. Then she had lied to her pony waifu cuddlebug adventure buddy Snowfall which only meant she had to go and dig it up many moons later. And then get dressed. And then throw a rock through her waifu's window as she was being chased by her mother's henchgriffons telling her to show up to the Faire.

Pathfinder had arrived weeks ahead of time mostly to panic about what was about to happen. It never went to plan in the books. Something always happened. She hoped nothing would happen here but if it did, it would at least be pretty cool. Barring that all she did was plan everything out. Escape routes in case attacked. She hid caches of various gear across town since she wouldn't have any on her. She noted where the hospitals were and more importantly how to sneak out of them. She was prepared, so prepared she was worried she didn't prepare enough. The separation was in the preparation and she was ready and willing to do whatever was necessary to make sure tonight's plan went off without a hitch. The easiest way to do so was to pick an out of the way location.

Rooftop a few blocks from the Spire, an otherwise off-limits location on top of a closed art gallery? Checkarooni. Nopony knew she was up here and Snowy was told to meet her three blocks from the Spire to the south. She'd see the gallery was closed and realize that didn't matter to Pathfinder at all and meet her on top. She knew her mare well enough and Pathfinder knew her's well enough to know that what she would want is a nice cuddle spot, some sweet drinks, good food, and a gift, all next to the warmest pillows and blanket she could scrounge up from Snowflake's room. If that didn't mak Snowfall giggle impish giggles of gigglish glee, Pathfinder'd eat her hat...if it was around, which it wasn't. She wasn't even all dyed up. A baby blue pegasus with light blonde hair would meet her Snowy for the first time without all the trappings, and boy she felt naked for the very first time.


it had been quite an exhausting year. It wasn't often that a mare like her both get kidnapped by a dragon and spend weeks lost in a forgotten ancient city. Even for a pony who had once lamented the boring life of a business executive, it was a lot to take in all at once. More than anything it was indicative of the change in momentum wrought by the wonderful mare she had let in her life not many years back.

There was something strangely magical about Pathfinder. Snowfall doubted many others saw it. She was excitable and perhaps a little childish. Snow's mother and everyone else in the world of the elite would never likely understand why she would associate with such an uncultured, uncontainable and silly pony as her, but Snowfall found her as a constant source of inspiration. Pathfinder played by her own rules. She lived her own life and likely in her own world. She had spent weeks in that world in the crystal caverns and had been constantly surprised by the beauty and wonder it contained. There was no denying she was in love and there was no denying that it was wonderful.

So, when like in some silly teen filly romance story, Pathfinder thew a rock with a message attached through her window telling her to go the Crystal Empire for the Faire, Snowfall certainly wasn't about to refuse it. Instead she fell into the part, collapsing onto her bed and dreaming about what her love might have planned like she was some teen filly herself. This did seem different somehow, from how Pathfinder typically operated. When she took her to the caves, she had just burst in and stolen her right away. Something like this, planned in advance. Deliberate. it was unlike Pathfinder, and something about that excited Snowfall.

Snowfall had been many times to the Crystal Empire and found it a fine and beautiful city. Since it's return, she was trying to establish an NSI presence there. It was a viable location for their business, being close in proximity to Stalliongrad. Most of the ponies were still kind of living in the past, unfamiliar with modern innovations, but that also made them very curious about new technologies. She was close to getting a Crystal Spire branch office started and would likely check on the progress of it while in the Empire, though Pathfinder and enjoying the festivities of the Faire came ahead of business. Her dealings did provide a nice excuse for her to be there during the Faire though.

Pathfinder had told her to meet her at an art gallery, which she had found an interesting and unexpected thing. She hoped, but could not be certain, that Pathfinder didn't plan to steal any of the featured artwork. When she arrived, however, she found the gallery was closed for the Faire. Did Pathfinder plan poorly? Snow wondered this for a moment, but she realized quickly that it was her only lead... and just because the building was closed to the world, didn't necessarily mean it was closed to Pathfinder. All the doors were locked however, which left Snowfall with only one area of access, the roof. Wondering if that was where her love awaited her, Snowfall took to flight.

