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Alphanumeric [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria
Name: Alphanumeric
Sex: Male
Age: Stallion
Species: Unicorn Pony
Eye Color: Brown
Alphanumeric's coat is a smokey and dirty white. His coat is generally well-groomed, though not to the extent which a Canterlot noble might groom himself.
Mane/Tail: Alphanumeric's mane is combed over to the side, though he does still have a few prominent bangs. Alphanumeric face naturally grows sideburns and a beard, but he tries to keep it shaven. Sometimes though, the facial may expose itself whenever he hasn't the chance to shave it.
Alphanumeric is not as stocky at the typical stallion, nor is he as physically fit as the average pony. Running from place to place will tire him out very quickly. He can still shoulder to shoulder with many other stallions and not have any of them look up or down to him.
Residence: Baltimare
Occupation: Linguist and Cryptographer

Cutie Mark:Alphanumeric's cutie mark is a bronze padlock overlayed with the characters "1", "A", and "#".

Taking after his mother, who studies the linguistics of ancient cultures, Alphanumeric was heavily invested in field of linguistics as a colt. One day, his mother had taken her work home with her, and having trouble decrypting a sample of Mareyan glyphs. Out of curiosity, Alphanumeric decided to have a look at his mother's work while she was preparing dinner for the family. For his mother, several weeks of study, cross-referencing and examination bore next to no results in decrypting the text's message. For Alphanumeric, the pieces seemed to fall into their places all on their own. An animated discussion over the glyphs took place while dinner was being had, and when they were examined again, this time by his mother's colleagues the next day, it was discovered that the glyphs were a cipher for another set of glyphs. Using this new-found knowledge, the team of scholars were able to quickly decrypt the many more glyphs that were previously undecipherable. Although Alphanumeric's contributions to the project would not be known until the entire project was concluded, he knew what his true calling in life was, and would bear his new-found cutie mark with pride for as long as he lived.

Character History:
Alphanumeric was born in Baltimare (and continues to live there). Shortly after his birth, his parents divorced. This did not put a strain on the family relationship however, since the divorce was caused by Alphanumeric's father realizing he was gay. Alphanumeric's parents still lived together for several years before his father moved out with his new husband. Alphanumeric still gravitated toward his mother, due to his interest in the written language, but he and his father would often spent time together going out into downtown Baltimare going shopping and overall spending quality time together.

The family dynamic changed when Alphanumeric's father moved out several years after the divorce. At this point, Alphanumeric began spending more time with his mother, having taken an interest in her work. Every so often, Alphanumeric's father would visit (eventually joined by his husband) and take he and his mother out on the town or have a weekend vacation, but Alphanumeric would mostly spent his time with his mother otherwise.

Alphanumeric's school life was rather dull and un-noteworthy, excepting his lack of a Cutie Mark. Although he was teased early on in his life for his lack of a cutie mark, Alphanumeric was never really bothered by it. The other children wouldn't stop calling him "Blank" for the rest of his school life. However, as they matured, the word would become a term of endearment toward Alphanumeric, rather than an insult. His classmates even threw him a surprise party when they found out he has earned his cutie mark.

Alphanumeric now studies alongside his mother, researching the languages of ancient civilizations. He and his mother are hoping for the chance to go on a sponsored archaeological trip to examine the writings up close rather than from photographs.

Character Summary:
Alphanumeric excels at breaking written ciphers and codes. Ironically, he is able to create ciphers just as skillfully as he can breaking them.

Seeing his parents divorce hasn't eclipsed the love and care between the three ponies. Seeing his parents still get along has taught him to see the best in other ponies. His parents' openness about their feelings and their firmness in their relationship, despite being divorced, has led Alphanumeric to adopt a "information is free" mindset. Being a pragmatist also contributed to the creation of that mindset. Alphanumeric isn't blindly naive about the characters that exist in the world, even those living within Equestria's borders, and is wary of liars and and dishonest creatures, especially changelings.

Alphanumeric is not what most would call masculine. He has extreme reservations with conflict, and will outright refuse to argue or yell at anyone or anypony, making him a bit of a pushover. He's also quite nerdy, and although he can make friends with mare just as easily as the next stallion, he has trouble pushing those friendships to the next level. It doesn't help that his parents keep asking when he's going to give them grandchildren.

Alphanumeric is currently looking into joining archaeological teams to visit the lands of the ancient Mareyan and witness their languages on the stone with his own two eyes. Beyond that, he's also interested in employment in intelligence/counter-intelligence services in the government.

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Hi there!


This app is quite original, and looks really good!


All of the required fields are filled, everything seems to be in order.


Recommending this app for further Senior RPH review!


:D  :D  :D

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