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White Spirit

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Name: White Spirit

Sex: F

Age: Older Filly

Species: Pony

Pelt Color: White

Mane/Tail Color & Style: Turquoise beret and brown hair, with the tail kind of looking like a paint brush

Eye Color: Light blue

Cutie Mark: An easel, with an empty canvas on it.

Physique: Small?

Residence: Ponyvillle

Occupation: Artist

Motivation: To fill the world with beautiful paintings

Likes: Painting, adventures, being with other ponies, baked goods, and graffiti.

Dislikes: Painting backgrounds

Character Summary:

For as long as she can remember, Spirit has always loved the visual arts – but especially painting. She would often get in trouble with her parents and the teachers at school though, as she often drew on the floor, desks, and walls – and still does (they're all easier surfaces to work with, Spirit believes). So it's only natural that she'd find out her special talent would have something to do with drawing; namely painting.

How did she even get her cutie mark you ask? Well, during an art ‘exhibition’, of course! One day she and her class had gone to an art museum as a field trip. Gazing upon the different kinds of paintings inspired young Spirit, and wishes that one day, she too could be up there, beside one of the great Group of Sevens.

Little Spirit is a very direct and adventurous young pony, but can be very trusting of others – sometimes to a fault, as she always wants to see the best of others, no matter what they’re coming from. With that being said, she's always had a slight problem communicating with others. It has nothing to do with being shy, timid, easily frightened, or any reason like that; Spirit was born mute. But she's able to get around this handicap by communicating what she wants to say through her handy-dandy notebook. That is, when she's remembered where she’s put it.

- Instead of actual brushes, she uses her tail to paint + draw. And that is why she hates having her tail get dirty or even touch the floor

- She obviously likes to paint, but has a special spot for oil painting. Also has a tendency to mix her paints with turpentine very frequently.

- It’s also the reason why she has no sense of smell; because she uses it so much, it has made her and the tail in which she paints with, reek of turpentine

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I like her! A mute pony is a neat idea, and painting with her tail sounds just plain cute :3 I look forward to seeing her in RP ^^

As for fleshing out the app, I note that you haven't really said what her personality is like. We know she isn't shy, timid or easily frightened, but we don't know what she is. Maybe that's what you could expand on? As for a name, I think Turpentine might work as a girl's name.

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Oh me like another mute pony Pony_Sage's Character Rivet might get along with her well.

Also would it be okay if you moved your pony elsewhere? Ponyville is heavily crowded and we want to encourage others to live else where :D

Okkie dokie lokey -- done! =P

And, there's another mute pony roaming around? SWEET! =D

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