Atop the building, she found a blue pegasus with a blonde mane wearing a beautiful white dress, sitting amongst some rather familiar looking pillows with food and drinks nearby. Snowfall had never seen her mare like this, in her natural colors, but it wasn't like she didn't recognize her. She knew Pathfinder's face, her eyes, her expressions. It did give her an excuse to play with the mare a little though.

She landed near the other mare, dressed herself in an elegant silky black dress. "Excuse me there, beautiful. I'm looking for a bold and fearless adventurer. You wouldn't happen to have seem somepony like that about, would you?" she said, smirking warmly.


There she was all showing up like a pretty star in the sky. As a filly before Pathfinder became all about the most Daring of Doers she used to wish upon stars. Now she knew that most stars were actually ancient evil deities trying to eat Equestria she didn't wish upon them much anymore but if she ever was going to pick up a habit she had dropped as a filly, now would be the time to do so. Wishing upon a Snowfall was a pretty good way of making dreams come true. She'd certainly made some of Pathfinder's dreams come true. She still hadn't kissed Daring Do but some things were best left to her vivacious fanfictions and less the reality she inhabited. Snowfall came down and trotted next to Pathfinder, the dame of dames having arrived to the most monumental place of all time.

“Huh?” Pathfinder replied quickly to her lover's off-patter questioning. Shoot. She knew this was a bad idea. How could Snowy know it was Pathfinder? Pathfinder's voice wasn't really all that cool. It squeaked and squawked and dabbled a few octaves too high for her taste. She wished she had a better voice, like that beautiful voice used by that actress for the Daring Do musical. She'd cry tears of joynessity if she could hve that voice. So how would Snowy know it was her? This weird pegasus in a dress who looked really stupid in baby blue and blonde was where her mare was supposed to meet her. Poor Snowy might fly away and think Pathfinder was pulling her hoof and then everything would blow up in Pathfinder's face. She didn't know if she could handle the heartache and break.

Well, probably.

Instead of eating ice cream for hours after a breakup she preferred to go to a small list of the world's most dangerous dungeons. But none of that was a problem because she could just tell Snowy and their love would do the rest. That was the cool thing about heart stuff, it was all mystical and magical and then there were babies.

“Bu- silly, I'M the bold and fearless adventurer!” Pathfinder replied quickly, hopping on to Snowy's side and bringing her close with a strong one winged hug, “surprise Pathfinder date night!” She proceeded to slobber kiss Snowy all over the facial region while walking around, Snowy in one-wing hug tow. “I'm so excited happy to see you! Did you get my message? I'm so happy you deciphered the puzzle!”


Snowfall watched Pathfinder's reaction and her words. it was hard to tell, but it seemed Pathfinder wasn't entirely sure how to take it. She didn't seem keen to the fact that she was being teased, thinking instead that Snowfall didn't truly recognize her. Snow chuckled at this, just as Pathfinder hopped toward her brought her close with a wing and showered her with rather inexpert kisses.

It seemed Pathfinder was quite nervous. It was odd that she would ask if Snowfall got the message when she was right there in front of her? She supposed the pony had been worrying for a long time if somehow Snowfall might have missed the rock which came out of nowhere and shattered her bedroom window. She called her message a puzzle though, which was an interesting sign. The rooftop was a planned thing then, it could be supposed, and not just Pathfinder's improvisation skills in work.

"Yes, I got your message. It cost me a window," Snowfall snickered affectionately as she nuzzled against Pathfinder's blonde mane. "I've been looking forward to seeing you again, my love."

She took a step back from the mare to look her over again. It was so different. A pony who was not so intimate with Pathfinder as she was would be hard pressed to tell it was the same pony. Her natural colors spoke to the delicate softness which lie just as hidden from view in Pathfinder as they did normally. Snowfall knew her mare was uncomfortable with her natural colors, which was why she chose to mask them. That she would now decide to present them to her plainly was quite a telling thing. It was an ultimate display of love and trust.

"I didn't imagine I would be seeing you like this, however," Snowfall said in a soft voice. "I know it's hard for you... but I truly do mean it when I say that you are beautiful like this. Your coat color... it practically matches my mane." She stepped back toward Pathfinder when she was done admiring her and place a not too brief kiss upon her mouth. "It means a lot to me that you would choose to share this with me, Pathfinder..."


