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DJ PON-3's Event R2(Soarin' / Riff Run)


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Vinyl trotted back up into the DJ booth with a mischievous grin on her muzzle. The first round of speed dating was about to come to and end...and the second about to begin! It seemed that everyone had enjoyed their first round, she knew she had! But, there were more ponies to meet and who knew who she would end up dancing with at the rave later. Though she had originally thrown this event as a way of earning extra bits, throwing herself into the mix had ended up being fun so far. She stepped up, placing her muzzle in from of the mic.


"Alright fillies and gentlecolts! Time to back away before things get too hot and heavy!" She winked at a coffee brown mare and a griffon that seemed to have had fun on the first round. "Everyone on one side of the tables move two spaces right, all you on the other side two spaces left! You've got five minutes, make em' count!" Her unicorn magic caused the clock nearby to reset to five minutes. "Ready go!"


The DJ adjusted the music so that the speed daters wouldn't have to deal with awkward silences but also wouldn't have to yell to be heard. Time for some more fun!


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It had been a good day thus far. Meeting a candy maker was always a fine way to improve your quality of life! Not that Soarin' had needed a lot of help to make his life better. The Wonderbolts paid well- shocker of all shockers!- and he had a great amount of resources at his disposal. This was a package deal with one heck of a travel schedule and an undeniable pull on his time, but he could imagine far worse uses of his life than this. Once in a while he got a break through and today was a good day as a result, a simple little excursion with little other than some nice meet and greets with friends with great music and nice vibes all around. A perfect way to set up the fact that it was also a good way to meet fellow singles who likely weren't apt to take advantage of his celebrity...too much, anyway.

This was round two. The music was a little lower than last time which was a welcome reprieve. He wasn't going to say anything mostly because he was used to the sound and enjoyed Vinyl's tunes, but it had been a bit of a headache last round trying to get everything in order. Now everything seemed to be operating on a nice little rhythm in tune with the pumping music. Love, or if not love at least friendship, was in the air and he as there to partake in the juiciness of it all. Next up on the docket he surmised as she trotted on over was a sweet looking brown earth pony with a chirp in her step and a bounce in her eyes. Two for two so for- nothing dour to show for his experience so far. “Hello there. I'm Soarin'! It is a pleasure to meet you miss...?” He asked, hoof outstretched as he beckoned her to sit.

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