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Revolt in Equestria. (Join in anytime)


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Midnight gently patted Abby on the back "Don't worry about it, I have a few ponies in mind to take the point, you're standing next to one..." She said, before walking forwards. The Rebels numbers weren't enough for conventional warfare, meaning it was relient on outplays and combo's that burst her enemies down. Plus she knew the militaries orders better than anypony in the rebellion, except none of them would trust her and she had orders to work as a double agent.


"I don't have anything here, remember? Now we should get going, the sooner I can find the patrol routes and give them to you, the sooner you can avoid the patrols and hit the supply runs" She said "Come on, and if you've got any questions, I would ask them now because once we get in, I can't promise if we'll have time to answer them" She said coldy. She had to think ,and her emotions had to come next. She had to get a good excuse of her escape, and why she had Abby with her. If it was questionable, then they'd both be in trouble, but hopefully, it wouldn't turn to that.

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"alright i was just thinking that maybe you had to use the bathroom or eat or something. Hey ive been thinking. Maybe we could say that we had you and i set you free because im a secret follower of the emperor or something?" Abby whispered to Blossom. She looked around "So how far away is this place?" Abby asked

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it was the next morning. the armory was being emptied and loaded up into crates boxes and wagons they were being taken to ponyvilles trainstation to be carried to appleloosa. pencilspark was walking about making sure everything was in order. 

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Midnight raised her eyebrow at the suggestion "That...Honestly, that isn't that bad actually. You saw the fight, that my team died and I was ambushed and caught, managed to break me out. You're a smary on Abby" Midnight booped Abby on the noise before approaching the front of her base. Saluting the guard, she escorted Abby to her room, and locked the room.


"Ok, now, anything specifically you and your rebels friends need? Patrol timings, supply runs, name it, i'll do my best to get my hooves on it"

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Abby smiled happily as she was called smart and was booped on the nose. She watched as Blossom saluted a guard and escorted her to her room then locked the door. "I'll have to check back in with headquarters for anything we need but I think what we mainly need is food and armour and ammo." She whispered softly. "Thank you for the offer."

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when the last crate of ammunition was being hauled out pencilspark stood in the empty room. he knew he had to cover there tracks... but he didnt know how... he was there in the empty room by himself trying to come up with something. until he heard someone walk his way. "who's there he asks?" he was sure everyone was gone by now.

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"Food, armor, ammo. Well, there is meant to be..." Midnight rummaged through a box of papers, before pulling one out "Gotcha"


She gave it to Abby "Here, convoy route that is going to deliver supplies to the north force, has everything you'll need. In theory, I might be part of the convoy, so if you don't gun me down during it, that would be fantasic. Outside that, you've got till tomorrow, the best place to hit the convoy would be here, about half way, it's right before a new set of guards take over, meaning whoever is on duty will be relaxed, making them, well, easier to remove"

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abby studied the paper and memorized it "Alright in the cover of the day ill go. More aireons will ne out tonight so ill go in the morning when everyones switching positions." she said she looked around. "so uh...where would i sleep when im staying?" she asked

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Midnight looked around, she honestly didn't have anything for Abby to sleep on. The only thing to sleep on would be her bed, which wasn't very comfortable in itself, a test she'd used to make herself tougher.


"There, take the bed. It's a little on the rough side, but I think you'll like it"

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"Abby!" Pencilspark hollered calling the mare to him. There was one final thing left to do before they left ponyville. Pencilspark new the soldiers will come back. so the building will have to be destroyed to hide there tracks. Pencilspark had 2 barrels filled with a specail liquid very fiery if i say so.