Pathfinder could have gotten lost in the contours of Snowfall's lovely mouth during the kiss and maybe she did, if even just a little. It was hard not to embrace the inner romantic when it was starting to take a solid effort to forestall too quickly a slide down into those tawdry romance novel conventions. As an adventurer she had certain morals and attitudes about romance and not following her beliefs to the letter struck her as odd. Even odder was how easy it was to stray from them when you were lost in the warm heartbeats of her mare as they struck chest to chest as close as could be. Feeling her heart go almost beat for beat with Pathfinder's, feeling the warmth of their mouths, the intensity of her foalish emotions- it was enough to make even her own knees buckle. Well, if they could buckle. They were held together by some frantic Everfree sap aided surgery after a recent tumble down a certain Hive so they weren't doing much quaking, but none of that matters. This was Snowy's time.

And Snowy talking about the way Pathfinder looked...well, it made her a little uncomfortable. Pathfinder Hated with a capital her coat and mane. She looked so...weak. Not that there weren't strong baby blue ponies out there, but they were called baby blue for a reason. Strength in spite of your coat, in opposition to it, wasn't really strength. She looked and felt helpless and naked, no secrets, nothing to pull out of her hat. She had devoted her life to an ideal of adventurer in opposition to what she was born as and to go back to it felt...bad. This wasn't her anymore. She existed in various stages of greyscale. Baby Blue coat, a blonde mane, she looked like she should be bearing somepony's foals and tending to her business and generally not being the coolest adventurer who drew breath. That wasn't Pathfinder. This wasn't Pathfinder. But her choice did have the desired effect. Every step along the way she was letting her love know that tonight was special and not just because of the Faire. When Snowfall finally pieced together the possibilities and asked what was up, then Pathfinder would reveal all. Not before then, however.

“Snowy, you're beautiful and right now I'm not. I like that you're trying to build me up, but I don't need to be built up. I'm as high as an airship! What I want is for yoooouuuu....” she trailed her hoof along Snowy's chest and then pointed that hoof to the blankets and good, “to watch the stars with me, beauty. There are some constellations you can only see from this spot this night, and they're beautiful. Not as beautiful as you but you catch the drift! And after we watch the stars I brought some of my fanfiction and we can read that. And then we can cuddle as the Heart is being all lit up and hopefully caribou attack or something and we can have an adventure. And who knows maybe I have prrrriiiiiiiiiizzzzeeessss!”


Pathfinder's response was not unexpected though it still served to even out the smile on Snowfall's face. Just casting a glance at Pathfinder, the usual Pathfinder, not the brightly hued one there on the rooftop, someone who didn't know her could make the mistake of assuming she was the simplest creature in the world, but there was no truth to this. There was a greater complexity to the pegasus even then likely she realized. Snowfall felt, especially as she gazed at the gentle blue fur for the first time that night, like she was the closest to pulling back all the layers and truly understanding her love.

Pathfinder could say she wasn't beautiful, but she couldn't make it true. In her days learning from her father's chosen tutors, Snowfall had been instructed in a wide array of subjects. She could recall the lecture of a certain lauded professor of psychology and how he had mentioned how ponies had shadow aspects to their personalities--elements of their true selves which their conscious ego was either ignorant of or, in the case of a pony like Pathfinder, chooses to actively reject. The soft, baby blue pegasus in front of Snowfall right there was Pathfinder's shadow face. It was a weakness she wanted so desperately to place aside and disassociate with the self she consciously strived to present to the world. The Daring Do colored master adventurer, meanwhile, was her persona, something that professor had referred to as a mask used both for creating a desired impression on others and concealing the complexities of her truest nature.

If Snow's tutor was to be believed, such masks were a natural thing in all ponies, though one such as Pathfinder would benefit in making it natural and flexible. Shadows on the other hand brought deep pain, and ponies would spend their lives running or facing them in a constant struggle until in time perhaps they were able to accept it as a part of them. With her simple words and how she appeared there that night, Snow knew this was one such moment. Pathfinder had chosen, however, to present this her to Snow, choosing to confront it in the moment rather than continue to run. The thought of that was staggering.

