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Kings of The Sky (private)


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((Maybe...but Killjoy has the second most powerful ship in Equestria. I'll be revealing the first later.))

Killjoy met Shadow's gaze with her Crimson eyes. "I could think of more corny ways...but I guess that will do." She said crossing her arms "I see you took the princess, well that made my job a lot easier, why don't you just hand over the princess and we can all just get along." She said with a sly smirk "it's not like you are using her for anything, well not anything useful." She looked at Twilight "I bet you would like to see your sisters again, they are both here safe with me. They've missed you tons."

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((This ship isnt even listed on your scale))

Shadow chuckled then burst into laughter, he calmed himself up looked at Killjoy, "Oh thats funny, you must have me confused with someone who gives a damñ. Twilights free to go, we dont have any uses for her, yet anyways. But seriously we just wanted to return her home safe n sound, so we'll be on our way. The Tyrant isnt gonna kill himself you know." Shadow said turning around.

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((The Cerberus could take the Shadow Fang. I have yet to reveal all there is about the Cerberus, it still has way more.))

"Oh I didn't confuse you, and if you hurt the princess...I'll make sure I send you to the gates of hell. I don't bluff either, your ship may be legendary but its not the scourge of the sky anymore. Be warned if it's not the Cerberus that kills you, then it will be the light of the heavens, raining fire from the sky annihilating all who stand in its way. Something even I would hesitate messing with." She said glaring at Shadow "you would do best to remember your new place in this world fore you are no longer on top."

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Shadow held his mouth and put a hand on Blood to keep from laughing on the ground, he composed himself again, "Seriously have tried comedy as a second career? I just returned one of your missing princesses, shes unharmed as your blind eyes cant see, again we have more important matters to attend to rather than talking with naive children. Honestly you dont even know my name, Red Veil, or as the rumors go, Captain Killjoy."

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Killjoy rolled her eyes "and like a fool you stay ignorant of the Empire's power. The only blind eye belongs to you. You overestimate yourself Shadow...laugh all you want but your ignorance will only lead to flames. By me or the Empire, I could always prove my point to you, let's take the sky and see how long your ship lasts."

Thunder looked at his captain "With all due respect, the Cerberus is nothing to laugh about. It's armor played, it can bounce cannon balls like they're peas. The cannons are twice the size of ours and twice the amount. Yes our ship can go toe to toe but the Cerberus has the advantage in all categories except speed, and this is only what I've seen so far. If the rumors are true about Killjoy, we have yet to see everything. Take it from your engineer and weapons master." He whispered.

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((Im sorry which ship is Thunder on again?))

Shadow composed himself, "Oh the Cereberus is powerful I know, a worthy opponent even in the hands of a child. We could stay and talk like school girls but like I said, more important matters to attend to." He said bowing to them, th swirling smoke envoloped them making them dissappear. The Black Fangs balloon lit up and began ascending into the clouds above.

"He seemed nice." Azure said breaking the silence.

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((Thunder is with Shadow lol))

Thunder looked puzzled, if a child on the Cerberus is a match for the Shadow Fang, then how could they have any chance against it with a notorious Captain at the helm? Thunder just nodded "I hope we don't have fight that beast anytime soon." He mumbled.

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"Every beast has its weakness my friend, they will fall as do all legends do eventually, thats what being mortal means." Shadow aaid darkly as he entered into the cabin. "Captain, we have company." Echo said as Trax floated down onto the deck sporting a new uniform, "Dressed in Black, dark grey hair, eyes as blue as the equestrian sea. You must be Nameless Trax, along with Killjoy and Soul down there you're like the three musketeers, with reputations to make Empiral ships cower before you." Shadow said turning around to face Trax, "Captain Shadowed Heart, one doesnt just hand over a war changing Princess and not have an alterior motive, what do you hope to gain?" Trax asked coldly, Echo put her hand on her lithel sword, Shadow met his gaze fearlessly, "Im simply putting all the pieces together, so they can be set free together." He replyed simply. Trax narrowed his eyes but in that moment Shadow sped forward bringing up his sword, Trax had only a heartbeat to draw his sword and parry with him but the force sent Trax flying from the ship, he spread his wings slowing himself down only to see the ship gone without a trace and the clouds breaking apart letting the evening light down on the land. Trax sheathed his sword, "Putting the pieces together... What is that demon planning?"

