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Kings of The Sky (private)


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Trax nodded his head and signaled for Azure to take the Black Fang, he would take Tavi and Black back to the Chimera with a tow line.

Shadow patted his little brother on the back as they slowly glided through the air, "Good job Brother, we sacrificed alot for our cause, and it has brought us one step closer to true freedom for all."

Echo stood up shaking her head clear, she heard harpoon fire from Cerberus's direction, "Thunder...... Harpoon.... Catch it... For the tow!" She stumbled around before falling to a knee still shaken from the attack. Shade was on his knees with both hands planted on the deck funneling his magic into the ship keepin it afloat, the balloon kept in shape with the strange ghostly purple glowing faintly inside.

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Thunder quickly flew off the ship and caught the harpoon "got it." He said before hooking it onto the side of the ship. "I just hope Shadow's plan works."

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Soul looked around at the damaged Chimaira and sighed. "This is going to be fun to repair." He said annoyed. "Everybody alright?" He asked, as every crew member gave a thumbs up. He looked at the Black Fang shooting harpoons at the Cerberus. "Hope we can get a lift or something."

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((The Cerberus fired the harpoons at the Black Fang and the Chimera. The Cerberus will be towing both ships since it's the only on in optimum working order.))

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Trax flew over to the Chimera carrying Tavi while Black glided over on an icy board. Upon landing Tavi went right into helping out the crew with their injuries. Trax went to Soul, "We'll tow you guys back, and guess we owe some debt to our new friends over there." He said looking at the two Brothers weakly gliding back to their own ship.

"Seriously, name the girl, and shes yours for all eternity. I can make her like us.... Free from the fear of death...." Shadow told his brother as the drifted towards the Black Fang.

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"Indeed." Soul said, looking to the Black Fang. He looked again to make sure his crew were all alright. He kicked a piece of wood. "She's been through worse I suppose. Just hate she took a beating like this." He said, observing the damage.

"Who, those girls on Soul's ship?" Blood asked. "None of them really appeal to me....yet anyways."

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Shadow chuckled, "Any girl you desire, its been awhile since we've taken a hit like that, and I apologize for asking you to join me in shielding most of the explosion from Souls ship. Im the older one here, I should be protecting you first."

Trax glanced around at Souls ship, "Your lucky the ship didnt take any more damage than it did, tell me, did you see anything before the missile hit? It almost looked as if it exploded just shy you."

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Killjoy Glared at the Black Fang and it's captain "this changes nothing, everyone might be fooled by your "heroic" act. but I'm not so easily fooled. I know what you are Shadow...I may not know your game...but I know you..." She said under her breathe as she gripped the railing. Though it seemed like a better plan to just obliterate the Black Fang right then and there, she knew she would be the only one who thought so. Her crew and her new found ally's trust is more important than her judgment.

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Blood scoffed. "You aren't that much older. We're both grown men and very skilled warriors and run one of the deadliest ships in Equestria. You don't have to worry about me all the time."

Soul thought for a moment. "Actually, it looked like something got in the way. I couldn't tell what. Call me crazy but it looked like....people."

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Shadow smiled slightly, "Alright then big man, ....... Thunder and Echo can take the next blast then hehe...."

"I heard that Shadow!" Echo screamed from the ship. Shadow sighed, "Of course she did."

Traxs eyes widened, "Theres no possible way they..... Those two would have been obliterated. Soul it was them," he explained as he pointed to the two brothers wearily gliding to the Black Fang, "They protected you from the majority of the blast, I just dont..... How, thats not even humanly possible."

As Shadow and Blood landed on the ship they collapsed into violent spasms, the ship began to creak and wane, the right side of Shadows body and the left side of Bloods body began to burn with unimaginable pain. Shadow stumbled up taking off his jacket and shirt, his right arm began to turn black in a flame like design mostly covering his arm and shoulder.

((Metal, Bloods will be one the opposite side but same thing. Its part of the curse Shadow, Blood, Thunder, and Echo are apart of, basically the ship has the soul of one of the great Dark Deities from the Darkness. Thunder and Echo will get theirs started whenever something bad happens to them. Hence the part why they're Immortal))

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Soul took a step back and looked at the Black Fang. "How? How could it have a crew of indestructible men? How did they stop a blast like that?"

Blood grit his teeth as the searing pain tore through him. "What....what is this?" He struggled to say.

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"Thats the question of the day, one I'd like to know for future references." Trax said as her narrowed his blue eyes in suspicion.