Snowfall supposed it was all indicative of why she connected with Pathfinder. Like her, she herself had never been too difficult a study. She had grown up feeling like she was being forced into a box she didn't belong in, and it was only in dreams where she was able to feel free to be the self she envisioned for herself. She wondered, in fact, if she wasn't the flip side of Pathfinder's coin. She was never able to grow that mask after all, as Pathfinder had, and had instead been forced to become what her conscious mind rejected. But, no, she was likely further along. On the path to where she was now, she had been forced to grapple constantly with her regrets and she had come to accept the her who was, though it wasn't until Pathfinder entered her life that she realized how unfulfilled it truly had been before.

Snowfall wasn't entirely sure how she should interfere with Pathfinder's continuing internal struggle. It was a sensitive thing, and as much as she cherished what Pathfinder gave to her, she did not want to test it that night. For that reason, she decided she was going to be as calm, collected and steady as she could that night. She wouldn't ask a lot of questions, she'd just let Pathfinder lead as she reflected on it all.

She gazed up at the stars as Pathfinder mentioned them and nuzzled her softly. "They are beautiful indeed, Pathfinder..." she said through a small sigh. "It's incredible to think I'd be here in this returned forgotten empire, staring at the stars with a pony I so love..." she said. The stars really seemed extra bright there on the rooftop. Pathfinder likely intended for the stargazing to add to the romance in the atmosphere, but it recalled to Snowfall only more words from her tutors. She had learned star charts in her fillyhood and how important they were for exploration. She thought of her lost father, who's memory would ever haunt her, and how he had disappeared. He had headed due north from Stalliongrad--it was quite possible he had found his way to where they were now, only there was no empire standing in that place at the time, and had looked up at the very same patch of sky before the end.

Snowfall glanced downward. So, now she was hesitant to dwell on stars of compliment her mare. What a fine mood for romance, she thought as she chuckled. "Caribou attack, huh?" she started, picking up on the last detail Pathfinder had given for the sake of conversation. "That couldn't happen, I'm afraid, Pathfinder," she said with a warm laugh. "Equestria's relations with the caribou kingdom have been on the upward swing for some time now."

"But I'm sure your fanfiction and your warmth will be excitement enough for us this night," she cooed gently as she kissed and the again nuzzled Pathfinder's near cheek.


There was a brief pause before Pathfinder slowly broght her Snpowy even closer in, the lovepegasi almost one by this stage physically. It never got any worse. She was as warm as apple pie fresh from the oven and Pathfinder couldn't have enough. The real thing Pathfinder couldn't have enough however was this weird emotional vibe she got. It didn't come down to just physical attraction, nor did this fit what Pathfinder thought love was. Maybe her thoughts were wrong but she got them from one if the Daring Do novels so she sincerely doubted that. Maybe it was because they were looking at the stars together. The stars were always out to get the wishy washy ponies so Pathfinder wanted to believe her Snowfall wasn't making any silly wishes on them. Everypony treated them as if they were benevolent but they were actually giant coiled snakes who ate dreams so Pathfinder was wary of them. Some ponies told her she was wrong but she doubted Fandom would have lied to her. He was generally pretty up front about such matters. That was the good thing about fandom in general, always so honest!

“The stars are pretty cool. You know what they really are, though? Giant dream snakes! Yeah, I know, right? I thought they were giant seeing happy eyes but they are actually giant coiled dream snakes, yep. They feed on the wishes ponies make on them and then they get into your brain and try to make you unhappy. You think it's because your dreams didn't come true but no, its giant snakes eating your happy. So don't make a wish or anything because then your head will be full of giant dream eating snakes and that would be just awful. I like my Snowy's head space to be just full of her beautiful awesome brains, yes I do,” Pathfinder offered excitedly. It wasn't often she got to tell ponies about the serious troubles with the giant coiled dream snakes in the sky so any time she got the chance she took it. Well, except unless she was around schools because the Equestrian school system wasn't pleased about Pathfinder telling colts and fillies the truth. They tended to cry and become shutins.

