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BraveShield [Ready]


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Role Play Type: WoE/Free


Name: Brave Shield


Sex: Male


Age: Stallion


Species: Unicorn


Eye Color: Deep Royal Blue


Coat: White with a Light Gray left Ear


Mane/Tail: Dark Blue with a stripe of Silver on the left side, much like Durpy's style but shorter in the back/Dark Blue with the underside of the tail being silver, like Rainbow Dash's style


Physique: Slightly taller then average with a husky build


Residence: Whitetail Woods closest to Garden Gait


Occupation: Lumberjack (retired Guard)


Cutie Mark: A silver shield with a red ribbon coming around the shield from the right and curling just left of the middle. Brave got his cutie mark when his class went to the Canterlot Training Camp for a field trip. When they were allowed to go do the activities the guards had set up for the class, Brave was suggested to go try one of the the defensive exercises, because of his name. When he was choosing a shield from the rack he chose the one of he shields with a red ribbon tied to the handle. When he was finished he was getting gawked at by his fellow classmates until he asked what was wrong. Then the instructor congratulated him on his cutie mark.


History: Brave Shield was born in Manehatten General Hospital, his mother (Golden Vase) and father (Iron Axe) lived in a small apartment in Manehatten. Until his father was fed up with being away from his wife and child all day. So he traded job as a steel worker for a cart maker and repairer in Garden Gait so he could see them more often. Things went well enough most of the time, except for when Brave left to go train to become a guard. When he was younger he had always loved helping his father around the cart repair shop, even though he probably made more problems then fixed them. But when he was home with his mom he helped her around the house because she had injured her left hind leg beyond healing in a crash when the pegasus on the left side of the carriage fell asleep on her way back from Las Pegasus on a business trip. After his tour with the guard he returned home to find the house empty and all of his parents things (save some of the furniture) and a note on the kitchen counter. The note said that his parents moved to Fillydelphia, that they would visit when the leaves turned orange, and that the house had been put in his name along with the cart repair shop. Brave Shield had been sad that he wasn't going to be greeted by anyone when he returned home. But, he was kinda giddy about having a place all to himself so soon. He soon realized after touring most of equestria that he didn't like working on carts anymore. So he had decided to make one more cart and afterwards sold the business to a young earth pony in town. When he took his newly made cart to the back side of his property he stopped by the shed and grabbed his fathers axe and started what he calls Timber Shield Logging. Even though its just him for now, he hopes to expand his 'company' and keep it alive as long as possible, till he retires.


Character Summery: He is good at defensive fighting (witch with how often he has been attacked is not very useful), looking intimidating, and moving heavy objects via muscle or magic. He dreams of one day retiring out near Cloudsdale and having a lovely home there, that he built, with his family.

Brave loves fairs, work, movies, and organization. He dislikes airshows, griffons(he'll always clam that it's because the first one he met had shoved him into the Manehatten river when he was really young but he didn't like them before that), and things going wrong.

Whenever Brave is bored and doesn't feel like working he goes to town and just walks around for a few hours or till he stops to talk to a customer about a wood order. He also has been known to go to Ponyville for some zap apples(only the apples because he makes them into cider instead of jam and hands a bottle to everypony who buys 10 cords of wood all at once)

He's not good at making friends and when he's around he gives off a safe feeling to anypony next to him.

He is pretty stubborn and he's been known to be forgetful. hes not good at playing any instrument or cooking (but anything that has to do with drinks hes good at). He seams to fail at giving up most of the time(for example he couldn't get a tree stump out of the ground for three days until his dad told him to leave it and just go around it(he still tries to get it every now and again))

His biggest fear is having his home and business taken away.


Thank you for reading this and considering my application


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It's worth pointing out that pony names that are more than one word have a space between them.  Also, there seems to be a lot of run-on sentences in this application.


Grammar nitpicks aside, it looks pretty solid.  I'll pass it on for further review by a Senior RP helper!

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Sorry for the delay. Anyway, your app is mostly fine except for the spelling and grammar in the first half of the application. If you would be so kind, please edit your application for spelling and grammar. It is an important step so we all know you can make posts that are readable to other players.

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