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BraveShield watched as unmarked crates were moved onto the SandStorm


"hmmm....maybe thats them"


as he sat there watching the batponys move them. he figured if it was one of rebel groups they would refuse help from a random unicorn in a cloke witch would mean his luck has just turned around.

as BraveShield troted up to them he sead to the one overlooking the crates-


"hay there those look heavy ya need help with them"

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abbys ears perked and moved to face the back of her head. " ill be going now. Pencilspark is calling." she said and looked at the arced window. Good thing she had a slight build or she never wouldve fit through it. She poked her head back in to look at Blossom. "Be back before dawn!" she said and flew away. She later returned to Pencilsparks side "yes sir?" she asked him

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((sorry i been dead, my computer has been acting up so i had to leave in the shop for a few days to get it fixed))


Pencilspark was carring the large barrel to one end of the room, just as Abbey poked through "Ah there you are, i want you to do a few tasks" he looked over by the other barrels and cloth. "i want you to take this barrel and unplug it let it drain all through the building than take this felt and just toss it around" pencilspark took the plug out of his barrel and let it leak on the floor. "we gotta burn this place down, make it look like we been defeated. make it look like an accident, our trail will go cold" pencilspark said. He watched the barrel drain as he stepped out of the room, "meet me outside when your done and make sure there's a trail heading out the door." pencilspark took a step outside watching his men carry the blank crates and a hooded colt was beside them as he asked to help. "sure you can sir! they're my workplaces sewing kits, this place is being shut down so were moving to a different location" pencilspark was a fairly decent liar, he looked a bit like a merchant with his coat so he hoped the stallion didnt see through his lies.

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abby began to do as she was told and dragged the heavt barrels around the building. She decided to put a pile of barrels in the room the they were originally stored in and let them leak out there, making it look like an accident. she took a lantern, busted the glass, and set it by the barrels. she waited for it to catch fire then flew put of the building and landing by Pencilspark. A new pony jad arrived and she put a paniced look on her face. "SIR!! ITS ON FIRE! RHE STORE HAS CAUGHT FIRE!" she yelled, playing along with the lie as the building behind her burst into flames

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BraveShield was suprized that he'd been mistaken about this pony he thought all the unmarked crates and the train conductor paying no mind to them wail the loaded there crates onto the SandStorm was a sign that this was the resistance....

....then he saw another batpony fly towards them from a column of smoke with a satisfied look one her face until she saw him standing there then she changed to a panicked look and shouted about the storekeeper's store being on fire

'Gotcha' he thought

"i know who you are and i want to join the cause...." BraveShield whispered in the leaders ear "....and before you deny any of this" BraveShield unlatched his Lunar Knight sword ready to strike if necessary but kept it hidden under his coat "or try hit me upside the head you should know that your in the presence of Ex-Lunar Guard Captain BraveShield and ill kick your plot before you can say 'what'"

"your a fool you stupid unicorn, BraveShield is a batpony like us" a bulky batpony that overheard BraveShield whispering grunted as he put down the crate he was carrying "so you shouldnt make threats you cant keep"

BraveShield rolled his eyes at the stupid remark "you must have forgot that the guards have to change there coat color to match others in there group to seam more unified and intimidating. Whats to stop a unicorn that knows this spell to change species completely." he spat back at the big worker as he got closer toward BraveShield and his 'Hostage'

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Midnight sat in her room. Abby had ditched, needed by the other guy she presumed. She'd just received her new orders, she'd be part of the team protecting the supply run tomorrow, and a lieutenant was leading the protection team. What worried her most, was what would she do? Would she fight her new allies in order to keep the role of double-agent? Or would she be found out as a filthy traitor? She hoped it wouldn't come to that, last guard that betrayed their post returned to work a week later, and it was theorised he'd been brainwashed into forgetting his traitorious ideals.

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As BraveShield stood there he couldn't help but notice that the 'supervisor' he'd taken unknowingly hostage has done nothing sence the bulky batpony spoke, like he was sizing BraveShield up and was about to pounce.

BraveShield didn't like the uneasy feeling he was getting so he tightened the grip on the levitation spell on his sword (making his horn glow bright enough to be seen through his cloke by anypony within two feet) and recited the transformation spell sequence in his head incase he needed a quick exit.

((Also, When is all this happening(like how long has it been sense luna was freed from the moon)if you haven't established when Id like to suggest about two or three years after Teriks defeat. Because that guy almost taking over equestria is a vary good reason to have a change in management ))

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