The gift of adventure gab was back soon as the Caribou topic was broached. Oh, her Snowy was so beautiful and naive like a chipmunk in the snow. “The caribou are still really, really dangerous. The only reason we don't hear about their attacks anymore is because they don't attacl Equestria anymore...well, for now. But northern Aq-Aq still gets hit and they're all over the badlands fighting changelings. You have the King and his loyal groups and they're okay I suppose...sort of boring. But dozens of clans left because they think he sucks and stuff and are totally roaming around attacking stuff. Just a few weeks ago I ran into one of their longships in the Basin not far from the Empire's borders. They're really cool! They wear horned helmets and their antlers are really, really sharp. They're also really good with their weapons! See this?” Pathfinder moved around so show a relatively shallow slash from a sword and then a deeper cut in her fentlock from an axe, “they're actually really cool enemies to have. I got away and outran them, hiding in the Basin like a boss. Then I ran into the Living Trees and was semi-petrified for a while. Pretty rad, yeah?” Pathfinder asked as she started to rummage through the collected foodstuffs.

“Doughnut! Really romantic jelly doughnut for Snowy!” Pathfinder laughed before sticking doughnut complete with hoof down Snowy's gullet. Suave Pathfinder on the loose, nopony could touch her. She wiped off the mess on her belly and pulled out a binder. Then she cleared her throat, shaking her head almost imperciptibly. Okay, here we go. “So, we have some serious questions to answer. Action or romance? Horror or comedy?” flip flip flip, “I have stories which contain elements of them all of course or we can go really heavy. I'll save the really erotic stuff for later ya know because I read that going too big on a really romantic date can ruin the mood and this is the height of romance. I've written a lot of shipping fan-” something dropped out of a page WHY WAS IT THERE and Pathfinder quickly grabbed it with her tail, hopefully drawing less attention to it. It quickly went towards the base, Pathfinder crossing her legs to hide it, “OH, I almost forgot about those extra useless diamond batteries that are broken don't look haha anyway what story do you want?”


Pathfinder was incredible. While Snow's thoughts swirled around psychology and the ghost of her missing father, Pathfinder's mind was on giant dream snakes in the stars. It was silliness, of course, but again it had Snowfall reflecting on times long past. She looked up again, somewhat sorrowful and recalled a time where she had looked up at the stars from the window of her cold and perfectly still bedroom and thought of how big the sky full of them seemed and how small and constricted her world was. She had never been the sort of hapless princess to wish upon a star to spare her her melancholy, but she can't deny that she had had dreams in her.

"Giant dream snakes? Is that right..." she said in a softened voice. "That's a terribly sad thing," she added reflectively. "Ponies should not be afraid to wish or dream. Dreams for ponies are progress, and often time wishes are all we have to sustain ourselves. To do without, I think is a tragic life." She shook her head. "I find it a hard thing to believe that such beautiful stars as these could be something so horrible."

The subject of the caribou excited Pathfinder quite clearly. Snowfall could admit the Whitescar situation wasn't as clear cut as she often wished and hoped it was. Viking raiders still sometimes intercepted ships leaving Seaddle or Stalliongrad. Though the king was adamant in wanting his peace with Equestria, there was no convincing the entire caribou kingdom to be peaceful. Honestly, caribou made Snowfall nervous. Their intervention came at great potential costs risked, and that wasn't to mention that one of the theories often passed around regarding her father's disappearance was that his entire expedition was captured by menacing vikings. Whatever the truth was, they were bad news.

"You really should be careful, Pathfinder..." Snowfall said kind of solemnly as she looked at the scars Pathfinder showed her. "Caribou can be so very ruthless. It would break my heart if next time it was more than just these cuts..."

Pathfinder then changed gears immediately and shoved a doughnut into Snowfall's mouth. She bit it, savored the sweetness and found a smile. Truly she was being too gloomy today. It did no one well to dwell on all these things. She was with her love and she should be happy.

"Hmm..." she started at the fanfiction question. She wondered if reading shipping fanfiction was truly so romantic an activity as Pathfinder thought it was. Probably not, but Snowfall was sure she could make it work. Before Pathfinder could entirely finish speaking, however, something shimmery dropped out of her stack of pages which she scooped up.

