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Kings of The Sky (private)


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Blood thought for a moment about having to watch Soul. It would be interesting since they shared similar personalities.

"Princess Twilight...." Soul said quietly as he looked into her eyes. "Soul...." she replied just as quietly. Neither of them could say anything else as their lips touched. The passion with which they kissed could be felt around the room.

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Trax toasted to them before taking a drink. Azure leaned back against the bar smiling as he watched the two, "Such peace should never be disturbed."

Tavi still sat back against the wall melting in her feelings, "He noticed...." She instantly popped back up trying to act natural as a couple guests passed by.

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They finally broke the kiss and smiled at each other. Soul looked up to notice that Blade, Headshot and Devildriver were watching him. He blushed slightly. "Great....they saw." Twilight giggled as she put her head on his chest.

"My, my....first the captain and now you. Love must be in the air tonight." Silverthorn said, leaning against the wall behind Tavi.

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"Yay to the new couple!" Killjoy said in a drunken slur putting her arms around Soul and Twilight. Her face was red from all the drinks. "you never know what happiness is until you experience royalty under the sheets." she said laughing not knowing what she is even saying. Luna facepalmed "I knew I forgot something." she said sighing deeply. Killjoy continued her drunken giggling as she took another swig.

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Celestia tried to stop herself from laughing at Luna's drunk soulmate. Twilight blushed but soon smiled and rolled her eyes. Soul was given another drink by a servant. "I'll drink to that." He said with a smirk as he took a swig and held Twilight close.

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Killjoy looked at Soul and smirked "if the princesses like the same thing...then I'd suggest-" she was cut off as Luna covered Killjoy's mouth. "nothing, she doesn't suggest anything!" Luna said as her face was red with embarrassment. Luna pulled the drunk Captain off of the two. "excuse us." Luna said dragging Killjoy off as she squirmed.

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Five spikes thudded against the wall around Silverthorns head, Tavi held her hand out at her as she had thrown them in such a fast movement time had to be slown in order to see it clearly. Azure came by holding two drinks hoping to catch Silverthorn alone but froze as he saw Tavi and the darts, "I'll come back later then." He said before turning around and pacing out hurridly. Tavi sighed and striaghtend herself up, "Sorry, force of habit from my childhood, didnt have it very nice. And hes just a childhood friend, nothing more."

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Twilight giggled at Luna dragging Killjoy away before looking at Soul again. "She is right though." She said seductively. Soul smriked and they kissed again.

Silverthorn nonchalantly pulled a spike from the walk around her head and looked at it. "Childhood friend, huh? Since when do childhood friends make a girl run off with butterflies in her stomach?"

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((Many years ago))

Trax stood with his back to Tavi as he faced dozens of bandits with raging fires all around him, a large set of doors began closing between Trax and Tavi, Friends held Tavi back as she attempted to race to Trax. Just before the doors closed shut, Trax held up his hand back at Tavi with a peace sign, he didnt look back. Tavi was dragged away by their friends as they kept running.

((Back to present))

Tavi frowned as she bent her head down making her face dark, "When they sacrifice themselves for the survival of the group..."

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"Maybe.... If he doesn't decide to die again like last time." Tavi said heartlessly, she shook her head and smiled, "Enough about the past, exactly what was Azures plan with you?" She said slyly.

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Azure zoomed beside Silverthorn still holding the two glasses of wine, "You called Sweetheart?" He said confidently with a sly smirk. Tavi folded her arms and raised her eyebrow, "Gotta say Im kinda impressed on your dedication."

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Silverthorn giggled and took one of the glasses. "Sweetheart? My, what a gentleman." She said as she seductively took a sip. "But I can't let you get away with calling me 'sweetheart' just yet."