((Thunder better grab his balls and squeez cause hes gonna be the one to fight her in the end.))

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"But the legend of the Cerberus is young, unlike our legend which has lived on for years. What if it is us that meets a mortal fate before them? Do not mistake my worry with fear, I just know that we will be in the fight of our lives if we decide to strike." Thunder explained "though I trust your judgment no matter what."

Killjoy turned around "tis only a fool believing he's god. Let us get back to the celebration, Twilight, come with us...I bet your sisters will be surprised to see you."

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Twilight smiled with excitement as she followed Killjoy towards the main part of the base. She quickly glanced at Soul, who looked away to hide a blush. Twilight blushed slightly as well, not sure what came over her.

"Luna! Come quick! She's here!" Celestia called out in joy as she saw Twilight safely approaching.

Blood shook his head. "Forget them, they will know our fury soon enough. For now, we have an Empire to topple."

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Luna quickly got up and ran over "Twilight, it's so good to see that you're safe." She said with a smile. Luna clung onto Killjoy's arm "though how did you get her so quickly?" She asked. Killjoy scratched her head "ehhh we had visitors who had her. The fools were acting like they were doing the right thing but I smell something wrong about this whole thing. Though what matters now is that Teilight is here safe so let's get this feast started." She said as Luna cheered before kissing Killjoy. "And let us party the night away." Luna said with a laugh.

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((Again, Thunder needs to grow a pair and Man up. Its okay to strengenth up one of your characters but Thunder needs to be like he was in the others, Fearless and strong. Cuatious over fear.))

Shadow looked to the horizon, "The Tyrant will need to summon Tartarus itself if he wishes to live another month."

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Celestia held onto Twilight for a long moment, holding her like an adult holding a child. Finally they let go of each other. "I'm so glad to be here with you both!" Twilight said with joy as she hugged Celestia and Luna at once.

Soul lit a cigarette and exhaled some smoke. "You heard them boys! Break out the rum!" All the rebels cheered in delight as their leader's words.

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((he is being cautious, like I said, he knows what the cerberus can do. Not giving a buck would make him arrogant and unbelievable. Saying grow a pair and not worry about the conflict is like saying to man up and poke a bear with a stick.))

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((He already knows all about them to be cautious and smart. Now give Thunder some bälls.))

Trax landed near Azure, "Where'd you go?" Trax ignored him and kept walking, Azure sighed and followed them in.

((Traxs new armor))

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((Alright guys, enough talking about balls. Let's move on.))

They entered the main room of the base. Celestia and Twilight sat on two of the three thrones at the head of the table. Soul entered and took a drag of his cigarette, glancing at Twilight. He was confused on why he suddenly felt the way he did about the princess.

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Killjoy saw Soul and walked up "have your eyes on Royalty too huh?" she asked with a sly smirk as she leaned up against the wall "I guess you like a book smart type."

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"Its probably one of the toughest things to do. if she falls for you, it's going to be war everyday to keep her safe. Love like that will test you beyond your limits. you have to be prepared to die for them, but also prepare for them to die. The nightmares of your worry give you no rest...always on guard fore the Tyrant King is not the only one thirsting for royal blood. Some out there believe that Freedom is without rule, they believe in Chaos. With that said, I'd advise you to think about it and ask yourself if your truly ready for such a journey, because she will be asking the same question." Killjoy looked at the Princesses "take it from someone with experience on the matter. It's all so fragile these days...one wrong move and everything you love will shatter into dust before blowing away in the wind." she realized how depressing she was sounding "Although a few drinks never hurt either."

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"Wow Captain, and here I am without a tissue." Trax joked walking up to them, "If you thinks shes worth it than thats all there is to it, just dont let go once you have her, a mistake I regret making long ago."

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Soul kept looking at Twilight, eventually tuning out the others. A servant brought him a large mug of ale. He took it and took a drink from it. "Well, no need to stand out gawking. Drink up." He said, motioning for two servants to bring Trax and Killjoy a drink.

When Soul had turned away, Twilight glanced over to Soul and watched him for a while. "He's...quite charming." She thought.

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