"Diamond batteries?" Snowfall started. "More of your magic batteries, I presume? Gems are good for storing magic," she started. NSI nor anyone else in the world yet had any kind of electrical battery which used diamonds in its construction. "Another something you found on some adventure?"

Snowfall giggled softly, deciding not to ask any more questions about the object. She was used to Pathfinder having strange things. Though it would probably do her well to take some of them and show them to her R&D team, she almost rather preferred them just being mysteries known only to Pathfinder and worlds past. She just shook her head and returned back to the fanfiction topic, realizing she had her answer. "This Crystal Empire has a way of evoking some rather dreary thoughts in me, I must admit. I think I could go for something light and comedic, to keep my mind in pleasant places."


Pathfinder was more than happy to spend the rest of the night laying beside her Snowy. Sure she was a silly goose at times but that made her all the more attractive. Maybe that was her CEO upbringing that got her so messed up in the brainal region sometimes. Pathfinder wished Snowy could have lived a better life, like the life that Pathfinder lived. Full of adventure and fun and not nearly as much tax information and corporate synergy retreats, she reckoned. Was there such a thing as an exciting life for a CEO? No. No there was not. The only paper in Pathfinder's life was note taking and fanfiction, both of which were much cooler than all of the lame and stupid amount of paperworks that Snowy had to manage in her life. Never was there a sadder site than a super happy mare being overrun and crushed by the ever-moving wheel of corporatism.

Which was why a comedy fic was a good selection. Pathfinder chose “Daring Do and the Invasion of the Pizza Bites”, one of her many classics. It featured a really cool tale of Daring Do entering an alternate dimension during a dig and encountering herself as an underpaid cook at a wood and fire restaurant in a Cloudsdale populated by popular villains and their alternate universe counterparts. There was great hilarity to be had as Daring Do tried to find a way back home, get her alternate self to realize what she was capable of, and stop alternate dimension Celestia from having the sun stay up so the day would last forever. It was four hundred and seventeen pages long and Pathfinder did all the voices, getting animated at every turn of the age and doing all the voices. For a full hour with no break in the wall pathfinder read her story, breaking only for her own laughter because even though she had read it and wrote it she wasn't sick of it.

And then she stopped for a break, taking a sip of a drink. “So, how are you enjoying it? Ooh, and look at all the fireworks over at the Spire! Aren't they so cool? I thought until a year ago they made fireworks out of the bones of Diamond Dogs. Seemed really mean, especially when I used fireworks on Diamond Dogs. It's like feeding hay to an Earth Pony, ya know?"


Snowfall had never really encountered a Pathfinder deliberately trying to be funny. She was not sure it was a fully successful thing. The story she read was too forced and too convoluted to ever really approach effective comedy, it was more an exercise in curious nonsense than anything else. Snowfall found it easiest to enjoy it as some piece of avant garde surrealist fiction.

Yet, even if the piece itself wasn't going to win any awards for comedy, Snowfall listened attentively and smiled. Pathfinder's delivery made it funnier and she would laugh sometimes when Pathfinder laughed. After the first twenty minutes or so, she was sure she had penetrated into the story deeper than was likely possible for someone who wasn't Pathfinder. She felt she could understand the inner workings of it and began to appreciate it like a child with fully rapt attention.

After an hour of it, Snowfall was not especially tired of it and was surprised for the break when Pathfinder looked to her for feedback and then moments later explosions sounded in the distance.

"Hmm... those explosions don't really sound like fireworks..." Snowfall said, finding something curious in them. The sounds were lower, more booming and intense and there were faint other sounds in their echo, resonating even up to where they were on the high roof. "There is something strange about this Faire today. I saw clouds and from what I know they don't usually form within the empire."

Something in general had Snowfall feeling kind of off and in her own head that day. Hearing Pathfinder's voice for an hour being silly and irreverent had distracted her long from it, but it still remained. There was something harrowing in the atmosphere. Stark, heavy, almost oppressive. Perhaps it was just the shock of seeing Pathfinder in her natural colors. Perhaps it was intuition. There truly was no way for Snow to really be certain, she just hoped all would be well.