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Azure nodded his head side to side then froze up, "Wait... Boyfriend? Uh er Silverthorn hold on..... Please tell me you dont have one ..... Ah shît Trax is gonna kill me..." He said chasing after Silverthorn in a hurry. Tavi chuckled, "She is a sly one, and of course Trax would teach him not to mess with other men's girlfriends, I should expect no less." As she turned around Trax was there with two glasses of wine, "Am I that predictable?" He asked with a slight smile, Tavi frowned but took the glass anyway, "Too predictable."

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Silverthorn smiled as she walked back towards the party after having fun with Azure. She stopped for a moment when she thought about what she said. The word "boyfriend" reminded her of a dark time.


A younger Silverthorn stood before a door, shaking nervously as if her life were on the line, which it might as well have been. She took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Inside was an elaborate office belonging to an officer in the military. She looked to the side to see a broken table, and wince when she noticed some of her makeup had smeared on it from....last time. "Is that you dear?" A chilling voice said. "Finally got the promotion to captain. Been given command of one of the finest imperial ships in the navy." Silverthorn could care less and laughed nervously. "That's....great news, dear." She was silent for a moment before gaining the courage to speak. "Oblivion....I've needed to do this for a long time.....I'm sorry but, I'm leaving you." There was dead silences and the sound of a pencil breaking beneath the grip of a fist. The chair suddenly spun around to reveal the angry face of an Imperial Captain. Oblivion was the bane of the pirate rebels. "What did you say?" Silverthorn stepped back in fear, hesitating to speak. "You...you can't keep treating me like this!" She said. Suddenly Oblivion walked up to her and delivered a hard punch right to her jaw, knocking her across the room. Before she could recover she was grabbed around the neck and forcefully hit several more times. "You won't *punch* leave me *punch* you stupid *punch* little *punch* tramp!" He shouted with a final punch. Silverthorn cried on the ground, knowing she should have expected this. "If you step off this ship, I will find you, and I will kill you." He straightened his uniform up and quickly washed the blood from his hands. "Now...I suggest you go get dinner ready, and make it fast.....sweetheart." Silverthorn crawled out of the room and shut the door, collapsing on the deck of the ship. A few minutes passed before a random crew worker on the ship picked her up and took her to the crew's living area. Before she knew it she was being treated for her wounds and given a meal. About half an hour passed before she had recovered from the attack. The elderly crew member suddenly dropped a bag of coins, a map, and a pistol in her lap. "You see now what kind of men the Empire creates." He said in a Native American accent. "Find Captain Soulscream. He will give you shelter, protection, and above all else....teach you to fight. Then one day you can be the one beating him." Silverthorn looked at the pistol long and hard. "Thank you...." She whispered.

((Present day))

Silverthorn rushed outside and breathed in the cool air. He reached to her side and pulled out the pistol she was given years ago, staring long and hard at it.

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She looked back at Azure before looking back into the distance. "You could say that..." She said before putting it away. "By the way, I'm single, so don't worry. I'm sorry for teasing you back there. I'm just messing around."

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"Its no problem, but from what I could tell you dont have good experience with boyfriends. Sorry, Im good at reading people so I could tell by your eyes you've been through alot." Azure said looking at her with soft blue eyes.

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"You'd be right." Silverthorn said plainly, looking at him with emerald eyes. A circular scar ran around her eye from the Impact of a punch, two small scars could be seen on her lips, and several more small scars were around her neck and down her arms. They were hardly noticable and she still looked beautiful normally, but years of pain could be seen when looking hard enough.

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Azure gulped as he first noticed the scars and could almost in-vision them being put there, he looked away from her guiltily, "Im sorry, I-I didnt know it was that bad...... I-I'll just leave..." He said before turning to step away. 

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Azure took her hand, "Then I'll stay, for you." He told her softly looking into her eyes which shined like emerald gems.


Trax sat a table trying to apologize to Tavi who sat next to him, she was obviously enjoying it but she played it off as being moody, she just liked his attention. Trax knew this and figured the best way to apologize was to give her that attention, but he didnt care, he just loved that she lived on after the incident. 

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