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DJ PON-3's Event R2(Razor / Flying Brick)


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Vinyl trotted back up into the DJ booth with a mischievous grin on her muzzle. The first round of speed dating was about to come to and end...and the second about to begin! It seemed that everyone had enjoyed their first round, she knew she had! But, there were more ponies to meet and who knew who she would end up dancing with at the rave later. Though she had originally thrown this event as a way of earning extra bits, throwing herself into the mix had ended up being fun so far. She stepped up, placing her muzzle in from of the mic.


"Alright fillies and gentlecolts! Time to back away before things get too hot and heavy!" She winked at a coffee brown mare and a griffon that seemed to have had fun on the first round. "Everyone on one side of the tables move two spaces right, all you on the other side two spaces left! You've got five minutes, make em' count!" Her unicorn magic caused the clock nearby to reset to five minutes. "Ready go!"


The DJ adjusted the music so that the speed daters wouldn't have to deal with awkward silences but also wouldn't have to yell to be heard. Time for some more fun!


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Well, Flying Brick was hitting vtroy raund of this speed date running, almost literally.  Being forced to sit still for a few minutes wasn't normally considered torture in Equestrian law, but when you were dropping a beat that moved the hooves directly into the brains of your audience, well!  What did you expect would happen?


Or maybe Vinyl liked to see a guest clamber over a table at the sound of a bell, take a flying leap off of it, bounce off the backs of two patrons in a row before planting herself flank-first into the chair opposite her next date.  It didn't even creek, or if it did, it couldn't be heard above the track.  The mare laughed, lounging over the back of it, "Built Stalliongrad strong!  Is good to see, so far from home."


She looked over at her date for this round, and her eyes lit up.  A griffon!  She always loved being around them; there had been a few in the neighborhood she grew up in, and she'd always known them to be rough but fun-loving beasts, well able to keep up with a mare like her.  "Dobryy vecher, grifon!  I am Flying Brick, and if you think bricks can't fly, you never seen Stalliongrad construction site, hahaha!"

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Razor walked from his first date, his first date in ....ever, with a look of confidence. That really wasn't so bad, in fact he couldn't even remember why he had been so freaked out about this thing in the first place. if all the other dates went like that then he should have this thing in the bag.


'Yeah. Yeah, I can do this easy. I got this stuff in the bag. I can do this.' Razor thought, sitting down with a smirk and a snap of his claws.


That was until his next date showed up. And in rather spectacular fashion.


Razor leaned back as the are spoke in a stalliongrad accent in addressing him. he leaned back slightly at the again, rather forward approach to him and he gulped.


'Okay I don't think I can do this.' He thought, all traces of confidence gone now.


Razor gulped once more, took a deep breath and went with his own introduction.


"Uh, greetings Flying Brick. I'm Razor. Razor Ironclaw of the Ironclaw family. And if you thought griffons were a tough lot already, you've never met an Ironclaw."


He could do this....he could this.....



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Bricks did indeed fly on Stalliongrad construction sites, as builders would toss them to one another as they were needed, usually to some rousing tune or other.  They were good shots; Flying Brick had only once seen a pony actually be hit by one.  He looked... well, not unlike the griffon in front of her right now.  Dazed, but not daring to show any weakness.


Perhaps a more delicate approach was called for?  Well, too bad, because this mare was about as delicate as cinnamon vodka.  "Ah, that is grand!  Have heard much of your family, and no doubt you live up to it!"  The earth pony mare leaned in, giving Razor a more detailed inspection.  Not big for a griffon, but plenty for a pony.  Full of nerves and bravado, probably his first time at this sort of thing.  She gave him a broad smile, and offered a hoof.


"Not so used to this sort of thing, eh?  Makes two of us, so why be down?  We come to be fools and have fun for the night, for who knows what morning bring?  Heck, yours will have more breakfast than mine."  Her smile went a little bit crooked at that; it was true, she'd impulsively spent the last bits to her name to get in the door, and it would be half a day of hungry dancing in the streets for a few bits before she could get a good meal.

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Razor blinked, rubbing the back of his head a bit. He felt a little prideful that his family name was spreading once more....though he did worry about what was being said. They had only just come back into prominence and still had a lot of work to do.


But when the mare said he would live up to his family name, he couldn't help but blush, even smile bashfully and say, "I...heh....thanks. I...I try."


He gulped, his face still heating up. Okay....things were going....good....


He nodded, "Y-yeah...uh...well...maybe a little. I uh....don't ....date a lot. I'm uh....trying to....fix that." He said, answering the mare.


He personally, really wanted to overcome his phobia...even if just a little. And, if he could even just manage to have a dating life, even if it was one every.....seven months.....he might finally....finally get his sister and mother off his tail and stop trying to hook him up with the first female creature they see.


"Uh...what do you mean by my breakfast being more then yours? I mean, sure I plan on having some pork chops with some salad. But, I don't think my eating some meat will make my meal any less filling then yours." Razor said.


Come on. She was a pony. The world of grass, flowers and anything green and growing was at her plate. If anything, she had more options to eat then he.

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Flying Brick had been trying to place Razor's attitude during the few short minutes they had alone together, and by this point, she was pretty sure she'd nailed it.  Stage fright!  It always happened, even for those ponies who dreamed all their lives of performing in front of an audience.  No matter how much you wanted to do it, no matter how much you practiced for it, there was always that little fear in the back of a pony's mind that they'd flub it when it really counted.  True, Razor was a griffon, and this was a date, not a dance performance.  Well, not a dance yet, anyway.  Still, the mare was pretty sure she got the principle.


The best cure for that was encouragement, and she leapt into the breach enthusiastically! "Well, you are making good start to date!  Practice time like this is valuable, but if you want to get a start on the real business, I'll see you on dance floor, da?"


And that would have been a good point to end, except that her last statement didn't seem to quite catch on the young catbird.  Her shining grin only faded briefly, but just for now, Razor could probably tell that she also was putting a brave face on thing.  "City mare; could never eat directly from ground, but haven't money for anything else.  But that is for the morning; I live in moment.  And hey, if you stick it out, something good will happen.  Advice for life, you know.  Dosvedanya!"  


And with that, the bell rung.  She didn't feel like taking a leap right now, so she trotted off like a normal mare, but stopped to send a wink back her date's way.  Not bad, she thought; definitely wouldn't mind seeing his moves, and showing him a few more on the floor herself!

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Razor blinked, and then felt like an idiot when he put all the pieces together. He went to say something, but the bell rang, making him jump slightly.


Time for another date?


He turned his head to see Brick walking off, and he faceclawed; feeling like an idiot.


So the mare had....money problems it seemed. Well, that just made him feel worse for not even catching it the first time. He practically had to make her nearly spell it out for him. The mare had to have felt embarrassed herself for having to do that.


'Way to go Razor. Some cunning and sharp mind of a predatory bird.'  He thought, clunking himself slightly on the head.


He gave Brick one last look, and blushed slightly at the wink as he got up.

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