"I don't know though. It's probably nothing to worry about..." Snowfall said, trying her best to dismiss it. She nuzzled Pathfinder gently for warmth. "I'm enjoying the story so far. You always bring such an original vision to your stories, no matter the genre."


Snowfall was a great pegasus who was also super silly at times, not really realizing just how silly a pony she could be. Of course she might not understand all the subtle sounds of an explosion as Pathfinder might because she only knew them from the confines of her corporate research. Pathfinder knew the sounds of explosions under a starry and angry sky, wordlessly lit by warships or rage-filled and violent in their destruction of a tunnel as she fled. Nah, these were fireworks! Fun ones too. Pathfinder hugged her pony tight and licked her head a few times for good measure because well...why not, she was as sweet as ice cream. Some ponies weren't fans of head licking but a good head licking was better than three hoofbowls.

Pathfinder alowed herself to get lost in the moment but that shouldn't be a crime. She always felt lost in time and that was the best way to feel. An old soul who looked to the future, vibrant young mare who yearned for the past, she was all these contradictory things and more. Maybe that was why Pathfinder was so awesome and attractive to Snowfall. What amount of wisdom could ever compare to her experience? Not much, not anywhere, that's for dang sure “I'm glad you're enjoying the story, Snowy! I thought you'd like it because you like to laugh and that story is just so funny. I mailed it page by page to A.K. Yearling but I don't thing she read it because I totally asked her about it and she just cried. I think it was because she was so happy!” Pathfinder ended on a positive note before resuming snuggles. But as the base of her tail brushed up against a certain item she was hiding, she realized that no time was better than the present.

“Urrrrrr...ehhhhhrrhrhr...hey Snowy, I have something I want to ask you!”


As Pathfinder spoke, Snowfall smiled a fond smile her way. She had to wonder what Miss Yearling really thought of Pathfinder. She knew that the two had met a few times before. She couldn't imagine it was an entirely mutually agreeable relationship. Just putting herself in Miss Yearling's horseshoes, she could not imagine she would find Pathfinder quite so charming. A pony lost to obsession, modelling her life and image after your character had to be at best unsettling and at worst creepy. To top it off with her sending her less than professional writings your way while you are a writer by occupation, it just could not lead to a wholly favorable opinion.

Snowfall wasn't going to say anything about it though. She could assume what the tears were about, but she'd just let Pathfinder stay wide-eyed and ignorant. She was more adorable that way anyway. She snuggled warmly against the mare, enjoying the feel of her beside her.

The sudden question came as a surprise. Her eyes widened and she looked at Pathfinder. It was rare that uncertainty crept into Pathfinder's voice and that she turned toward Snow with such searching and vulnerable eyes. Combined with her choice of appearance, it made Snowfall feel suddenly nervous though she tried not to show it. She nuzzled the mare softly again and spoke in a tender voice. "What's that, my love?"


Pathfinder was a very silly pony at times. Most of the time. On the very outer edges of her frenzied mind where the chortling remnants of good sense rammed into the stoicism of absurdity that defined her existed a very small neutral zone of reason and sensibility. In this place she danced very rarely and explored the sweet fruits of polite action on so few occasions that it was an unknown quantity. But when she did visit this oasis of thought she could acutely observe how ridiculous she was as a pony. The constant adventures. The endless dangers. Obsession built into obsession until it became a self-perpetuating cycle of silliness that would propel her deeper and deeper into her chosen lifestyle.

But for every moment where that rational part of her, strung up in the banners of joviality and subjected to the rigors of adventures, suggested she was a bit loose, the majority of Pathfinder responded with a, “Duh, loose as a goose eating moose!” and flew around fighting pegasi clouds. Whether it was rational or believable the tide of enjoyment crashed against any barrier and it was ridden by a pegasus who had so little care for the rational world that the small voice was dismissed with terrible prejudice. Much better to ride the lunatic fringe of fun and have that define you than slip silently into the contentment of safety.

