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DJ PON-3's Event R2 (Martini / Brawny Boulder)


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Vinyl trotted back up into the DJ booth with a mischievous grin on her muzzle. The first round of speed dating was about to come to and end...and the second about to begin! It seemed that everyone had enjoyed their first round, she knew she had! But, there were more ponies to meet and who knew who she would end up dancing with at the rave later. Though she had originally thrown this event as a way of earning extra bits, throwing herself into the mix had ended up being fun so far. She stepped up, placing her muzzle in from of the mic.


"Alright fillies and gentlecolts! Time to back away before things get too hot and heavy!" She winked at a coffee brown mare and a griffon that seemed to have had fun on the first round. "Everyone on one side of the tables move two spaces right, all you on the other side two spaces left! You've got five minutes, make em' count!" Her unicorn magic caused the clock nearby to reset to five minutes. "Ready go!"


The DJ adjusted the music so that the speed daters wouldn't have to deal with awkward silences but also wouldn't have to yell to be heard. Time for some more fun!


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How exactly does a pony get roped and saddled into an embarrassing situation, one which they have dreaded for a very long time? Not only was Brawny Boulder deathly afraid of time limits-as they had nearly lost him his parents as a colt-but he was also deathly afraid of speaking to mares in a setting other than the workplace or having a work related conversation. So, out of some kind of strange concern for his well-being and state of mind, Brawny's boss had sent him down to Canterlot for some kind of 'Speed Dating' thing, which had immediately made him run for the hills back home. Those two words did not belong together, however, his status as a miner was at stake, so he was willing to humor his boss as he sighed and nervously but quickly moved two spaces over, as directed, then coughed into his hoof and tried in vain to dust off his vest again before smiling sheepishly across the table. 


He had to shout slightly to be heard, but not dramatically. "Good evenin', a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm Brawny Boulder, may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"

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Alas for poor Brawny, the being that moved to sit in front of him was not a pretty young mare, but rather a rather brightly colored Lovebirdesque Griffon! Martini raised a brow at the other's sorta shouty voice, but just chittered  amused at it "Hello there Brawny, names Martini!" He said proudly, chest puffing up a tiny bit in an attempt at what he HOPED was an impressive display.

Martini was tired of being single and would LIKE anyone to be a partner, and he wasn't particularly picky, he's probably in for disappointment  since this stallion was looking for a mare but hey.. "So where you from?" He was eager to learn more about this stranger in their brief time together.

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It took a moment, but when you live in the outskirts of the Equestrian Heartlands, you begin to recognize that sometimes a female and a male can be very easily indistinguishable. Not to say that anything was wrong with the Griffon's appearance, it was just that for a Borderlands rough pony, it was a bit of a shock to see something so outlandish. After recomposing himself, he coughed into his hoof and smiled. "A genuine pleasure to meetcha, Martini! I'm from Bareback Gulch, a little mining town out in the Borderlands all cozy in the middle of Roughrider Ridge. How about you?"

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  • 2 weeks later...


Martini would think his coloring and voice, and size would make his gender clear, but alas it was not! But he just smiled, and listened to Brawny talk about where he was from, it was fascinating really, he'd never lived in a place like that "Bareback Gulch? I've made a few deliveries there! I'm a Carrier Griffon from the Islands!" He chirped, puffing his chest out proudly as he did so, very proud of his job and even more so of his island.

"Yes SIR the beautiful  islands of Gallopicus on the  sunny shores on Thunderhooves Island is where I make my nest" He nodded "I carry mail and packages from there to the main lands, it's really a beautiful place, you should see it at sun set the sea practically glows with colors! And the sun is this shimmering ball of melted gold that dissolves into the sea!"

He was really in love with his home, but he coughed reining it in, knowing their time was short and he didn't want to waste it "Tell me more about yourself?" He had a feeling he was not who the other wanted, since well he had been surprised he wasn't a female, but hey he could work with this!

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Brawny listened to the mail griffon, genuinely interested in what he had to say, plus the conversation being steered away from the awkward stallion didn't hurt neither. Unfortunately, all good things must end at some point, so now he had to talk about himself to this stranger and coughed into his hoof before answering.


"Well, I'm afraid I ain't as important as y'all, you being a mail griffon and all, but I too work on a regular basis. Specifically, I'm a miner, I use a pickaxe in my teeth or my own hooves to gather coal and silver and assorted jewels from the mountains and hills around Barback Gulch and along Roughrider Ridge.

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  • 2 weeks later...


"Don't talk about yourself like that, nor your job" Martini fluffed up at that "Your job is very important, Miners are important to Equestria as a whole, and you sound very strong and hardworking! Those are very important, just as important as a Mail Griffon, a Weather Pony or a Princess! There's no such thing as a small job" He chirped and pat the other on the shoulder .

"Don't take your work lightly  Mr! You're amazing"

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