"Shade.... What the devil is this?" Shadow yelled as the burning pain continued. Shade looked at the two practically emotionless, "The Darkness is putting shards of its soul into your bodies, tis part of the curse, the one you all accepted upon stepping aboard this ship 1027 years ago." He said glancing at Blood, Thunder and Echo, he settled back on Shadow. "You asked to be named Captain, you had your three Lieutenants, all of you are now binded to the Darkness. Its very essence runs in your veins giving you enhanced abilties and power. Once you test these abilties to their fullest, the Dark Diety gives you more shards of its physical body so your own body can sustain your growing power. This is the first you've actually used your fullest abilties, I've been waiting for a very long time for this moment to come." Shade then lit up his hands with darkness and levitated a nearby sword up and sent it spearing through Thunder. Echo went wide eyed in fear and turned around to run but she was too late as a cutlass speared through her back and out her stomach, she wobbled foward before falling to her knees. Shadow gritted his teeth, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, Shade was telling them that the same Darkness that almost wiped out the strongest race in the world, was now using them as puppets. He remembered first finding the dark ship all those years ago with Blood, Thunder, and Echo. They met Shade who presented them with an offer of immortality and their own ship and Skeleton crew, being young and deathly sick they had no other choice. Shadow stood up wearily as the pain lessened, he stood up striaght panting. Shade just stood staring blankly, he used his magic and pulled the swords from Thunder and Echo, instantly they felt the same burning feeling as black flamelike etchings appeared on their bodies. Echos appeared on her back burning off the back of her shirt, she fell foward holding her the front of her armor and tearingup from the searing pain she'd endured. "Everything comes with a price, The Dark Diety thanks you for your continued service, Welcome Captain Shadow... To the Ship of The Black Fang." Shade said before walking away to down below. The crew around them suddenly began moving around them attentending to keep the ship together for when they dock. Shadow put a hand on his black etchings, they felt like tattoos, but he very knew they nothing close to that.

((Killjoy, Thunders Blackening can start from any where, for now its just a couple blotches like the pick on my last post. You probably know what im talking about though.))

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Soul squinted his eyes as he looked a the Black Fang. "Is something going on over there?"

Blood slowly stood up as the pain subsided. "what....what happened to us Shadow?" He said, still confused.

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Shadow starred blankly at the floorboards of the ship, his mind lost in the confusion, he gripped his hands with frustration. "This changes nothing, our is still the same, this is just....... Just a side effect. Now we know we have the power to defeat them."

Trax pulled out his eyeglass and peered through, he saw the crew hard at work and the others wearily wounded as to be expected, but there was something odd about the etchings each of them had. "That whole ship is a giant mystery."

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Blood looked at himself, still not grasping what had happened. "This will be hard to get used to, but I suppose any power is good power."

"Well I hope whatever's going on gets settled soon. We have to get back." Soul said, looking at his shattered ship.

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Trax starred a little longer at the Black Fang before turning away to help out with the Chimera.

Shadow looked down at his black etchings, he then looked at his hand focusing on it, suddenly a tiny black flame appeared for split second before vanishing. Shadow pushed the thought away as went to Echo helping her stand up and keeping her armor from falling off, he then looked at Thunder, checking to make sure he was alright.

"Captain, both ships are tied to us, we're ready to move." Azure said to Killjoy standing at attention behind her.

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Killjoy nodded "right then, let us be off. Azure, you take the wheel. Since the other ships are hanging on by a thread, keep our throttle down and make the flight as easy and steady as possible." She ordered.

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"Yes Captain." Azure moved to the wheel and they began their slow trek back to port.

((Killjoy you still have Thunder, dont forget him. Read back to see what happened to him))

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Silverthorn was walking around the damaged ship before she stopped for a moment and saw Azure on the other ship, safe and unharmed. She sighed with relief that he was not killed in the fight.

Soul lit a cigarette and looked into the distance. "We've got their attention now."

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"Thats a big look of relief, happy to see hes still breathing?" Tavi asked coming up beside Silverthorn.

"Two... I guess three now," Trax began glancing at the Black Fang, "Three Ships against an entire Country's Naval force, some dampening odds we're up against."

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Silverthorn stood up straight and blushes slightly. "Uh....I'm happy to see all of us breathing. He's just....I-uh....I...."

"It's not just us. There are other rebel ships. But they are just that, ships. Not powerhouses like these three." Soul said. "This is going to take some careful planning."

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"Well we dont have too much time, I'd say it'd take a couple years to have a force worthy of facing down the Empire. We'll also need to be careful of chosen allies..." Trax said as he went to the railing and starred at the Black Fang seeing movement as its crew tended to the ship.

Tavi giggled, "I used to be like that too, back then Trax and I were young kids falling in love on a crazy adventure. Now we're pretty much repeating it, and I get to fall in love with him all over again. Just make sure you tell him your true feelings sooner rather than later, Trax and I would be married for real if I had told him all those years ago." She said reminiscing on old times.

Shadow stepped outside the cabin after making sure Echo was laying down and asleep, he threw on just his jacket and walked up to the deck above seeing Shade standing at the wheel but not touching it. Shadow pushed back his mixed feeling about Shades angle to their curse and walked up near looking around at the damaged ship already seeing it somewhat repairing itself but not too much till they get to port, "How goes repairs?" He asked somewhat sternly not knowing if Shade was gonna act all smart on him again, instead Shade turned to Shadow obediently and nodded, "We'll finish them once we are docked, she will be at full strength in a matter of minutes." Shadow was a little taken aback by his sudden loyalty, "Alrighty then.... And actually slow it down and match the Chimeras repair rate instead, we dont want them asking questions." Shade nodded, "As always Captain you're cunningness is unmatched by an predator, we'll match the rapair speed of the chimera, anything else?" He said loyaly. Shadow looked at him a little longer, "Yeah, quit with the comments until I think you've earned them. Right now its just creeping me out." He said walking away to check on Thunder and Blood. Shade watched him go with blank expression.

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"Agreed." Soul said, taking a drag and eyeing the Black Fang suspiciously.

Silverthorn sighed. "That's the thing, Tavi. After my last relationship.....I don't know if I'm ready. I don't know if I can feel loved again. I don't know if I can take being hurt again."

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