Maybe that was what was so scary about all this. On one hoof, it was a pretty exciting stuff moving ahead and doing new things was the juice of life. On the other, Pathfinder never liked having something up in the air and out of her control except for those times when she was flying in the middle of a cyclone. Of course if she was actually doing that then it was really cool because there was a chance that the cyclone was the work of an evil villain seeking to cause a windstorm strong enough to break the gates of Whinnyapolis down for their evil group of treasure seekers. That would be cool. Maybe they could go there to celebrate?

Anyway. Pathfinder cleared her throat three times in a row as she fluttered into the sky, silhouetting herself against the sky as the fireworks and moon blanketed her in right flahses of light before her mare. Which was good, because it hid a worried and entirely joyful expression slithering onto Pathfinder's face as her tail curled up behind her along with two hooves.

“Okay, okay, okay, okay. So. Yes. Here we are. Beautiful night. And you're really super smart- I mean you'd have to be, how else can anypony survive being in the corporate world and all- and you have to know that something is up. If nothing was up we'd be doing something normal like exploring caves together or taking down supervillains! And we're so cool we can totes do that if you'd rather but today was a special event. And it's special because YOU'RE special. And we're special together, I think. I know actually. It's just like in my romance stories! I was worried when you didn't pick romance but I guess that's understandable. And you're just so good at being so understandable. And I think you're soooo pretty and we get along sooooo well. It's like we were made for one another. In some factory. Where they make the most perfect love. Just you and me!” Pathfinder laughed, a small tear falling from her left eye. She rubbed it and sniffled.

“I-I mean to say, Snowy, that I really, really love you and it's sometimes sort of scary how much I do because I've never felt that way before. It's...perfect, like nothing else could be. And I know that you don't ever feel this way again because everypony I've known who has ever passed this by has always felt like doodoo. And I think that I'm worth more than that, and I KNOW you are. And if you feel the same way I do, if you feel as much in love as I do, then you'll agree. And if you agree, then I shouldn't have to tell you that...you've been the best thing that's ever happened to me besides Daring Do and the Quest for the Goblet of Ice, and I can't imagine life without you,” Pathfinder pulled her hooves out from behind her back and hovered closer to her mare, revealing once and for all the peerless diamond ring she had been searching for in the Crystal Caverns.

“Snowy, will you marry me?”


Snowfall listened and blushed a little, not really sure where Pathfinder was going with her long ramble. Sure, she could acknowledge the choice of date was atypical, but it's not like they had never had more peaceful dates before. The choice to appear in her natural colors did tip it toward the more unusual, but was she supposed to expect something more.

The notion that she was supposed to pick romance kind of threw Snow for a loop. Was Pathfinder trying to be extra romantic? She supposed with the stars and the food and the rooftop, she could kind of see it... though it was still jelly doughnuts and reading fanfiction. It didn't help that Pathfinder had reacted poorly to being called beautiful.

Still, she listened, smiling as Pathfinder professed her love and talked about how they were made for one another. She laughed at the thought that she was second to the Quest for the Goblet of Ice, though she couldn't entirely blame her as it was a pretty good book. She prepared herself to return the long and rambling declaration of love as she noticed Pathfinder winding down.

Then the question came and Snowfall felt like an idiot. Had she truly just been blindsided by this? She looked at the diamond Pathfinder held, stunned by it. It was a beautiful stone, large and shimmering. She felt taken aback, unable to respond for some time.

Marriage. Snowfall had never really give it so much thought. Truth be told, commitment had always been something that kind of scared her. She valued independence. She feared becoming too attached. She feared the end, when love vanishes. She feared ever becoming like her mother, alone and bitter. That was a lot of why nothing ever lasted before Pathfinder. She had been terrified by the very idea of sharing her heart so completely with someone else.

But this was Pathfinder and this was different. Pathfinder fulfilled her and completed her. She was a little unsure if she was ready. She was a little unsure if this was a step she herself even needed to take. She was not about to deny or reject it though. Her love was very real.

"Of course I will," she said softly, as she took the ring and examined it. "This is just beautiful, Pathfinder... just as you are," she said and then bent in to place a soft kiss upon the other pony's mouth. Her doubts began to dissolve in the kiss. She was happy.


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